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Mels growing adventures

Hi all,

I thought rather than creating a new thread each time I have drama's or queries with my growing adventures, I may as well set up a thread that has them all! No new drama's today and I am happily aphid free!!!

Currently growing: Jalepeno, Scotch Bonnet (3), Thai (2), Meltdown Habanero (2), Pequin, Peter Pepper, Purple Tiger, Zimbabwe Bird, Rocoto, Unknown(2)
Current seedlings: Scotch Bonnets, Red Habs, Bhut Jolokia and a number of unknowns.

updated pics below

check out my jalepenos!! I've got heaps of them!! just need to work out what to do with them!

here's a pic of a little scotch bonnet that i noticed had started growing on the weekend

some Meltdown Habs that are just about ready for picking

seedlings are doing better now i've taken them out of the peat pots..
continued from above..


--- this is what they looked like last week

and my junk pot has produced a heap of mystery plants.. this one i think has to be a thai as its growing really quick.. and is starting to get little flower buds already (i think!)


Thanks for everyone's help so far! I'd have a heap of dead plants if it werent for all you guys!
Thanks guys! It was the Jalepeno that got all this craziness started :D Six months ago.. all I had was Mr Jal.. now my life is being taken over by chilli :D
GREAT looking plants, I hope some of mine look that good in a few months.

And what to do with them? FREEZE 'EM! And then you will have kilos of ammunition.....I MEAN ....inspiration for playing around during the winter.

It's cold here tonight. I want to sit by your pool with beer in hand pulling ripe red jalapeno from the tree and munch them one by one. Can't wait till summertime. Mel make some poppers!!!
What is a "Meltdown" Habanero? Looks like a normal Habanero to me but a little bigger. PRF, I say we take a trip to Aussieland where it is warm, Mel supplies the Jalapenos, You supply the beer, I will do the BBQ'ing :D Good start though, keep the pics coming...
Title of the thread mislead me.
I was hoping to see some pics of you as a pigtailed girl, teenage stories etc.
But I saw your pepper plants instead.
They look great.
Keep it up.
They are Patrick... but thinking back on it now, they probably arent.. i ate pretty much a whole one of the habs and only a tiny piece of the douglah.. might have had something to do with it.. when i had the first hab though it burned for about half an hour.. with the tiny bit of douglah it would have been ten minutes max.. different burn though.. the douglah made me cry!
Plants are lookin' good! Nice work.

My favorite is the mystery plant though. Always like having a mystery plant or two myself.
Matt50680 said:
What is a "Meltdown" Habanero? Looks like a normal Habanero to me but a little bigger. PRF, I say we take a trip to Aussieland where it is warm, Mel supplies the Jalapenos, You supply the beer, I will do the BBQ'ing :D Good start though, keep the pics coming...

I'm guessing its just a cross with something but not sure what.. it was a present from my brother and he got it from the nursery.. here's a pic of the label that came with it

tell ya what.. i'll supply the poppers and the beer.. and you just bring the meat... noone goes near my BBQ though - I'm the BBQ QUEEN!
mel said:
noone goes near my BBQ though - I'm the BBQ QUEEN!

Well, you go girl on the BBQ!

I like to PROMOTE dinners from the bbq as I have been happily banned from the bbq!

something about brats, bbq, 1 hour 18 minutes, ?????????????????? (the dogs liked them)......= salsalady gets the night off from cooking when it's a bbq dinner.

I didnt quite get the knitting reference, and then got distracted by the other posts :D.. would you like to explain the knitting thing for me?
knitting reference????????// HUUUHHHH?????????????

sorry, don't understand.............
salsalady said:
did you miss or ignore that knitting reference?

mel said:
I didnt quite get the knitting reference, and then got distracted by the other posts :D.. would you like to explain the knitting thing for me?

salsalady said:
knitting reference????????// HUUUHHHH?????????????

sorry, don't understand.............

:?: what the..........?