smoking Made a cheap sweet sauce last night for BBQ chicken.

I picked up a bottle of this stuff at WalMart yesterday and mixed some Datils into it. Damn! It was seriously good. The flavor of the sweet sauce is real good and it has a tiny bit of heat in it already. Add your favorite pepper in it and it's damn good on BBQ chicken.

Nat...there are a number of vendors, most with pretty respectable versions of that sauce. I use that as a base in a number of sauces I make, most noteworthy a sweet thai chili cream sauce that I use on salmon, lamb, and just about any
meat I can think of. Depending on my mood and whom else might be eating it, I'll throw a chopped hab into the sauce. That stuff is so good it will make you harder than pennitentiary steel with a head on it like a housecat!

Cheers, TB.
Love Thai sweet chili sauce,Homemade or not it just livens a dish up and you adding that great pepper called the datil is just going to make it something to savor :)
texas blues said:
Nat...there are a number of vendors, most with pretty respectable versions of that sauce. I use that as a base in a number of sauces I make, most noteworthy a sweet thai chili cream sauce that I use on salmon, lamb, and just about any
meat I can think of. Depending on my mood and whom else might be eating it, I'll throw a chopped hab into the sauce. That stuff is so good it will make you harder than pennitentiary steel with a head on it like a housecat!

Cheers, TB.

Any chance you'll share that recipe? That sounds absolutely delicious.
talas said:
Love Thai sweet chili sauce,Homemade or not it just livens a dish up and you adding that great pepper called the datil is just going to make it something to savor ;)
Yeah buddy! Man, I had to pick the rest of my Datils this afternoon! The weather man says it's going down in the 30's tonight! IN FREAKIN FLORIDA IN OCTOBER!

I don't remember it ever getting this cold, this early in the year. We usualy only have a couple of cold snaps that last a week or so. This is unreal.

I took the last of my peppers off. About a dozen Tabasco's and maybe three dozen Datils, all green.

Green good will those be?
NatGreenMeds said:
Green good will those be?

Awesome. I like them in all stages of ripeness. The green ones are nice and crunchy with plenty of flavor & heat. They get kinda soft if you let them turn completely red, but they still kick ass that way too. You can't go wrong with tabasco peppers.

If you ever see the pickled ones in the grocery store right next to the hot sauces they are all green ones.

Anyway man, I wish you luck with the frost, keep all that cold air over there if you wouldn't mind ;)

Also, how are those Datils? Sound good from what I could find on Really good flavor to go with the scorching heat?
Txclosetgrower said:
Awesome. I like them in all stages of ripeness. The green ones are nice and crunchy with plenty of flavor & heat. They get kinda soft if you let them turn completely red, but they still kick ass that way too. You can't go wrong with Tabasco peppers.

If you ever see the pickled ones in the grocery store right next to the hot sauces they are all green ones.

Anyway man, I wish you luck with the frost, keep all that cold air over there if you wouldn't mind :cool:

Also, how are those Datils? Sound good from what I could find on Really good flavor to go with the scorching heat?
Hey, thanks for the info on the Tabascos. Datils have an awesome flavor, man. It's not like any other pepper. Very unique. You either love them or hate them. Depending on the plant, they can be real hot to medium hot. I've grown some that were no hotter than Jalapenos and some that blew off the top of my head. There is a "Sweet" datil that has no heat also. Same taste, but no heat. Lots of people here in North Florida cross the two types and get all ranges of heat.

Just got up and it's 41 out. Damn! This is Florida! Quit with that already! It's supposed to get up in the 70's later.
Txclosetgrower said:
Any chance you'll share that recipe? That sounds absolutely delicious.'s real easy. I start with minced shallots and butter sauteed until clear, I then add some cream...couple cups, bring to a simmer and reduce a little bit, then add the thai sweet chili sauce. The thai sauce will thicken the cream a bit. I usually simmer it down a bit on low heat till I get the right consistency and then add salt and pepper to taste. A good pinch of ground cumin is very nice. You can also toss in a hab with the shallot and go from there. When the sauce is almost done, it helps to whisk in a pat of butter to finish it. This sauce is sweet, hot and rich. I am addicted.

Cheers, TB.
If you dont have chiles on hand and need a good sauce in a pinch...go get the sauce called Srirachi (in the asian food aisle with the rooster on it and a green pop up cap) looks kinda like that stuff but is bright red...

we used some of that with some soy sauce and I think a little bit of ketchup and made the best spicy BBQ sauce I have ever had (even better than my own that I make from scratch)
TheJollyRancher said:
If you dont have chiles on hand and need a good sauce in a pinch...go get the sauce called Srirachi (in the asian food aisle with the rooster on it and a green pop up cap) looks kinda like that stuff but is bright red...

we used some of that with some soy sauce and I think a little bit of ketchup and made the best spicy BBQ sauce I have ever had (even better than my own that I make from scratch)

Love me some Sriracha. I keep a bottle of this in the pantry and use it like ketchup. They give you a cup of it mixed with what i can best determine as dark soy sauce(thick) when you order Pho at a vietnamese restaurant. You mix it in the soup and it gives it a great flavor.
Txclosetgrower said:
Love me some Sriracha. I keep a bottle of this in the pantry and use it like ketchup. They give you a cup of it mixed with what i can best determine as dark soy sauce(thick) when you order Pho at a Vietnamese restaurant. You mix it in the soup and it gives it a great flavor.
I love Sriracha. I have a bottle of it in the fridge and one in the pantry. I like it on almost anything. I also use it as a base. Try this; take one cup of Sambal Oelek with one cup of Sriracha and blend in two Nagas until it's all a nice sauce. I also put BBQ seasoning in it. It's like fire and has an awesome flavor. I keep a jar of that mix in the box all the time too.
Tigahb8 said:
Interestingly I was looking at pepper mash today and the web site
stated that "Sriracha sauces" used red jalapeño mash as a base for their
sauces. The site is here; check all the
way at the bottom of the page.

I'll be damned. It must be reduced to gain heat. That stuff is hot! Not in the superhot range, but it'll make you bust a sweat.

It's got a very good blend of seasonings in it, as does the Olek, which gives them a very distinctive taste.

Sushi with Sriracha sauce on it is awesome good!

Olek on Pork is a standard for me now. They go perfect together.
Txclosetgrower said:
Love me some Sriracha. I keep a bottle of this in the pantry and use it like ketchup. They give you a cup of it mixed with what i can best determine as dark soy sauce(thick) when you order Pho at a vietnamese restaurant. You mix it in the soup and it gives it a great flavor.

A bit late, but the dark thick soy looking sauce is actually just Hoisin.

You can get thick soy called kecap manis but it's not got the sweetness.