• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2013

With some delay I sowed last sunday, 24 february. First I had doubts to start at all since it was already getting late in season but with all the varieties (thanks to all the great people I traded with!) I wanted to try I had to give it a try
Keep in mind that the list was over 100 varieties, so I trimmed it down a lot. I intend to keep the 2 strongest plants of each variety except for the Piment d'Espelette. Some seeds are already old like the CGN (±8 years), so I got replacements in case the have popped up in 2 weeks.


The first one to germinate after 3 days was the Coyote Zan White (C. Chinense). The rest followed quickly

Now almost a week later 69% has germinated:

7-Pot Brain Strain Yellow 4/4
Aji Panca 3/0
Ampuis 3/3
Ancho 3/3
Bhut Jolokia Mustard F2 3/1
Brito's Mystery Peach F3 3/3
Bubblegum 7 F3 3/2
CGN 16905 3/0
CGN 22796 3/0
Chilhuacle Amarillo 3/3
Chilhuacle Negro 3/3
Chilhuacle Rojo 3/3
Chimayo 9/9
Chinese 5 Color 3/3
Coyote Zan White 3/3
Devil Serrano 3/3
Devil's Tongue White 3/0
Dulce de Espana 3/2
El Oro de Ecuador (PI 585244) 3/3
Elephant's Ear 3/3
Fish Pepper 3/3
Gochu 4/4
Green Chinense 3/0
Guajillo 4/4
Habanero Galapagos Isabella 3/3
Habanero White Giant 3/1
Jalabanero F4 3/2
Jalapeño Apache F3 3/3
Jalapeño Ciclón 3/3
Jalapeño Colima 3/3
Jalapeño Coyame4/4
Jalapeño Craig’s Grande3/3
Jalapeño Dark Red 3/1
Jalapeño Dulce 3/3
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato 3/2
Jalapeño Fooled You 3/3
Jalapeño Gigantia 3/3
Jalapeño Goliath 3/3
Jalapeño Ixtapa X3R 4/4
Jalapeño Jalapa 3/3
Jalapeño Jalastar 3/3
Jalapeño Mammoth 3/3
Jalapeño Master 2/0
Jalapeño Numex Jalmundo 3/3
Jalapeño PS 11435810 3/3
Jalapeño Tajin 3/3
Jalapeño Zapotec 3/2
Jalapeñona 3/2
Madame Jeanette "Long Strain" 3/3
Maldivian White 3/3
Petenero 3/1
Piment d'Espelette 12/6
Puya 3/0
Rocoto de Seda 3/0
Scotch Bonnet "P. Dreadie Strain" 3/2
Scotch Bonnet Belize 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Foodarama 3/0
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Indian Red 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Orange "Bahama's Freeport Strain" 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Papa Joe's Mkt 3/0
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican 3/1
Scotch Bonnet Yellow x 7-Pot Brainstrain Yellow F1 3/0
Sweet Chocolate 3/3
Sweet Pickle 3/3
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow 3/0
Urfa Biber 3/3
Waialua 3/0

The ones in the bottom are mostly the Scotch Bonnets, so they are a bit hard to see on the photo.



Bit to much Chimayo seedlings in one hole


I re-potted the Chimayo seedlings tonight, I will give away most of them.
Definitely  a nice looking puree Stefan! Out of curiousity... what was the percentage of Acetic Acid in your vinegar? Here in the States the standard seems to be 5%, and I seem to recall that in Europe you can get 10% white vinegar. In that case, I'd use half as much.
Chile Negro is just another name for Pasillas, so you should be good there with the chili powder blend. Dried, ripe Anaheim chiles are called New Mexico chiles if they're grown in New Mexico (Duh...), but elsewhere they're Called California chiles. I gather the difference isn't in the variety, but because the Anaheims grown in New Mexico are more stressed due to the growing conditions there, and are hotter than the ones grown elsewhere. They're still pretty mild for the folks on THP, who would probably spike it with something with  a lot more heat than an Anaheim... ;)
Wow, blown away by your stunning harvest, Stefan!  
Amazing variety and the quality looks just superior.  
The corking on those Jalapeños made my mouth water!  
Your daughter looks sweeter and cuter than ever.  
I hope she is doing well - it looks like it!.
Hope your season finishes strong, Stefan.
Hi Stefan!
Great looking puree, I love the color!
And I forgot to comment on the cute helper you have there yesterday.
Good deal introducing her to what you do in the garden, I'm sure she's more than ready to "help" ;)
Have a great week!
capsidadburn said:
Beautiful and delicious looking puree's Stefan!

