food Menu plans for New Years eve?

Seriously....the food matters not...with the exception that it has to be easy and yummy. New Year's Eve is more about gathering together and having fun. We always stay in, we always watch old B&W movies, and we hardly EVER notice when midnight rolls around!
paulky_2000 said:
Seriously....the food matters not...with the exception that it has to be easy and yummy. New Year's Eve is more about gathering together and having fun. We always stay in, we always watch old B&W movies, and we hardly EVER notice when midnight rolls around!

Seriously....I just wanna see a bigger picture of your avatar.
Oh man, "corned beef reubens & paninis" sounds so good right now. I have no plans for New Year's Even, not yet anyways. Usually I go to my sister-in-law's but not sure she is doing anything this year. My parents usually have the whole traditional cabbage, black eye peas, hamhock things, granted they aren't really superstitious.
Celeste, where I live it is considered good luck to eat pork and sauerkraut on New Years Day. I make a pork butt roast and sauerkraut with apples in the crockpot and serve it over mashed potatoes.
JayT said:
Celeste, where I live it is considered good luck to eat pork and sauerkraut on New Years Day. I make a pork butt roast and sauerkraut with apples in the crockpot and serve it over mashed potatoes.

Hell I'd eat that at the risk of a curse!!:lol:
Thats interesting, JayT. Sounds terribly Irish :) I decided to go easy route and got shrimp already cooked and coctail sauce and what the heck, it was only seven bucks, caviar, and herring for midnight and blackeye peas for newyears day, and I have to much south in me, they gotta be served over rice with some collard greens on the side.

oo, its gettin close.
Actually it is German. It comes from the local immigrants around here who were Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish. I'll post pics later. Along with the pics from my crab and shrimp cakes and steamed shrimp from last night.
Now, for all of my family claiming so much German and Dutch and Pennsylvannia Dutch, you'd think that some of that would have been passed down. I'm afraid my melting pot heritage got poured into the "whitebread" mold (or maybe the men never married women who were talented at cooking- they all seem to have prefered baking-cookies, cakes, etc). I like cabbage but dont seem to know good ways of preparing it- I will now pay close attention!
I don't want to disappoint you, but I am using canned sauerkraut that is made locally. I can probably find a recipe if you want it.
Here's my pics from last night. Crab and Shrimp cakes with a Creole Crema over greens with a Late Harvest Reisling vinegrette. Also, some steamed shrimp with Old Bay.


Thank you. thank you. This has become Mrs. JayT's favorite. Well that and the Chicken and Mushroom Risotto with Fontina and Parmesan.

Wait until you see what I have cooking today! Sloooooooowwww cooked comfort food. Pics this evening. Aww hell, here's a teaser:

Made up some firecracker shrimp and stuffed my face. Even my g/f likes it and she hates shrimp. I was thinking of doing up some crabcakes, but I didn't have enough crab. Gonna have to go out and pick some up if I can find a place that's open. I got a new cookbook for christmas and am going to town before things get hectic again.
