• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Oh my goodness I missed a ton of great stuff here. You're really making some heat, man, and out of containers too. I think containers are my white whale, though I potted a plant Jason dropped off here in some Ocean Forest which seems to have worked pretty well. I digress...
You have tons of impressive pods and tons of heat. I bet smoking those chocolate scorpions will make for a strong, tasty heat, as long as you can get passed the punch. 
I bet your indian carbones will gnarly up as they mature. I am growing seeds from pepperlover via Jeff H that are looking quite on point. Actually they are probably my favorite bhut at this point. Yellow Bhuts keep exploding on me with the rain, and a ton of leaffooted bugs have descended on my boxes over the past week or so. 
Anyway keep on growin' bud!
sp33d said:
Dude those chocolate scorpions you sent me were ridiculous man...me, my nephew and brother in law got our ass's kicked by those choco scorps man...
My pleasure! Haha. How'd you find the flavour of them?
maximumcapsicum said:
Oh my goodness I missed a ton of great stuff here. You're really making some heat, man, and out of containers too. I think containers are my white whale, though I potted a plant Jason dropped off here in some Ocean Forest which seems to have worked pretty well. I digress...
You have tons of impressive pods and tons of heat. I bet smoking those chocolate scorpions will make for a strong, tasty heat, as long as you can get passed the punch. 
I bet your indian carbones will gnarly up as they mature. I am growing seeds from pepperlover via Jeff H that are looking quite on point. Actually they are probably my favorite bhut at this point. Yellow Bhuts keep exploding on me with the rain, and a ton of leaffooted bugs have descended on my boxes over the past week or so. 
Anyway keep on growin' bud!
Thanks Adam. So far it's pretty much all been containers for me the last 2 seasons. I did have 1 orange hab, a jalapeno and bell in ground last year, but they stunted bad and only the hab produced due to crappy soil in the limited space at our last house. Hoping to either do an RCW bed or raised bed at our new house for next season, or maybe both if I can, and can't wait to see if in ground can do better for me, though I'm sure I'll have even more to learn in regards to that as well. 
I'm not sure the Indian carbon's will change much. On the second round of pods now and they're still much the same. A little longer than the first lot, but still don't have the classic bhut shape. I ordered some seeds from pepperlover for next season so hopefully they'll turn out great. Was planning on yellow's and reds only, but got bonus peach bhut seeds in my order so looks like I'll be doing them as well. Can't say no to bhut's, I love them!
I feel the pain of the exploding pods from the rain. My safi red bonnets have been doing the same. It's gone from my best producer to nearly every pod being bad. Luckily I've got tons of pods in the freezer already, though would like to get some more healthy one's to share. I noticed the damned leaf footed bugs recently on my in laws eggplants, they quickly got squished. Can't control the stinkbugs on our tomatoes though. Really hate to resort to chemicals, so hoping as the assassin bugs get larger they'll sort them out.
JoeFish said:
You have 2 other that will "enjoy" them with you?  I can find any :mope:
That's what I'm thinking! No one I know trusts me when I say "here try this". 
After slacking off for a couple of days it's time for some updates.
Been waiting for what feels like forever for my first ripe CAP 215. Thinking this one is getting picked and eaten tomorrow

Got my first ripe MoA from my second round of pods yesterday. This one was diced up and added fresh to some kielbasa my wife sliced and pan fried with onions and banana peppers. Freaking delicious! 

Bahamian goat starting to turn

Had a new pepper defender move in sometime Tuesday night. Didn't see it Tuesday evening, went to check my plants while having my morning cigarette yesterday, and damn near crapped myself after looking at my yellow 7's and SB7J's when I looked up and was nearly face to face with this


Going to keep her around though for sure. With the problems I've been having with caterpillars lately, anything to help keep the moths away is a bonus. 
Some slightly funky looking small fatalii pods

Ants farming aphids on my in laws serrano. Little bastiges were promptly squished under foot after the photo

