• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Devv said:
They should grow just fine!
I like that you're taking advantage of the extra spaces.
Thanks Scott. The green onions at our last rental place survived and flourished through last winters ice here so should have no problem with these. Still plenty of extra space just on this bed, plus the new beds I'll have come next spring so plenty of room to add herbs, flowers, more veggies etc without taking up room in the bed, which means more room for me to grow, while still keeping the better half happy. Win win win! She's already said she only wants 4 tomato plants max next year, so automatically more room for peppers in the beds, plus I can grow most of anything else she wants in the brick holes and it's happiness all round. Also, building them out of the cinder blocks works out a hell of a lot cheaper for us than using anything else and it's an even bigger win!
It's never ending ;)
Oh yeah, onions can take the cold we get here. I planted Garlic Sept. 21st. Onions go in Jan 15th, I started them from seed this year...in October.
LB and I grow so we don't have to buy. We're almost self sufficient; some of the stuff won't keep long enough. We're still working on that ;)
Devv said:
It's never ending ;)
Oh yeah, onions can take the cold we get here. I planted Garlic Sept. 21st. Onions go in Jan 15th, I started them from seed this year...in October.
LB and I grow so we don't have to buy. We're almost self sufficient; some of the stuff won't keep long enough. We're still working on that ;)
Just checked the green onions this afternoon, and even with the below freezing temps the last 2 nights they're showing growth so we shouldn't have a problem. White or red onions and garlic are something I'm really wanting to try too. Just need to research the best planting times for here first. We'd like to get close to the same way too, at least with our staples. Thinking of adding a few lemon trees as well next year, and a few chickens for eggs, and caterpillar/hornworm disposal.
So I pretty much have my grow list for next season planned out. No doubt I'll end up with another 2 or 3 varieties sneaking in, but for now this is pretty much my planned grow.Superhots-
Yellow 7 pot-windchicken (OW) *
Nagabrain red-windchicken (OW)*
Nagabrain yellow-windchicken
Nagabrain Chocolate-windchicken

Peri peri - Refining Fire
MoA Scotch bonnet - Jamison (OW) *
Congo red - windchicken (OW) *
Bonda ma Jacques x yellow 7 pot-windchicken
Safi red bonnet - didn't note who I got these from originally
Birgit's locoto - windchicken *
Locato - pepperlover
MoA red-cmpman/kingdenniz

Jalapeno cracked - pepperlover
Giant jalapeno-pepperlover
Bishops crown-pepperlover
Brazilian starfish-pepperlover
Black Hungarian - hillbilly jeff
Aji pineapple-coheed196
Maras biber-kingdenniz
Urfa biber-kingdenniz
Biker Billy jalapeno-buckeyepepper
Ecuadorian sweet rocoto - pepperlover
Criolla sella-buckeye

Jimmy nardello - Kneppers peppers
Sweet apple - refining fire
Banana - probably Lowes
Bull's heart-pepperlover
Dulce sol - pepperlover

