• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the process....it's easy....

Absolutely will! I've got more chocolates than I know--knew what to do with. Thinking choc habs with a couple choc bhuts and choc fataliis thrown in the mix. Probably roast and/or smoke first. Just waiting for the weekend to mosey around!
winland said:
I am also a novice at making sauces and purees.  
I followed AJ's recipe and just multiplied the ingredients per 100 grams of de-seeded peppers.
100 grams fresh peppers60 ml 5% White Distilled Vinegar1 tsp agave nectar1/4 tsp sea salt
I do all my pepper work outside or in my garage and I have dedicated tools for working with peppers.
Earlier this year I purchased this Ninja 1500 set up just for working with peppers.

My first batch of puree was the 200 grams of fatalii's
I made the mistake of using the bowl attachment to puree the fatalii.
That did not work out very well, so I read the manual (yes, I am a man and only revert to reading the manuals as a last resort).
I had to finish off the fataliis with a submersion blender to get it to a "puree" consistency instead of chunks.
I used the tall pitcher attachment for the other two purees and that was MUCH better.
I use the single serve attachment to make all my powders.
My propane grill has a side burner, just like a gas stove.
I used that to heat up reduce my puree.
It was a bit too hot and I could not turn the flame down very low, so I had to get another, taller grate to lift my pan higher from the flame. 
Once the puree was reduced by about 25%, it went into the sterilized 4 oz. jars and into a hot water bath for about 20 minutes.
AJ's instructions on the first page of this thread are very good.
Hope this helps you, Rocky.
Hey chuck, I just bought that ninja supra set and was hoping to use the bowl. What about it didn't work? Did you have all ingredients in at the time or just peppers?
wiriwiri said:
Some real good looking sauces & such you're making friend,I will have to copy some of the recipes.
Good job.....Sandy
If this is directed at me, thank You very much. I'd be happy to share anything I may have left out. But everything I've done so far is based on things I've seen here. Got some great recipes floating around this place, I'm glad I finally dove in and started doing more than powders
twilliams386 said:
If this is directed at me, thank You very much. I'd be happy to share anything I may have left out. But everything I've done so far is based on things I've seen here. Got some great recipes floating around this place, I'm glad I finally dove in and started doing more than powders
Oh yes its for you,I do have to read some of the recipes from others too...may have a ? or 2  down the line,TY.
salsalady said:
just follow the recipe as originally posted.  It's been tried, tested, and true from many makers over many years, but don't HFH, which is usually used for thinner hot sauces in woozy bottles.  Just use some nice small 4 oz jam jars readily available all over the place right now at Wally-world, Cenex,  North40....., or some hexagon or other shaped jars with a BWB to make some sweet gifts. 
The puree product is pretty thick for a sauce and I think you'l find it difficult to work with woozy bottles both filling and pouring out.  BWB is super-simple.  Any kind of stock pot or wide sauce pan will work for a BWB,  especially with smaller jars. 
edit- using a BWB with an appropriate small jar will give you a really nice shelf stable jar perfect for gifting.  
Have Fun!
I'm going to try this recipe. I'll take pics. I'll use the little jam jars, cause that's what I have. If it's a success, I'll order them hexagon ones.

I have two questions.

If I use the jars with the one piece lids, do I need to do anything special when canning?

And, I was thinking of using my crockpot for cooking the purée down. It would be convenient for the outdoor cooking.

Do you think this method could be used?

