chinense Matt's Review Series Standbyandfire: Savannah 7 Pot and Brown Moruga Scorpion

compmodder26 said:
Gonna have to give Todd's recipe a try methinks.  For medium heat superhots I'm fine, but I'm finding that anything above that, I wake up in the middle of the night with cramps.  My usual routine, which worked fine last year, was a PB sandwich and glass of milk before, then a glass of milk afterwards.  If the pod was really hot I would eat another PB sandwich.  As I said, that worked last year.  Not so much this year.  Last night was my breaking point.  I was up from 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM this morning.  Couldn't puke, though at times I really wanted to.
Brian, what I find helps a a lot once the cramps start is to take around 4 tablespoons of just cooking oil. I like the flavour of olive oil, so I use that. It usually damps down the cramps significantly within a few minutes. It`s my emergency go-to remedy   :P
Nigel said:
Brian, what I find helps a a lot once the cramps start is to take around 4 tablespoons of just cooking oil. I like the flavour of olive oil, so I use that. It usually damps down the cramps significantly within a few minutes. It`s my emergency go-to remedy   :P
Thanks for that Nigel!  I will certainly give that a shot the next time it happens.  Hopefully I can find a solution that will prevent the onset, but it's also nice to have that as a fallback.  I usually drink a glass of milk, which helps somewhat, but since the oil is pure fat, it makes sense that it should have a greater effect than the milk would.
I am soooo far behind on my content, but that is to be expected working 12s with a slight possibility of 1 day off every 2-3 weeks. Matt your are on my list to send some peppers to. Nothing really new this year, but I have a few wick Yellow 7Pots for you and some Yellow Scorps for old time sake.