Wild- all pepperlover
CAP 215
CGN 19198
Cumari pollux
"Most prolific" C. Chacoense
Non pepperlover wilds-
* indicates plants I'm ow'ing
Spicegeist said:
Exciting having your list ready!
Thanks Charles. Been working on it for a while actually. Keep adding and removing varieties, while trying to not let it get out of control.
Devv said:
Nice list Chris, when are you starting your seeds?
Thanks Scott. If I can get a greenhouse big enough to hold my OW'S and some more plants I'll start some of the Chinenses soon. If not, the Chinenses and probably wilds will be in December, and the rest in January.
Devv said:
That's my game plan. We're spending Christmas in Az. I'll start the seeds before we leave. Hopefully I'll have some hooks when I get back ;)
Hoping for a safe trip and plenty of hooks when you return! From the little I got to see of Arizona while driving from Vegas to Flagstaff and back, seems like a beautiful state! Wish I could've been on a bus or something though so I could have seen more lol.
Spicegeist said:
I hear ya... I think I've just about given up on doing my shortened list thing... just too many I want/need to grow and keep going!
Yeah definitely agree. Already trying to justify to myself why I need to add at least one bhut variety. Have seeds for peach, white and Indian Carbon from pepperlover, along with 3 or 4 seeds for the yellows I grew last year from spicy chicken via seacowboy. If I add any bhut's, it'll probably be the Indian Carbon's. Would love to grow the yellow again and actually isolate and save seeds from favourable pods, just have too much to focus on as it is with a new house, and a straight up awful soil to grow in.
thirdcoasttx said:
Quite the list you got there!! Cant wait to see everything get started!
Thanks Daniel. Will no doubt have a few more sneak on. I'm just as ready to get things going! Thank god for the winter veg patch controlling the itch for now lol.
East Texas Heat said:
+1 on 790, you got in on the red moa's too, nice! We need to get a community glog going on those!
Thanks ETH! Yeah had to jump on the red MoA's when I saw them. The yellow MoA's became my instant number one fave when I tried them this year. Hoping the reds flavour is as good. Heard the reds are hotter too, which is a bonus, as the one drawback of the original MoA's is they were lower in heat than most were expecting. 
Devv said:
Put Sedona on your list, I kept pulling over to take pics. Wife kept saying "tourist", me back: "yeah so what's your point?" ;)
Thanks for the tip Scott. My wife said as soon as we got back that she wants to go back again, so will have to look into Sedona for sure!
As usual this time of year, not much to update. We have a low of 29 forecast for tonight, so t he plants will be staying in at least one more night. Supposed to warm back up though, so may move them back outside Thursday or Friday. Trying to convince the better half to let me get a greenhouse big enough to keep them all outside in. Here's hoping!
Green onions are showing some growth-

Turnips are getting close to harvest time already-

Cabbage is looking good-

Started some more winter veggie seeds today. Have kale, lettuce and radish, and giving carrots a try as well. Lettuce and kale will go in the main bed, and carrots and radish will go in the holes in the bricks. Also, just because I couldn't control myself, started a couple of cracked jalapeños as well.

Had a lot of trouble using peat based mixes last winter. Couldn't stop the top from drying out and had no luck getting it re-wet. Using the jalapeños as a test run using coco coir instead of peat. Once big enough to transplant out of the germination station, I'll be putting them in a roughly 50/50 mix of coir and perlite. Interested to see how it works.
You'll love the Sedona area; they have (within an hour) at least 3 places where adobe dwellings are still standing. A ghost town, and an old outdoor museum that has some really cool stuff. Old cars and trucks, and tons of other stuff. But the main attraction is the beauty of Sedona and the red rock formations. I was out there at sunup and sundown taking pics. The Grand Canyon is not too far either. We hit it before dawn and it was spectacular. Saw Mule deer, Elk, and Coyotes. Plenty of stops to purchase Indian pottery as well.
I'm glad after tomorrow I can move my plants back outside, you'd think it was January already.
Woohoo! Got my first hook already after only 2 days! Not a pepper though lol. My first ever radish plant is on its way!

Also ordered 2 temporary greenhouses yesterday. Each measures in at 6' x 8' x 6'6, and only $109 each. Should give me plenty of room for my OW'S and seedlings, so will definitely be starting more pepper seeds very soon.
Devv said:
Radishes do great in our climate this time of year. Note to self, plant more!
I had to research to make sure I wasn't planting them at the wrong time. Seems I'll have no problem at all. Didn't realize they were so quick to maturity either til I read up on them.
I may be in the "plant more" boat too. I don't think I've ever tried them yet so just growing them for the better half, but if I do like them will definitely need more!
So after living in Lafayette for 5 1/2 years, I had no idea there was a Mexican grocery store near us until last week. Went and checked it out after work yesterday, and was pumped to find manzano's available! Also a bunch of different dried peppers, but the one that caught my eye was the dried pequins as I haven't tried these peppers yet. Needless to say I didn't leave empty handed

At day 4 after sowing my seeds. Still no action from anything other than turnips, though they're now up to 5/6 popped.

Received a nice jump start for next season in the mail yesterday. I was one of the lucky 3 to get in on Juanitos offer to send a plant mfrb for test runs before he starts selling plants next year. Received 2 Brazilian starfish and 2 lemon drops, all of which survived the trip nicely, so hopefully I should be getting some baccatum pods nice and early next year providing I don't mess anything up.