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Mel's suicide mission....

You have to give her some credit for having the gonads to eat a piece of it NJA. However Mel I don't think you gave it enough time to get going before the coolants were administered.

I probably wouldn't have lasted as long as you did though.

Love the appeal.
Your smile and laughter throughout really made the video.
Suicide mission failed but you still have a whole pile of peppers to try, whats your plan for them?
thanks guys.. yeah it probly was a bit pi$$ weak with the coolants, but considering it was my first go i didnt think it was too bad... i never promised to go it alone.. i just said i'd give it a go.. which i obviously did..

cooked up some pie tonight with the remainder of the douglah and some others.. still working out what i'll do with the rest.. maybe some kind of sauce..
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
Ahhhhhhh what an offer !! :D

How can I refuse you?

I take back my petition to THP Top hat.

I am your mate no?

not now!!! mates dont petition against their mates! but if you take it back i may reconsider...
mel said:
not now!!! mates dont petition against their mates! but if you take it back i may reconsider...


you are doin a teaser on me. Boooohhoooooohooo.
Ok, I take back my petition. Null and void.
But keep your promise. (cross your heart)

all is forgiven :) you are back to being me mate :P not sure what my promise was though?

it is getting late here.. 1am maybe time for bed...
On a serious note, MEL, you have been proving to be one of the most valued member of THP community and also one of the most loved.

Mr. Mel is a lucky person to have you as his life partner.
Keep up the good work girl.
Love you.

That was amusing - i liked it. (hey it only took me 2 days to finally see the vid. youtube blocked at work, was going to watch last night, but wife was using the computer to work, but better late than never).

lets see the bhut...come on!!
Mel I have never seen anyone make NJA backpedal so fast! That was great. I agree that next time you should wait on the coolants, but now you know what to expect so I expect you won't be afraid next time either. I think you did a great job and anyone who has the stones to try even a piece of a superhot is a full-fledged chilehead in my book. Go on girl!
mel said:
once my macbook is fixed it'll be better... running off a little netbook and its not the best..

Super, looking forward to the next performance.
and if mp3s of your voice with the accent on full throttle happen to be linked to my inbox, would it really be so bad? the wife may think so i suppose.

congrats. my first superhot i went through half gallon frozen yogurt, a quart of milk and half gallon of water. now that was a whole pod all at once and chewed several minutes, but still. it wasn't a douglah.