campaign Lucky Dog Hot Sauce is Live on Kickstarter!

Thanks all - and thanks Westin! Full credit to Toni Tru on the short film - she is the talent behind it. Farmer's market customer met at random - loved the sauce & did the video for sauce/shirt trade. Very cool girl!
Finally kicked in!  I see you exceeded it already but I had to show some support for the best hot sauce on the planet!  Congrats Scott,  can't wait to see that new Lucky Dog van!
Will you ever make a great hot sauce without garlic? ;) And then maybe also start sending to Denmark? ;)
Congratulations with your soon to be 'new' van :onfire:
Nulle said:
Will you ever make a great hot sauce without garlic? ;) And then maybe also start sending to Denmark? ;)
Congratulations with your soon to be 'new' van :onfire:
Alas, I am a garlic slut. I love garlic so much. 
I had 2 people today tell me they were allergic to garlic. I cried for them both just a little bit. :(
111% funded! :woohoo: 
Lot of THP-ers stepped up, lots of friends & family stepped up & 100s of customers stepped up. 
Now I have to hope the new sauce doesn't disappoint & that all the new folks who jumped on board will like the mojo in my small contribution to the hot sauce world. 
Thanks again to everyone for getting behind this - and thanks SL for sharing the link 137 times - totally appreciated. :cheers: 

buddy said:
I'm in . . . looking forward to trying it.  Without doubt, Luck Dog are my favorite sauces - no questions.
Thanks Buddy! Can't wait to get folks feedback on it! 
Glad to see you got it done :)  I'm going to have to go this route once I start adding additional sauces to the lineup.  I exhausted my nest egg getting to the starting line and this gives me hope.  Unfortunately I'm no hot guy or have the best acting skills so I'm dreading having to make a video.  thanks for the inspiration
Kalitarios said:
Glad to see you got it done :)  I'm going to have to go this route once I start adding additional sauces to the lineup.  I exhausted my nest egg getting to the starting line and this gives me hope.  Unfortunately I'm no hot guy or have the best acting skills so I'm dreading having to make a video.  thanks for the inspiration
I am not a hot guy either - what helped me the most was 2 years of hard work building a customer base. ~60% of my pledges came from existing customers who wanted the new sauce, and/or wanted label art in some form (t-shirt, poster, etc)
For new companies with an untested product I think it's much harder, but I've seen several successfully funded that way. I'd highly recommend getting your "ask" as detailed and realistic as possible. e.g. don't ask for $1K claiming to do $50K worth of stuff if successfully funded and likewise don't ask for $50K if you only paint the picture of needing $1K. That's one of the most common reasons I've seen campaigns fail. 
Good luck! 