• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Manzano Glog

I got to thinking there are a lot of people growing this pepper and I think for the first time for a lot of us.  Thought it might be neat to see everyone's Manzano as they progress through the year.
I have three plants, all yellow.  My first plant was sowed in Octobish of last year and I have two that are from around Christmas time.
So who all is trying to grow these long distance runners of the pepper world?

Here are my three babies.  The two smaller ones are the same age, but the smaller one had a massive helmet head and I didn't think it would survive.
JJJessee said:
It could be the heat if they are outdoors, especially if they have not fully recovered from transplant shock.
I guess it could be, but not sure. It along with the other 30 peppers or so that it planted have been outside for about 6 weeks. Everything else seems to be podding up just fine. Guess I will keep my fingers crossed and hope it starts to soon.
/\  Nice pics!
Here are my Manzano plants.  One had a couple blossoms while still in a Solo and in the house but they dropped.
All three are growing nicely outside but no sign of flowering yet.
Nice looking pepper, Jeff.   I love the look of yellow colored peppers.
One of my plants had a few blossoms before it was set outside that dropped.  The same plant had another blossom last week.  The petals are off - I'll be watching to see if I get a pod set.
Pr0digal_son said:
I counted 52 pods last night ranging from a pea to golf ball in size. The weather here has been very mild and fruit set is good. I will try to get some pictures up next week.
I'm impressed. Sure beats my 1/2 dozen, but at least I have that many.

Pods are staying elongated and not apple shaped so I dug out the photo of the seed vendor I used.
There photo is below.

Of the few of mine that have ripened, this is what they look like. Maybe a slightly different type of Monzano then the typical apple shaped one.
Seeds from here.
Impressed with even half a dozen.  I have two so far and one I just picked.  Taste test to follow.  Got HS reunion to go to tonight.  Get to have people I never talked to in school or since be so concerned with what I am doing and how I have been.  Be the first one I have attended.  Most are just strangers that went to the same school as I did lol.
Not 52 on one plant..haha. I see a ton that have pollinated,I don't get excited until I see them about pea sized though. Even then they can drop. The weather has been good as far as no extreme temp spikes. There hasn't been any sun though for the other plants.

If things keep rolling the way they are,I will be more than happy to send you guys some different ones later in the summer.

Jeff H said:
I'm impressed. Sure beats my 1/2 dozen, but at least I have that many.

Pods are staying elongated and not apple shaped so I dug out the photo of the seed vendor I used.
There photo is below.

Of the few of mine that have ripened, this is what they look like. Maybe a slightly different type of Monzano then the typical apple shaped one.
Seeds from here.
My orange pods were shaped like apples last year,the yellows not so much,only a couple. Most were egg shaped or something similar. I noticed ones named "rocoto", specifically the browns and some reds,have a lump at the calyx,and then a lower body like an egg.
These aren't as hot as I expected them to be, but the heat hangs around.  Great flavor, but I can't really place the flavor.  The texture of these when biting into them is an awesome crispness.  I like em, and they are awesome kewl to grow and gorgeous looking when you cut em open.  Bet there aren't too many of these grown in Indiana!!!


Pr0digal_son said:
Jealous!! Soooo jealous!!

They are like any other pod,you will get some duds. The ribs on the inside hold some good heat. No hot spots in the mouth or burn jumping around. It is a nice even heat and it fades slowly.
I guess I was expecting heat above the tepin cross I ate Tuesday.  Your heat analogy is spot on!!!  Mine seemed to want to go to the throat, but the overwhelming bulk of the heat was under the tongue.  
Great salad pepper!!!
If I don't get a lot this year, I may just eat them all just by themselves to get the taste.  I am hoping my yellow ones make....I didn't think any of my orange ones made it, but I guess the first one was orange.
Well...y'all went and made me join in. I have grown Manzanos for the past three seasons out here in Socal and they do very well. I didn't start any this season because I promised the wife a small grow, but when this was at the nursery today...

Who could blame me??? First time growing a Rocoto or a Red pube...all of mine in the past have been Orange or Yellow Manzanos. I have never grown peppers in this particular spot either, but it should be able to overwinter in the ground here on the south side of my house.