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seeds Matt's 2010 Garden list/seedlings

See? I told you that it's contagious...you just can't grow enough peppers. They take over your life and your gardening space. Such a good problem to have!!!!
Yeah I been gardening all morning. I over wetted some seeds I had germinating and I think they kicked the bucket, I dug around in the soil and nothing after 2 weeks on the heating pad staying at 85 degrees. I know 2 weeks isnt long, but they showed no sign of germination at all and they were sweet peppers. I got a set of 36 cell Burpee trays at Home Depot the other day and for some reason I dont know, I picked up 2 refill packs, I used the refills today in my larger planter, hopefully these things grow now, they arent mine, already spoken for by co-workers. LOL

Did some mater work last night too, finally potted them up from the germination tray, but this is the wrong area for maters, but I love them anyways.

Just a note, the Burpee trays have these little pucks that you pour 1 1/2 ounces of warm water over and they grow like the 4th of July snakes, remember those? LOL Not sure whats in them, but after they grow they look like the coco coir alot of people use just not as hairy.
Ok no more pepper planting, I have WAY more than I will ever get eaten. LOL Here is my FINAL list of whats germinating/growing:

Bhut Jolokia
T Scorpion from Asias Garden and AJ
T Scorpion CARDI from Mister_Al, PepperFever and a couple from where Spain
BillyBoy Douglah from Nova Hothead
Thai Dragon
Peter Pepper
Jalapeno Early
Jalapeno Fooled You
Prairie Fire
Red Cayenne
Golden Cayenne
Orange Habs
White Habs
Chocolate Habs
Super Datil
Caribbean Red Hab
Jamaican Hot Red
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Hot Cherry
Chili De Arbol & Cortez Mex Tree from Justinero
Sandia A
Chinese Giant
Ancient Sweet
Yellow Wonder
Sweet Banana

So unless I counted wrong I have 33 types of peppers growing, Wellsburg is gonna be one peppery town this year. LOL

Then there are the 6 types of tomatoes growing, onions as soon as I can plant outside, the Burssel Sprouts and Michihli Cabbage popped up this moring. Then outside sown will be Kale, Cucumbers, a pumpkin or two and of course some garlic and dill. I need a Mantis tiller. LOL
Hey, I saw in the first post that you were having trouble with soil temps and were getting no humidity in your grow boxes. And this maybe to late now but I always use the hottest water that will come out of my tap to water my seeds. In my opinion this helps boost soil temperature and you get instant humidity.

I to suffer from the pepper planting addiction. If you find a fix let me know.
Well I am a bad gardener/forum member, I skipped a week of updates, sorry. So here is my 2 week update, everything is growing fast now, I am going to have a hard time finding room for everything til I can plant outside in May. LOL I also am going to have to commit peppercide, I found out that I cant sell at the farmer's markets without a fed tax ID, B/S right? I do have an friend that I ride motorcycles with that lives in the country, he said I can plant peppers on his acerage, but I am responsible for them, he wont help me, not a problem really, I wouldnt mind doing it, but it is about 35 miles away, but he is surrounded by corn/beans, so cross pollination wont be a factor, might be a good place to plant my "seed peppers"?

So here we go, bear with me, this is going to be several post since I over planted. LOL

I havent seen a commercial for it in years, but they used to end it by saying "Fosters, Australian for beer". How about "Fosters, American for planter"? No offence meant to my Aussie forum friends, the cans were a good size for the Medusa peppers, they shouldnt get too big for the cans...

My biggest Bhut, it needed it's own home. The chopstick is marked in 1 inch increments, 0 is level with the dirt. It was sowwed on Dec 26th and is now almost 4 inches tall...

These are my T Scorpions, red color. AJ Scorpions are on the right, smaller but they were planted a little later...

These are my super hots, Caribbean Reds, Habaneros, and the rest of my Bhuts. The front 5 little plants are Medusa peppers...

Sorry for the crappy looking carpet in the pic, my Siamese refuses to use her scratching post, she prefers the carpet in my bedroom and only this piece. Luckily this was just a 5x10 left over from the living room, which she leaves alone, thankfully...
Not hots, Yellow Cali Wonders...

TABASCO!!! Need I say more???

Again not hots, but still nice, Pablano Rancheros...

Some Jalapenos...
The next 2 pics are my T Scorpion CARDIs, 6 plants total, you can see they all came up at different times due to the size difference. The right 4 in the bottom pic are Bhuts, I have 6 total...


My only 2 Peter Peppers that germed out of 10 seeds. These are my tallest plants so far...

These 3 are Pepperoncinis, they are doing funny things, I have treated them the same as all my other plants, but they arent quite right...
Again, not hots, Ancient Sweets. The little bugger in the back is a Shishito I stuck in, he is a happy little bugger but growing slowly...

This is a mix of peppers, hots mostly. The 6 little peat squares are tomatos my mom ordered me from a cataloge, supposed to have been "pre seeded" they were mostly dumped around the box in shipping, I have no hopes for them, but they might surprise me...

More mixed pepper plants...

