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Making powders---recommended mask set up

I was grinding some dried Butch-T's and painter's mask was not enough. Not only that, enough microscopic particles made it into the air and I couldn't open my eyes and my face started to burn.

Any recommendations on mask etc. for grinding superhots?
I remember DEFCON Creator posted a picture of himself wearing like a WW2 style gas mask while grinding habaneros. I couldn't find the post unfortunately.
There are a few factors when choosing a respirator.

The reusable, throw away types don't work. I have been in Construction my entire life, and they are great for a quick sweep of a jobsite floor but that's about it. They are of no use for filtering much fine dust particles, let alone, fumes.

If you are wanting a respirator to just filter fine dust particles, expect to pay at least $30. they sell refill cartridges for them, so you don't need to buy a new mask each time. The replacement cartridges may run $10 (for both), and will last hundreds of hours.

A mask that filters out fumes is another story, (Paint Thinner, Varnish, gasoline etc.) Expect to pay a bit more money for one. I'm not sure of the cost because I have never bought one. I would say it would be a bit overkill for the casual user.

You can get both that are respiratory only and with full face mask, Check out Home Depot, they have a fairly good variety, and well worth the purchase. For some like you JHP, I would say a full face apparatus would be good, since you have a business making powders.

It all really comes down to how much you want to spend. Spend at least $30 for a good one that will actually work.

Hope this helps.

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Yeah, I'm using a coffee grinder. The blender is kind of reserved for non-superhot pepper use. I may have to get that masked one above. Can't go through that again. I though I was doing good with a mask and gloves. lol.
jag, do you mean a spare "blade assembly"?
I ran some dried pods a few weeks ago through a coffee grinder and maced myself too. I still have some dried Naga Vipers and Ghost Scorps to grind. I'm going to use a mason jar with the blender blade assembly. Frying my face once is good enough for me. I went into the house to wash my face and the powder on my clothes had everyone sneezing. My wife got me a dedicated blender for my pepper hi-jinx.
I turn my oven hood vent fan on high and use my grinder directly under it. When that fan is not on, everyone knows it real quick.
Using a coffee grinder as well.
BUT---I do it in front of a window with a big fan in front, pointing outside, on high.

Funny story----was grinding a bunch up one day, attempting to find the best mix of pepper types for a project, and the wife walked by the window outside.......

Actually, not a very funny story. :doh:
hahahahahaha, Grotox that is extremely funny and made my morning (yes, I'm a sick individual) I can picture it now.

I've used a resperator, they work well. I usually don't use anything, it's really not that bad to me. I'm sure one day something will happen that will make me decide it's better to just leave the mask on lol
LOL. I actually tried just putting enough to fill the grinder the day before yesterday w/o anything. And then yesterday I took off the top and did it again. This time w/o issue. But I think I'm going to get the mask so I don't have to wait days between grindings. :)
We use the Israeli gas masks all Israelis are issued. Comfortable, affordable, and work well at keeping the capsaicin out of our lungs.