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tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the process....it's easy....

Man, I just LOVE how these purees look in the jars!  So Beautiful!  I have a Jonah 7 Pot from about 2011 that still looks perfect.
For those ChocHabs...just do 'em up straight to get 'em in the jars.  You can always re-batch them later after waking up at 3:14am with the : :idea: : inspiration.
salsalady said:
Man, I just LOVE how these purees look in the jars!  So Beautiful!  I have a Jonah 7 Pot from about 2011 that still looks perfect.
For those ChocHabs...just do 'em up straight to get 'em in the jars.  You can always re-batch them later after waking up at 3:14am with the : :idea: : inspiration.
Haha, that does happen to me all the time to be honest... I keep a post it pad handy for those situations! I ended up pecan smoking ~4lbs of the choc Habs and after deseeding/stemming/placenta (all by hand UGH, wanted to keep heat to minimum and flavor to maximum as they are really hot but so tasty so no kitchenaid strainer to keep placenta/vein out) I ended up with ~3lbs. Should I mix em with some freshies to mix it up or just run em straight pecan smoke?

This is seriously a full time job especially when all the plants are loaded down at the same time! For example, today's "to-do-plant list" is to set up fermentation vessel for my smoked + roasted red jalapeño/aleppo/pueblo/sulu adana/garlic sauce made last night (48oz without seeds!) , figure out how to do bunch of jars of pickled peppers, prep more pounds of reaper to fill dehydrators, make watermelon jam to use my single watermelon I was able to grow and not waste it, and there's still so much harvesting to do in the garden aside from all the cooking work! My fire hands need a break I was so ready to throw in the towel all day yesterday as they haven't stopped burning in 4 days!! The third pic is of half my sugar rush peach concentrate made the other day :) tasty stuff!

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Lava pools of 2.5lbs finished chocolate habaneros hand seeded veined and stemmed by hand no kitchenaid! The smell is indescribable!! More aromatic and hard to breathe than reaper puree in many ways! Puree from this is gonna be killer, taste tests are great so far! Agave, and garlic rice wine vinegar mixed with distilled white! It gets progressively darker as it cooks down reduces and the enzymes, carbohydrates, anthocyans, etc. break down!




Bookers said:
Looks amazing

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Used it on some pork chops and chicken as a baste before grilling with some aji spice powder blend and it was killer! With the color and flavor of the chocolate I see some bbq sauces in the future...

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AlabamaJack said:

The recipe is:

100 grams fresh peppers
60 ml 5% White Distilled Vinegar
1 tsp agave nectar
1/4 tsp sea salt


Great recipe Alabama Jack, thank you very much for this.
I just have one small doubt, when you say "tsp", do you mean teaspoon or tablespoon? The spoon in the picture looks more like a tablespoon than a teaspoon
AlabamaJack said:

forgot to say, you want to keep the puree on a very slow boil...if you don't you will scortch them....and when you stir the boiling puree, be careful of the bubbles popping...this hurts already...I will have hunan hand all day long now...

Am I the only one also getting hunan feet making these purees?
MuyPicante said:
Am I the only one also getting hunan feet making these purees?
That's what happens when you make sauce wearing flip-flops. Kind of like deep frying without a top, cutting up peppers without gloves.... ☺️
Where I live I cannot get vinegar 5% only 10%. will this work and should I then use half? I can get apple- and white wine vinegar 6%. Which would be best do you think?
Thank you.
Diluting 10% with equal parts vinegar:water will give you the same consistency and acidity as using 5% vinegar.

If, in some situations, you may want a thicker product, then using half the amount of 10% vinegar will give you the same acidity as before with less excess water in the end product.

Sometimes you may want the standard vinegar acidity with the water, sometimes using the stronger vinegar would be a benefit.

Hope this doesn't add confusion.
SmokenFire said:
edit: I also got some of SL's 7pot jonah puree.  that stuff lit my world on fire. 
Yikes, that sounds insane.
The hab/Scotch bonnet puree is awesome!  I mix it with all kinds of stuff.
I made 4 pints and I still have 2 gallon bags of habs in the freezer and more coming every day.