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Mel's suicide mission....

Hey guys,

The countdown to my suicide mission has begun!!

I received my package containing some scary looking pods this morning, and as promised I will be trying my first super-duper-hot pod tonight... a nasty looking Douglah.. Just so you know though, I wont be taking that thing whole.. I'll slice up some bits and take it a bit at a time..

So anyways, I get my parcel open it up and go to turn on the computer and the damn screen doesnt turn on! Luckily through the day I've been able to pick myself up a little 10" net book.. its hard going from 17" to 10" in a day I tell ya!

Sooo, I 'm back online have worked out how to use the webcam and am set... my dinner is in the oven and will be done in an hour or so and will be giving the Douglah a shot..

I am prepared... I have gloves, chocolate milk (not a fan of milk but if its chocolate then thats ok), yoghurt and some tubs of icecream.. well ten tubs of ice cream but thats only cause they were on special and they're only baby tubs :P, oh.. and beer.. I have beer.. already started on the beer so by the time 'its time' I should be sweet..

Video will be coming later tonight but it will be rough.. on my mac I was used to playing round with the videos and editing and stuff but on this one not so sure, so you will be receiving an unedited version of my first super hot chilli eating experience..

I may have bitten off more than I can chew (so to speak) and we'll soon see... I'm happy to post my chilli eating humilation for your enjoyment :P

EDIT: sorry for the dodgy iphone pic.. and thanks Nova for sending them down!!
here 'tis..

You should definitely drink beer while eating the Douglah - it's really soothing! Forget the milk, yoghurt and ice cream:lol:
Good luck mel!!!!

I remember my first super hot......I only cried for about 5 minutes...:rofl:

Hope the vid turns out well.......Ask JayT how his last super hot vid went....:lol:
Yeah make sure you press record! I know it will be a killer vid mel (no pun intented, well maybe a little). My bet is that you won't go for a second piece!
I am still conscious.. and am still priming with beer :D finished dinner, waiting for it to settle and then its ON!! next post will do doubt me being in agony and uploading the video :D
Bit of get ready moozic...
this is gonna be good...Mel...your mama is going to watch it too...