I hope it comes out half as good as yours Ann. That stuff is addicting. I feel like a crack head, every time I open the jar. LOL
using the crock pot is a great idea!  cooking down is not necessary, it just makes a thicker product.  If people don't want to spend the time to cook it down, it can be processed right after blendering and cooking.
I'm not sure what you are referencing with the one-piece lids, so I'm going to assume it's a metal lid with the rubber ring on the inside.  Nothing special, it's the same process as 2-piece lids for the boiling water bath.  Put a wire rack or something in the bottom of the pot to keep the jars off the bottom of the pan, cover to about an inch over the jars and boil away!  for 10-15 minutes anyway....  :lol:
Those one-piece lids can probably also be pressure canned as long as the jars and everything are rated for it.   Pressure canning is not required for this puree recipe and most usually do the BWB. 
edit to correct stoopit autocorrect.... :rolleyes:
salsalady said:
using the crock pot is a great idea!  cooking down is not necessary, it just makes a thicker product.  If people don't want to spend the time to cook it down, it can be processed right after blendering and cooking.
I'm not sure what you are referencing with the one-piece lids, so I'm going to assume it's a metal lid with the rubber ring on the inside.  Nothing special, it's the same process as 2-piece lids for the boiling water bath.  Put a wire rack or something in the bottom of the pot to keep the jars off the bottom of the pan, cover to about an inch over the jars and boil away!  for 10-15 minutes anyway....  :lol:
Those one-piece lids can probably also be pressure canned as long as the jars and everything are rated for it.   Pressure canning is not required for this puree recipe and most usually do the BWB. 
edit to correct stoopit autocorrect.... :rolleyes:
Yeah I thought it would be better to use the crock pot. I've used it before to make hotsauce. I figured why not for reducing it down. I reduced it a little over 25%. Actually, this is hot sauce. Just minimal ingredients. It's not as good as yours, but it's good enough for storage. I used some Yellow Scorpions and MOA's. They were frozen pod's. I prefer fresh pod's, but have no problem with frozen. I used 600 grams (21 ounces). I'll make another batch in a couple days. I have some Red Scorpions, Bhuts, and Jigsaws. I did a bunch of taste tests. I was even comparing it to yours. I had cap cramps most of the day. LOL. I'm sure it's like hotsauce. Once it cools down, it taste different. Age will help as well. I hate auto correct. Every time I tried to post lids, It replaced with kids. I should have left it. LOL. Sorry about the cruddy iPhone pics. I'll have to get my camera out.

Thanks again for the help, Ann.


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salsalady said:
Very nice!!! That'll be burning you up for months. :)
Thanks Ann,

It came out really good. It has a great citrus taste. I couldn't believe how much it reminded me of my Orange/Pineapple/Mango sauce.

It will go quick. It's got my heat level. I was going to take another pic with my camera, to show the true color. Next batch.
I started a new thread on this method, but was suggested to share in AJ's thread. Makes since, mine will probably disappear soon.

This thread is epic. Plus it's AJ's recipe.

Credit, all goes to AJ.

Second batch of Crockpot Purée.

1000g of Bhuts, Scorpions, and Reapers.
600ml 5% White Distilled Vinegar
2 tbsp agave nectar
2 1/2 tsp sea salt

I let this batch cook a little longer. I wanted a thicker product. This batch is hot. Going to use it it to make small batches of hotsauce, when needed. A perfect way to reduce or cook. No need to hover over stove worrying about scorching sauce, or your lungs.


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lot's of water has flowed under the bridge since I started this thread....and I have made a lot of purees since...probably close to 1000 jars...
using a crockpot is a great idea for cooking down...not much chance of scorching with the CP....
I see that people are using the hot water bath method when making the purees....make dang sure you check you pH....
The main reason I use pressure canning is...to me it is safer and provides a longer shelf life...no evidence for my thoughts but I do have jars I put up back as much as 5 years ago and they are still good...
I tried something new (for me)....I bought 5 pounds of Butch T scorpions, smoked them using hickory...then made puree out of them....man this is the absolute best stuff I have made...
have great day all...
AlabamaJack said:
lot's of water has flowed under the bridge since I started this thread....and I have made a lot of purees since...probably close to 1000 jars...
using a crockpot is a great idea for cooking down...not much chance of scorching with the CP....
I see that people are using the hot water bath method when making the purees....make dang sure you check you pH....
The main reason I use pressure canning is...to me it is safer and provides a longer shelf life...no evidence for my thoughts but I do have jars I put up back as much as 5 years ago and they are still good...
I tried something new (for me)....I bought 5 pounds of Butch T scorpions, smoked them using hickory...then made puree out of them....man this is the absolute best stuff I have made...
have great day all...
I did something very similar and the smoked version is balls deep epic! Glad to see you poke your head back in the thread. 
AlabamaJack said:
lot's of water has flowed under the bridge since I started this thread....and I have made a lot of purees since...probably close to 1000 jars...
using a crockpot is a great idea for cooking down...not much chance of scorching with the CP....
I see that people are using the hot water bath method when making the purees....make dang sure you check you pH....
The main reason I use pressure canning is...to me it is safer and provides a longer shelf life...no evidence for my thoughts but I do have jars I put up back as much as 5 years ago and they are still good...
I tried something new (for me)....I bought 5 pounds of Butch T scorpions, smoked them using hickory...then made puree out of them....man this is the absolute best stuff I have made...
have great day all...
The CrockPot is a life saver. Set and leave. Great for small batches.