Today's harvest

Our cat being adorable for a change
Still getting nice pulls I see! Can't beat that!
So how's the dirt at the new place? And if you can afford the surrounding land it would be a bonus. You WILL find a use for it! And as Jeff said, it keeps the neighbors further away. We picked up the back 10 acres for a song 25 years ago and I'm glad we did. When we bought the house they wanted twice the price, so we waited.
Keep it green!
Devv said:
Still getting nice pulls I see! Can't beat that!
So how's the dirt at the new place? And if you can afford the surrounding land it would be a bonus. You WILL find a use for it! And as Jeff said, it keeps the neighbors further away. We picked up the back 10 acres for a song 25 years ago and I'm glad we did. When we bought the house they wanted twice the price, so we waited.
Keep it green!
Thanks Scott. I think the pulls will be smaller for a while, at least until the new round of pods mature and ripen. If I can keep the bugs away, I'm positive I'm going to end up with far too many peppers! The dirt at the new place is terribly compacted. Going to take quite a bit of work to get it workable for in ground. Currently discussing rcw beds with windchicken, as I'm tossing up between those and raised beds for next season. Rcw would be preferred as it'll work out cheaper (I think) than building raised beds and filling them every year. May even do a mix of both. Some small raised beds for winter veggies and tomatoes in the summer, and rcw for peppers. Plenty of time to think about that though.
Would love to grab at least one of the side blocks, just can't afford it at the moment unfortunately. Hopefully one day we'l be able to get more land. 1/2 acres a good start at least!
MeatHead1313 said:
Thanks Scott. I think the pulls will be smaller for a while, at least until the new round of pods mature and ripen. If I can keep the bugs away, I'm positive I'm going to end up with far too many peppers! The dirt at the new place is terribly compacted. Going to take quite a bit of work to get it workable for in ground. Currently discussing rcw beds with windchicken, as I'm tossing up between those and raised beds for next season. Rcw would be preferred as it'll work out cheaper (I think) than building raised beds and filling them every year. May even do a mix of both. Some small raised beds for winter veggies and tomatoes in the summer, and rcw for peppers. Plenty of time to think about that though.
Would love to grab at least one of the side blocks, just can't afford it at the moment unfortunately. Hopefully one day we'l be able to get more land. 1/2 acres a good start at least!
I'm a "plant it in the dirt" fan. I did make a few raised beds this season.  I also have some plants in containers. They did OK, but the dirt grow did better, much better, with the raised beds doing better than the containers.
1/2 acre is a nice sized lot, I was really only thinking about privacy from possible neighbors. Back in the late 80's the land around here was going for a thousand an acre, not anymore! There's no way I could afford to buy this place at today's prices. My son is 32, and things are way different. He's having a lot harder time getting things going than my generation did 30 years ago.
thirdcoasttx said:
Nice haul you got there. I think I got my aphids under control but I still see the ants on my plants so they'll be back. Any tips on getting rid of those ants?
We just started seeing the small ants here in the last few years. We bought the place from a guy who was an exterminator, so I'm sure he nuked the hell out of the place. I use the ant bait and sprinkle a few granules on top of the nest. It seems to work well.
Haven't been posting much due to needing a new charger for my laptop. I find it far too annoying trying to post pics from my phone. All fixed now so time for an update.
SB7J is putting out some very bonnet shaped pods this round


MoA's ripening nicely. Been having to pick them before they're fully ripe to stop the stink bugs attacking them

Aji chuncho pods

Second round not red brain strain is putting out pods with no tails, completely different to the nice tails the first round pods had

Couple of CAP 215 peppers. 

Dragonfly chilling on a nagabrain plant

Red bhut has a couple of nice looking pods on it


Also have some more pods forming on my Bonda ma Jacques

That's 10. More after a bump.
Thanks tc!
Yellow bhuts. Plants still showing signs of the hornworm damage

Kracken scorpion is loading up

Lemon drop absolutely loaded up

Windchicken's plants are still going nicely. F3 nagabrains

Yellow 7 pot

F1 nagabrain

Congo red's ripening up

Birgit's locoto is still producing like crazy

Congo red

More enemies appearing. This one was quickly squashed after the pic was taken

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!
Devv said:
I have those bugs, what are they?
Are you going to grow them until a frost? They should give up some nice fall pods!
Leaf footed bugs. I didn't know what they were last year and they destroyed my tomatoes. So any I see get the squish treatment now.
Tomatoes are done for the year. Keeping all the peppers going for now, but once we finally move I'll be pulling the plug on quite a few. Will probably limit it to milds-hots, besides the plants Gary gave me, and maybe my yellow 7. Got enough yellow bhuts, chocolate scorpions and fatalii's in the freezer to last til next year easily.
I see them (the leaf footed bugs) but haven't noticed much damage. Do they sting or chew? They were on the sunflowers big time. Maybe that's why I didn't really notice any damage.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice looking plants you got going...some of those in the pots are monsters.
Thanks Jeff. Wish I could claim the monster plants. They're the one's I got from windchicken.
Devv said:
I see them (the leaf footed bugs) but haven't noticed much damage. Do they sting or chew? They were on the sunflowers big time. Maybe that's why I didn't really notice any damage.
They're similar to stink bugs I believe. Sucking insects. It wasn't so much the adults that did the damage last year as the babies. The babies looked similar to assassin bug nymphs, so figured that's what they were and let them go. By the time I realised my mistake it was too late. The adults, for me at least so far, only seem to turn up 1 or 2 at a time so are easy to take care of when I see them. Pick em off and step on em!