Pretty pleased with it as well, Mike :)
romy6 said:
 Now that's what I am talking about Stefan. That puree is beautiful.  :fireball:
I'm definitely gonna make some more puree, it's very simply and you keep the flavor very pure. I have to say, it's not as hot as I expected it to be. Could be that I'm getting more used to hotter peppers also ;) I tasted a full teaspoon and had no problems with it. Year by year I'm getting there, Jamie ;)
stickman said:
Definitely  a nice looking puree Stefan! Out of curiousity... what was the percentage of Acetic Acid in your vinegar? Here in the States the standard seems to be 5%, and I seem to recall that in Europe you can get 10% white vinegar. In that case, I'd use half as much.
Chile Negro is just another name for Pasillas, so you should be good there with the chili powder blend. Dried, ripe Anaheim chiles are called New Mexico chiles if they're grown in New Mexico (Duh...), but elsewhere they're Called California chiles. I gather the difference isn't in the variety, but because the Anaheims grown in New Mexico are more stressed due to the growing conditions there, and are hotter than the ones grown elsewhere. They're still pretty mild for the folks on THP, who would probably spike it with something with  a lot more heat than an Anaheim... ;)
It was pretty hard to find but eventually I found it online and the percentage is 4% which in theory should be less strong. Thanks for the info on the chiles :D It's important that the heat is as low as possible since my wife isn't used to it (yet). I'm also thinking on a blend with the Chilhuacle Amarillo. Need to experiment a bit I guess :)
PaulG said:
Wow, blown away by your stunning harvest, Stefan!  
Amazing variety and the quality looks just superior.  
The corking on those Jalapeños made my mouth water!  
Your daughter looks sweeter and cuter than ever.  
I hope she is doing well - it looks like it!.
Hope your season finishes strong, Stefan.
Thanks for dropping by Paul. She's growing really fast but that's probably a cliche thing most parents say :lol: She's also starting to get more attitude each day, developing her character. By the looks of it I will have a couple of harvests before the season ends. Judging by the forecasts we got till November, but you can never know for sure. Of course they are in the greenhouse but once it's freezing for days in a row the ground will get colder and kills the plants inside as well. Tomorrow I'm gonna do a harvest again because there's a lot ripe pods hanging on the plants again. With the lower temps and the higher humidity in the greenhouse you have to watch out for mold and such.
Devv said:
Hi Stefan!
Great looking puree, I love the color!
And I forgot to comment on the cute helper you have there yesterday.
Good deal introducing her to what you do in the garden, I'm sure she's more than ready to "help" ;)
Have a great week!
Thanks, Scott :) She loves it in the garden, we do it on purpose so she grows up knowing where her food comes from. Also it's healthy working outside and she loves to mess around in the garden. You have a good weekend!
Thanks, Scott :) She loves it in the garden, we do it on purpose so she grows up knowing where her food comes from. Also it's healthy working outside and she loves to mess around in the garden. You have a good weekend!
We did the same thing with both of our kids, my son is even getting into the hot peppers. And his oldest daughter is really into growing. Can't beat that!
Friday eve! :dance:
PaulG said:
Friday eve!  :dance:
did I miss sumpin?
He's just looking forward to friday eve which means weekend time for him I assume :) I gotta work but hey that's okay :P Tomorrow I'm gonna harvest all the ripe pods that are out there because sunday it's gonna be around 37F. They say it will be only one night but you never know.
Devv said:
Well Thursday is the eve of Friday, and Fridays are my favorite day. Get to sleep past 4:15 for two days and do what I want...well mostly...always honey-do's ;)
Always those honey-do's huh, guess that's a never ending story everywhere ;) You have a great weekend, I have 2 more night shifts and then it's weekend for me. Although I got about 16lbs of pods waiting to be seeded and processed :lol:
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Lovely harvest.
How's your indigo maters. ?'
Thanks for asking. I did managed to harvest some OSU Blue maters and they were true. Very dark, if not almost black. It looks beautiful and different and that's the only positive I have. It's not prolific, it takes ages for them to ripen of and the flavor... well let's say water tastes better  :whistle: Not gonna grow those anymore. I cleared out all my plants last weekend since the temps have dropped they've gotten weak and started to get sick.
Two weeks have passed and today the time had come to pick some more ripe pods before the frosts is really here. Next couple nights are gonna get colder so I really wanted to pick the ripe ones before that. By the looks of it, this harvest is a bit bigger then the previous one. All kinds of varieties, including some I didn't harvest from.


