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Mel's suicide mission....

you have a world wide audience mel...no worries mate...(isn't that what the british say)
Novacastrian said:
Don't call me british....

wasn't bro...just remembering what a British guy used to say to me all the time at work when I told him, I was sorry the analysis he did was somewhat lacking (read didn't provide the information I asked for), and that I didn't like the assumptions he made (read, wtf...do it just like you did last time dummy), and that I needed it in two hours for a meeting with the VPs...his response was always "No Worries Mate"...was he gettin' over on me?

might as well PW on P2s thread while we await the fun
I dunno! :D Sorry if that was sounding abrut i meant it in another light. Imagine me saying it like a fairy!!

I agree, lets whore it up!
Come On Mel....jesus

I can see you now Nova...

mornin' to you gas

Welcome to our world....

Note...if the gloves you were using were latex, the porosity of them is such, that the capsaicin molecule will penetrate them...after you take your latex gloves off and rub your face, you can tell it...recommend using nitrile gloves...

love the last line "I hope you've got lots of toilet paper at home".... :rofl:
AlabamaJack said:
love the last line "I hope you've got lots of toilet paper at home".... :rofl:

We don't wan't a vid of when you are revisited by the pain! At least I don't, can't really promise anything about the others... ;)
MrArboc said:
We don't wan't a vid of when you are revisited by the pain! At least I don't, can't really promise anything about the others... ;)

Yes, in the short time I've been here, I've come to realize that anything goes here... ;)
LOL, thanks guys.. I had planned on eating the two bits myself.. but Alby happened to knock on the door just as I was setting everything up asking for some more chilli sauce.. so I thought it'd be funny to have him involved... lol.. he didnt know what he was getting into.. i gave him a melt down habanero not so long ago and warned him that this may be hotter (not sure about that but i'll have to wait for more pods to ripen)... I couldnt stop laughing all through.. may have ruined it a bit but I had fun!!

last beer :) might be time to walk to the shops! lucky no work tomorrow!
oh!@! i forgot to say, Alby went through three tubs of ice cream and all the yoghurt.. then basically ran out the house with his chilli sauce...

dont think he'll be back for a while! (although he did say he wants me to show him how to cook up some sauce.. maybe use some of the pods i got today for him eh.... muhahhaahaa)
Just beautiful, i am so proud! Tell old mate that i owe him a beer!

Do you have a new found respect for hot stuff now? :D