Maters: Cherokee Purple

Somewhere in the internet I found a variety of tomatoes called Cherokee Purple. They're said to be huge, fleshy and juicy and to have a strong fruity flavor. So I can imagine they would be great salsa maters. And they are said to be bred by the Cherokee, my wife's ancestors' nation, about 200 plus years ago so they're called heirloom.

Does anybody here have seeds of those nice plants?

I grew some Cherokee Chocolate toms and was not impressed. Low yield to start with. But a major problem is the bottoms would almost start to rot before the top was ripe. They did have lots of juice, making them a good mater since I was looking to can juice. They also had lots of seeds. I don't think they would be great for salsa.

wordwiz said:

I grew some Cherokee Chocolate toms and was not impressed. Low yield to start with. But a major problem is the bottoms would almost start to rot before the top was ripe. They did have lots of juice, making them a good mater since I was looking to can juice. They also had lots of seeds. I don't think they would be great for salsa.

All the pictures I've seen are of toms with unripe top. it's like a thing they have.
Omri said:
All the pictures I've seen are of toms with unripe top. it's like a thing they have.

Those are ripe. They just have green shoulders.

Cherokee purple is one of the best tasting tomato out there. They do look ugly tho, and cracking is a common problem. They usually have good yields, but this year is a bad year for them. You can probably find them at Lowes or Home Depot in spring.
They may have green shoulders or whatever but I had to cut at least 1/4 of the tom off before mashing it for juice.

I read a lot of different information about it now. "Great yield", "low yield", "best tasting", "not impressed", found a few US and German sites. Most dealers are sold out with seeds. But if I can get hold of some I will grow them just for curiosity.
Armadillo said:
But if I can get hold of some I will grow them just for curiosity.

Nothing wrong with that. This is how I found out about Green Sausage and Red Zebra which I'll grow again, and some that were a waste of good gardening space.