Also came across some toads during my harvest, hopefully they continue to do their job and eat those nasty bugs :)



Bubblegum 7

"Green Chinense" Unknown origin/variety

The rest of the "new" varieties will follow later.
Jamison said:
Wow man, awesome harvest! Them BB7 pods are perfect!
Thanks, man. I have 3 plants, 2 of them produced these pods and 1 plant is producing pods that look identical to the Moruga. Also the stem doesn't go red when ripe.
Devv said:
I must agree awesome harvest!
Beautiful pods! I just love how the color goes up the stem of the BB7's.
I promised you some seeds earlier in season, think I will have enough seeds after I seeded those pods :) It's a beautiful variety but it hasn't been very prolific for me at least.
GA Growhead said:
Nice harvest! Cool toad shots"
I have seen toads, frogs, and lizards in the garden but can never get a picture.
It's actually the first time I was able to get some good shots of a toad. Normally they are gone by the time I got my camera :lol: This one was pretty tame, it would even let me remove some branches before taking the pic.
meatfreak said:
Made some puree out of my Scotch Bonnets, 2lbs of peppers transformed into 650ml of puree/paste :)



The color is really bright and I'm happy with the result. I had to tweak it a bit since I didn't have agave nectar, so I used regular sugar instead but found it a bit to acidic for my taste so added some more sugar. Next time I will add less vinegar to it.
Must be hot.  Do you consume this as a sauce over food or use it to add to cooking?
justecila said:
Must be hot.  Do you consume this as a sauce over food or use it to add to cooking?
I use this to add when cooking. It's a bit to thick to use as a sauce but you could add when making a sauce also of course :) I find it actually not that hot, the heat mellowed down after processing the pods and adding some other ingredients. I'm gonna make some more later this week when I seed the scorps and bonnets I harvested this weekend. I dry the yellow brain strains for flakes or powder to maybe sell in my shop or give away as a taster.
Well Stefan,
When I'm away for bit(bit is an understatement!), what escapes me most is the pleasure I get from seeing other peoples grows.So, afew comments:
1). I have never seen so many Jalapeno varieties......I was going to add "nice corking" as well, but I'd sound like an echo, a truthful echo nonetheless!
2). What is the peach colored pod in the green bucket above the toads?
3). Connecting the kids to the earth is something now where near enough people do, you get bonus points for that.
4). The productivity of your BB7's, is probably do to the latitude.
5). I am saving half of the yellows for powder this year-usually powder is the relm of the Browns/Blacks for me, but after tasting some of HighAlts yellow powder last year...I'm sold on the Yellows for powder. I will try to roast some(no smoke per say) and see how that works.
Fine bit (understating again;LOL)of work you've done this year!
Have a good one-