And finally, I know this is the hot pepper place, but I gotta show off my Maters...
looking great Matt! and dont worry... all fosters is good for is using the cans for planting!! well done, I bet you have a fantastic season!
LOL Mel, you mean Australians dont drink it? Man! Another marketing scam for America :( Its not too bad of beer though, after the first oil keg can I dont mind the taste at all, but it gives me a headache the next morning.
I had to rearrange plants today so I could get some of the taller plants under different growing lights. I also went to Menards and picked up 10 2x6" 12 foot lengths. I am going to build 4 2x12' boxes outside the fence along the back, it will get sunlight from sunrise to sunset pretty much. However I couldnt be out building any boxes today, all our snow melted over the last 3 weeks and wouldnt you know it, today we got 2 more inches of the hellish white crap! LOL it is supposed to be in the lower 40's tomorrow so maybe I can get a couple of the boxes built in the afternoon.

I got the Mantis tiller out yesterday and went through the 3 boxes I used last year, removed left over dead plants and tilled deeper. Amazingly my Kale started to turn green since the snow melted, I didnt figure it would survive the freeze, but it did. I pulled it anyways and will replant when it is warmer. I am also planning on getting a bale of peat and mixing it into the new and old boxes along with some bags of perelite and some lime.

It may be wrong but I read online that if you put a handful of Epsom salt into the hole before you plant your tomato and pepper plants that it can be beneficial, is this true? I dont believe everything I read online LOL

The Bhut that I repotted last week into the larger pot is responding very well, it has grown almost an inch in height already! Its amazing what a bigger pot and a little fertilizer will do. Will post pic tomorrow as well.

Tomorrow I need to pot up one of my Zavory peppers, it is going wild and has a nice root ball. I took it out of the solo cup tonight just to look at it and it is almost completely roots.
Matt50680 said:
However I couldnt be out building any boxes today, all our snow melted over the last 3 weeks and wouldnt you know it, today we got 2 more inches of the hellish white crap! LOL it is supposed to be in the lower 40's tomorrow so maybe I can get a couple of the boxes built in the afternoon.

I was planning on working on my outdoor setup and wouldn't you know, 3 inches of snow so far this morning. It was 70 degrees yesterday...
Yeah I feel your pain PGM, I was out thursday on the motorcycle, 65 degrees. LOL Mother nature is a biotch sometimes.
Zavory and 2 Peter Peppers. The Zavory on the left has gotten HUGE...

Here we have a AJ Scorpion on the left & 2 Bhuts on the right...

These are little, but they are Douglahs, FINALLY!!!
Weekend Project

I have been dreaming about expanding the garden for awhile now and finally did it this weekend. I built 4 2'x12' boxes out of 2x6 12 foot lengths, took 10 of them. I laid them end to end outside the back fence where the peppers will get sun from the time it rises over the hill to the time it sets behind the treeline in the west, so about 12-14 hours or so, depending on how long the days are.

I had my neighbor help me set them inline along the fence then I went to work on them with my Mantis tiller, going about 8" deep into the ground. Next I raked out all the grass I could and some of the rocks. Turns out there used to be an alley back there long long time ago before we moved in, but its all grass now, not sure how well its going to work, but I will find out in a couple weeks (6 or so).

Next I went to Menards and picked up a bale of ProMix Sphagnum Peat Moss and 4 40lb bags of manure/compost. I mixed 1/4 bag of Sphagnum and 1 bag of manure/compost into each of the first 4 box sections and then topped it off with a wheel barrow of top soil from last years garden boxes. I need one more bale of Sphagnum and 4 more bags of manure/compost to fill the remaining 4 boxes, but that can be later this week, I have had enough digging and tilling and messing around for today. So heres my progress so far, I have 48 feet of what I think should be a good mix to grow my little hotties in. I am not worried about the neighbors, they know I am growing super hots and none of them are that bold. LOL

I think once the peppers are planted I will tie into the fence with some chicken fence to keep the rabbits and whatnots out of the garden, 1 foot tall should do the trick...


Mostly filled, could use some more top soil, I will be mixing well over the next few weeks and maybe adding in some good stuff for the peppers to eat once they go to their summer home.

Need more compost/peat/manure...
jjs7741 said:
Looking good so far. How many plants are going in there?


I havent decided yet. I have always read that 2 foot per plant is perfect, so that would make it about 24, but if I stagger them I could get 48 right?. Last years plants didnt get very big, I think because of lack of nutrients, they were all about 2 foot tall but didnt get very big around.
I think you could put 4 plants per 6' section, but 5 is pushing it. Your plants are looking healthy and will probably be a lot bigger this year. As long as you keep them fed, you can get by with a little more intensive planting, but you run the risk of missing an infestation of bugs or restricting air flow and getting disease. To fit 48 in there, they only get about 12" each and that isn't enough IMO, 18" is ok, but 24" is better.

JJS, yeah I think you are right, 4 would be good per box section, that would give me 32 plants total, 4 of each of my super hots :D I still have 2 4x12 boxes from last year and another 5x5 box, but I need to save space for tomatoes, chinese cabbage, some kale, cucmbers and onions. I wonder how radishes would grow along the edge of the new boxes, if I put them to the south they should get plenty of light and not fight with the peppers too bad.