• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Hi...I'm new to growing, and having a problem germinating seeds. I've used the damp paper towel in a ziplok before, and it usually works. Over the summer, I seeded about 3/4 pound of t-scorps, and have tried to test-germinate 10 or so seeds, 3 times now. They go from a firm, straw colored seed, to a yellowish brown, and start looking slimey after a few days. I'm not sure if I harvested the seeds wrong, but have done this a few times before with jalapenos, and scotch bonnets, (and a few others) and they germinated just fine.

Any ideas what I may be dong wrong, or suggestions? I have a few hundred seeds, but I don't want to waste them all trying to geminate them unsuccessfully.

Garden overview as of July 1st:


---as compared to 5 weeks ago---


Quite a different scene!

Jamacian Yellow Lanterns coming to life:


PART of one of my Caribbean Red Habanero plants...and all 5 look like this. I'm going to need to learn how to make a sauce with these.


Back row is Red Savina, next is Caribbean Red, the shorter guys a lottle closer are the Jamaican Yeloow Lanterns...and the guys peaking up at the bottom are Chile de Arbol "Especial"...directly from the grower in Mexico.


Chile de Arbol (Especial) straight from the original grower in Mexico. These babies are hot, and more robust, and rich flavor than store bought Arbols.


Naga Morich pods really starting to turn. I was getting a couple a week...but about to get a daily harvest. Plus...they plants are on their second bloom...hundreds of blossoms per plant!

plants and pods are looking excellent congrats. What are the Jamacian Yellow Lanterns like heat and taste wise?
Wow, those are some good looking plants. You going to do any shade for August or just let them enjoy the sunshine? I have de Arbols on my list for next year and it looks like they grow just fine here. Awesome. I have some Datil's coming later this week if you would like to swap a handful of pods just let me know neighbor!
wow.. such pod pornage... all so healthy.. let me know how your jamaican turns out...wonder if they are different from my jamaican hot yellows

Wow, those are some good looking plants. You going to do any shade for August or just let them enjoy the sunshine? I have de Arbols on my list for next year and it looks like they grow just fine here. Awesome. I have some Datil's coming later this week if you would like to swap a handful of pods just let me know neighbor!

I haven't decided on shade yet. Thegarden is situated where it receives full sunlight until about 4pm...then shaded for the rest of the day. Well...I don't have to tell you...that's the money hour...after about 3pm, we peak in temps, so I might let it ride, and see how it works out. Sounds good. I'd like to start getting to know my actual neighbors that are growing.

wow.. such pod pornage... all so healthy.. let me know how your jamaican turns out...wonder if they are different from my jamaican hot yellows


Looks about the same...they might be the same. The thing I noticed most was the almost pineapple flavor of mine...how's yours?
Ok, this afternoon I stopped in real quick for a pod swap. Got a few of these right off the plant. Gotta say pictures don't do them justice. The Naga..wow hot and not just HOT but with TASTE! Unreal. The Scorpion.....well I didn't need milk, but it did send me running out the door to the front porch so no one would see me muuuhaaha. I really didn't expect it to creep that quickly. 15 min later when I walked back in the the wife is there shaking her head saying...'i worry about you sometimes'. Love it! Thanks again man!!!
Wow what pod prooduction you got over there your plants look amazing. How is the flavor of the black naga I have one plant that just started to flower.
Wow what pod prooduction you got over there your plants look amazing. How is the flavor of the black naga I have one plant that just started to flower.

Thanks! Black naga tastes abou tlike the morich, but not quite as sweet...a little more tart, which seems to be common with the pod color because congo black, and chocolate bell peppers are all a little more tart than their red varieties.

awesome peppers man!!!

Thanks...if you're ever out west of town a bit, you can come see them in person!
damnnn you got a pepper jungle in there :dance: ...nice harvest there my friend, you gonna be having months of heat in your house
Thanks all. The super hots have slowed a bit with the heat wave we had last week. They have decided to produce smaller pods, and not as bright red. Oh well...as long as they're still producing!
Looks about the same...they might be the same. The thing I noticed most was the almost pineapple flavor of mine...how's yours?

No pineapple flavor on mine. Check out my review of it on my glog.

Nice harvest. Hope when I get home back to LA ill have something to harvest
