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Look what I got in the mail today!!!


Got these Butch Ts from Cappy (Pepper Ridge Farms) today. I couldn't resist trying a fresh one since I have only ever tried a dried pod before. I cut up one pod and took a 1/4 of it to eat. Right off the bat you could smell the Chinense smell of the pod and it was literally dripping with oil. The flavor was MUCH better than the dried pod and was very fruity. . . then the HEAT!!! Jesus jalapeno palomino was that little bastard HOT!!!!! I can't imagine what it would be like eating a whole Butch T pod. Sorry guys, I wasn't planning on video taping this one since I have to run around the house crying like a little girl when I eat these things. Thanks Cappy for some great pods!!!
Glad you are sampling your pods so fast Dan. Picked on Tuesday and mailed Wednesday morning, wow why can't the USPS do that with all the mail. Have a great weekend cooking and eating with the peppers! :mouthonfire:
Man, you handled it pretty well. I think I would have been flopping around the floor like a wounded animal. Enjoy the fresh pods, mine are still a couple of months away.
Well done ... I am yet to sample that type of heat yet ... the next 6 months will be dedicated to building up my tolerance levels ... hope you washed it down with plenty of your preferred elixir!!
I too received my pods from cappy this week, fatalis and yellow 7's. Tried my very first fatali last night about 10 oclock and helped myself to 3 more today. They are fantastic. I haven't worked up the will to take on the 7's yet though, prob tomorrow. You are definately one brave brave soul sir! Hope it wasn't on an empty stomach.
Thanks for the bravery props everyone. I'm already afraid for the effects 12 hours after eating one of these hot little s.o.b's. I was pretty scared just eating the part that I did. Like I said, I can't imagine eating a whole pod. Thanks again Cappy for the awesome pods!
You're very welcome Dan don't you have a hot sauce that you are working on? I cannot say that I eat these raw but really enjoy the sauces and powders that make with them and moderate the heat. Makes me feel good seeing others enjoy their first superhot peppers. :hell:
They are too damn hot if you ask me! :mouthonfire: I was on fire after eating a small chunk.. Then I tried a Brain Strain :mouthonfire: Wow! "Backamathroat" was flaming! Then finally the Douglah :mouthonfire: Geez! Are any of them supposed to really be eatin I was wondering.. Maybe they are for military weapons or something sadistic! Amazing Cappy! You friggin rock!
I'm starting to develop a new-found interest in tasting superhots. To date, I've really only had them processed (sauces, salsas, etc.) and dried. I think the only superhot I've ever had fresh before this was a Fatalii. To answer your question Cappy, I'm working on registering with the PA Department of Agriculture and must submit product samples for laboratory testing (damn government regs). I'll let everyone know what I'm doing with these little rippers!

Thanks again for the props!
Try this: Grill up a hamburger and chop up a fresh super hot on it. I did it with a Butch T last year and loved the incredible ride it took me on. I had a burger tonight and chopped up a 7 pod red on it. It was a good burn......
I hope you have some pain ointment.