• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Hi...I'm new to growing, and having a problem germinating seeds. I've used the damp paper towel in a ziplok before, and it usually works. Over the summer, I seeded about 3/4 pound of t-scorps, and have tried to test-germinate 10 or so seeds, 3 times now. They go from a firm, straw colored seed, to a yellowish brown, and start looking slimey after a few days. I'm not sure if I harvested the seeds wrong, but have done this a few times before with jalapenos, and scotch bonnets, (and a few others) and they germinated just fine.

Any ideas what I may be dong wrong, or suggestions? I have a few hundred seeds, but I don't want to waste them all trying to geminate them unsuccessfully.

Hey LB, your garden looks really great, some nice varieties and very healthy!
Your pod harvests are awesome - that big red carribean is a giant! Mine is
dropping flowers like crazy; can't get it to set a pod Dang. I guess pics of
yours will have to do for now!

Continued success, bro!
Thanks guys...and Paul...good to see you around my piddly little neck of the woods. I've read quite a few of your posts over the last year, here and there, and you seems to be a rock solid chile head!
First Yellow Fatalii turning...


Below is a Caribbean Red plant with so many pods, it splayed out like a dog on ice. I had to wrap it in baling twine...and dropped off about 50 pods...it still has hundreds of pods on it...which is why it fell "apart" in the first place. I finally had to drive a t-post and tether the plant to it...


Chile de Arbol "Especial"


Some odd naga hybrid...


And outside the fence...

Chil de Arbol "Especial", Red Fatalii, and Yellow Fatalii.

We just got 2 inches of rain...the first in well over a month. It looks like it's bringing cooler temps for the rest of the week...so maybe an early fall harvest?

We were lucky enough to be directly in the path of the storms all night. We got 2"...it's been raining here now for 14 hours! Starting to let up a couple hours ago.
Nope...damn storm system is just gonna miss us to the north. At least we have good chances for rain the next few days.

Oh...Fremp...you need to come get some more pods... ;)
LB: Your pepper patch looks mighty good! Love the naga hybrid shot. I wish we'd get some rain, my grass is an awful wheat hue at the moment.
Nice update, LunchBox. Like the Jamaican Yellow shots. I have a plant that has about a couple of small pods forming right now. Looking forward to seeing the first signs of yellow.
I meant in the next week or so they said it would rain 3 outta the 7 days....It's raining now,and thats all that matters to me!
In addition to the rain we got Tuesday pm to Wednesday am (2.5" total)...we just got 4" ove the last 8 hours. I had put out some bone meal, and powdered milk on Wednesday...gave it a couple days to "stick" to the damp ground...and now all this lovely rain to soak it in.

Also...for anyone following my aphid problem on another thread...they are gone. New growth coming out of damaged plants like crazy! I expect a massive harvest in before Halloween!
Hi...I'm new to growing, and having a problem germinating seeds. I've used the damp paper towel in a ziplok before, and it usually works. Over the summer, I seeded about 3/4 pound of t-scorps, and have tried to test-germinate 10 or so seeds, 3 times now. They go from a firm, straw colored seed, to a yellowish brown, and start looking slimey after a few days. I'm not sure if I harvested the seeds wrong, but have done this a few times before with jalapenos, and scotch bonnets, (and a few others) and they germinated just fine.

Any ideas what I may be dong wrong, or suggestions? I have a few hundred seeds, but I don't want to waste them all trying to geminate them unsuccessfully.


Aughhhh LB! You've come so far! You have met your challange with a fierce hand and a green thumb. Glad to hear everything is on the up and up. Growing God's gifts and blazing a path of fire everywhere you go. Amen
LOL. That's really a testament (pun intended) to this forum. EVERYTHING I learned about this to make my first year a success came from here.