Magic Hat

The Hot Pepper

Magic Hats are hit or miss for me. Don't care for the #9, but like the Fat Angel.

Here's a decent Seasonal IPA...

Magic Hat H.I.P.A.


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I have yet to try that HIPA..I have decent hopes set for it though. The 9 was alright in my book, not something to write home about but it was ok. So far I haven't had too many of their beers.
This H.I.P.A. is pretty good.
Right now I'm drinking one of these new (to me at least) Sierra Nevada Torpedos. A double IPA I's pretty tasty. Basically like their Pale Ale only noticeably hoppier with a nice piney smell and taste.
I almost got that yesterday, but I picked up this H.I.P.A. I thought maybe it would be too hoppy. Maybe I'll try it.
It's fairly hoppy, which is fine for me..It isn't the hoppiest beer I've had though. Wouldn't mind have a taste comparison test with their normal IPA and this. Their IPA has been around for a bit but I never see it on sale...only had it once or twice.
they have tons of it around here I don't mind picking up a couple 6ers if you want to try them, is it legal to send beer in the mail? Personally I'm not a big fan, but every once in a while I'll be in the mood for one.
I'm liking the HIPA. It's a great tasting IPA but it's a little more subtle than a lot of them. Makes it easier to drink while still tasting good. Probably my favorite on out of this seasonal 12 pack..w/ #9, circus boy (hefeweizen), and one other one I forget..but it has some strange ingredients..some kind of spring ale.
Looks good. I'm a big Magic Hat fan. Unfortunately since moving out of MA years ago I've only had a couple #9's in Vegas and a place with 7-800 beers on the menu. That one must have come out within the last few years cause I've never seen it.
Thanatopsis said:
Looks good. I'm a big Magic Hat fan. Unfortunately since moving out of MA years ago I've only had a couple #9's in Vegas and a place with 7-800 beers on the menu. That one must have come out within the last few years cause I've never seen it.

You've been to the total wine in Boca right? There is also Case and Keg on Boca Raton Blvd North of Glades. Hit up Brother Tucker's down in Pompano too...I posted a review in the restaurants section.
Been to Total Wine. I occasionally go to Nipper's late night across the street since it's the closest place open until 5am. I live right around the corner from Case and Keg, less than a 1 cigarette walk, and go there all the time. Never been to, or heard of, Brother Truckers. Will have to check it out.

EDIT: Ever go to the Funky Buddah? I never did, but I gues they had a decent microbrew selection. But I never will now, I was told they recently closed.