• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Manzano Glog

I got to thinking there are a lot of people growing this pepper and I think for the first time for a lot of us.  Thought it might be neat to see everyone's Manzano as they progress through the year.
I have three plants, all yellow.  My first plant was sowed in Octobish of last year and I have two that are from around Christmas time.
So who all is trying to grow these long distance runners of the pepper world?

Here are my three babies.  The two smaller ones are the same age, but the smaller one had a massive helmet head and I didn't think it would survive.
Thanks for the advice guys. if it goes outside that's it, no coming back inside at the end of summer. I only have three plants any that go outside will stay there. At this point I guess the only thing I need to figure out is if I should go into a 20gal container outside or in the ground. If it goes in the ground should I add shade cloth as it gets full sun for most of the day?
Thanks for the advice,  I have 3 rocotos and 4 manzanos from Smokemaster, so I will mix it up a bit and see how they do.  Sounds like I will need to keep in mind the size they can get to and plan for staking them.  Thanks again for the help
That beast from the east is rocking. I assume you had that under lights all winter? It's huge. She'll love that 20 gallon pouch.
I few of mine:
A couple of weeks ago:

That leads to this:



Pod pics were from a few days ago. Just checked on them today and they are still small but coming along nicely.
Jeff H said:
That beast from the east is rocking. I assume you had that under lights all winter? It's huge. She'll love that 20 gallon pouch.
I few of mine:
A couple of weeks ago:

That leads to this:



Pod pics were from a few days ago. Just checked on them today and they are still small but coming along nicely.
Thanks plant only had artificial light for about two weeks, she's been growing slowly by natural light here since last year.   nice plants by the way! 
Pr0digal_son said:
Definitely made the right decision. Take care of that beauty better than you do yourself,she will give you some tasty fruit.

Here is a shot of the momma plant.
Thank you sir! you can't see them in the pic but she has some peppers already getting bigger by the day, cant wait to try one fresh off the plant  :dance:
Here are a couple of pubes, they're coming in slow because I wasn't changing the water in the Aerogarden. I had a few set backs, but I'm sure these will be good when the weather cools down in about 4 months from now.

Y'all have a great week!

I think I remember reading in an earlier post or another thread that Manzanos can be a pain to get to fruit up.  Am I making that up or is it truth?  I've got an orange manzano that looks really good and keeps geting flowers, but no luck getting any peppers.  This is the first time I have grown them.
Here is my latest shot of the pods on my Mexican Rocoto.  I sure hope they start growing fatter, as they are currently long and not round like some of the ones I see on this Glog.
My Manzanos have also finally got a few small fruits on them as well.  Sorry for the slightly blurry shot.
  I sure hope that someday it will look like a few of the plants I see above.  Those are incredible.