Glad to hear from ya AJ. I'm a regular at your other famous thread, "Good Mornin".

I pressure canned the first batch. The second batch, I water bath. This purée will be used up pretty quick. I'll pressure can from here on out and see how it goes.

Smoked ButchT purée, sounds awesome.

Thanks again for sharing your recipe with use folks.
OCD Chilehead said:
The CrockPot is a life saver. Set and leave. Great for small batches.

Glad to hear from ya AJ. I'm a regular at your other famous thread, "Good Mornin".

I pressure canned the first batch. The second batch, I water bath. This purée will be used up pretty quick. I'll pressure can from here on out and see how it goes.

Smoked ButchT purée, sounds awesome.

Thanks again for sharing your recipe with use folks.
Cool idea, using the crockpot for cooking down the puree in small batches. Good on ya! :party:
Hello all,
I just want to make sure my fat head understands fully what to do here.
I take my 100g of peppers and de-stem and de-seed.  Throw them in the blender.  Add vinegar, agave nectar and salt.  Blend it up until smooooth.  Pour into 4oz jars.  I only have access to BWB for now so I will do that for 15-20mins.  Refrigerate after opening.
Do I need to filter this through anything?
Ok, so my first attempt I think leans towards failure.  I do have pics so that is a good thing.
I started with 150g of deseeded Peruvian Giallo Arancio peppers.  These are smaller Aji Amarillos.  I got the seeds from Fatalii.net. 
Here are the peppers in the food processor:

Here are the seeds I pulled from the peppers.  Let me know if you want any seeds....

So, I added 90 ml of 5% Distilled White Vinegar, 1.5 tsp of Agave Nectar and 1/4 tsp of sea salt and spun that food processor up.  While doing this, I was keeping a few jars hot in the not so BWB and warming up a few lids in another small pot. 
The 150g of peppers didn't seem to produce much puree.  I transferred it directly into a pot to simmer.  I put it on the lowest heat setting on the stove. Here is a pic:

I assumed it would cook for about an hour so I didn't watch over it much.  After 30 mins, I checked on it and it seemed that all of the liquid was gone and it was a paste.  I had enough for one 4oz jar and just a little extra.  Here is a pic of the extra.

So, after I transferred the puree paste into my 4oz jar, I turned up the heat on the BWB bath and kinda waited for it to rapid boil.  20mins later there wasn't much change so I put the jar in and I was thinking that I would leave it in until there was a rapid boil.  That rapid boil never happened.  30+mins later I gave up and removed it from the bath.  The lid did pop.  Here is a pic of the final product:

I did taste that "extra" puree and I thought it was very good.  This pepper isn't the hottest thing around but I tasted the pepper, a slight twang of the vinegar and some sweetness from the nectar. 
1) Make a larger batch.  I am guessing 250-300g is a minimum. 
2) Be smarter when simmering.  Pay more attention to the puree during this time.
3) Get that water boiling earlier in the BWB.
This was my first attempt ever at canning.  I have a lot of room to improve.  Thanks very much for this recipe.