• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mezo`s "super hots" Glog including the 'big' solar dehydrator.

The is thread with the humungous solar dehydrator. :D


G-Day, im Mez or Mezo & im new to this part of Australia having come from Perth (Western Australia) where growing chili peppers is so easy (except the heat).

I live in the border ranges in northern New South Wales (bordering Queensland) and its a mixed bag of temperate & tropical conditions, the summers are very hot, wet & humid, the winters are dry & sunny.

Average daily temps.


And average monthly rainfall.


Aussies reading this will already know this, but people in other country's probably paint a picture of Australia as a hot dry/dusty land but this is far from the truth, up north its full blown tropics with a wet season & 100% humidity (yuck). Down south its freezing cold & snow during winter, out west its a dry heat like in the Mediterranean & in the middle of Australia is desert country.

So im now growing for the first time "Super hots" and for a very important reason, whilst working away in Perth i had a double heart attack wich has left me permanently disabled, sadly they are unable to operate on me (bypass/stent) as its to far gone, so having worked all my life (Electrician) im now at the age of 45 claiming a disability pension & i hate not being able to work.

Now i take shovel fulls of dam tablets to keep my heart pumping & id rather not be taking any but right now there no option i have to take them or ill drop dead on the spot. After much reading i found out that cayenne powder has all sort of benefits to your health & well being, especially to your cardio vascular system. I had read that cayenne powder can stop a heart attack in its track & i put this to the test (twice) and yes it does work where the medication (Nitrolingual) had no effect.

So anyone reading this who spots a friend having a heart attack just flick some chili powder in a glass of water as fast as you can & get them to drink in right down, fast. It works within 30 seconds of drinking it & it saved me from two more attacks already.

So there's my life story in a nutshell & some sound advice on how to save a heart attack victims life.
And this ladies & gentlymen is why im growing "Super Hots" to make high heat cayenne powder for cooking to improve my circulation/remove fats & as a "just in case of emergency"

OK on with the first of my "Hots" the Bhut Jolokia, the reason i chose this was simple i just Googled "whats the hottest chili" and up popped the result, however further reading on the interweb i found threads from this forum & names like the Butch T, the Douglah & Brain Strain.

So ive ordered them from pepperlover.com after so many people gave such great reviews, Bhut in the meantime lets look at my Jolokia`s.



Must admit i just love the shape & color of these babies.

More soon,

I feel ya meeeezzzz! If I won the lotto, I'd just hire you for all of my hair brained projects. You just keep pushing forward. You have a lot of drive Mezo, I admire it. Make it work no matter what. Keep fightin' brewha!
Well ive just mangaed today to get hold of some sign banner (reject print) you know the ones they use on billboards?

Also got some batteries delivered this morning for my camera (6 x energizer ultimate lithium) man they are expensive, i buy them off ebay to save money. So the camera is loaded & working, im about to drag the new roof on the tent & fix it with cable ties (got 200 of them) all ready for the next big wind.

Also got ten new pots (500mm) and two jumbo bags of potting mix & some slow relase granual fertiliser, the raised beds are sitting there emprty, the promise of a loan tractor to fill them has still not materialised? so i can see ten plants that need a bigger pot right now so ive gone & got ten to get me out of the shit for now.


Buy yourself some of these Mezo and a decent charger ... flag your lithium batts ... simply a waste of money. I own a bunch of the Imedion AA and AAA's and they have been worth there wait in (probably literally) gold. All the kids toys, remotes, etc etc and the best thing about the Imedions in particular is they keep there charge for quite some time when not being used.
You can pick up a charger and 8 batteries for 60bucks on that site. What do six lithium batts set you back each time??
You can pick up a charger and 8 batteries for 60bucks on that site. What do six lithium batts set you back each time??

I get six "Ultimat Lithiums" AA`s delivered for $17.00 ($45.00 in the shops) i had tried Enegizer rechargable lithiums years go to save money & i found they were good for the first dozen charges & then the would start dropping off, faster & faster (less life).

Even tried the chinese Energizer, the ones with no label on them? they were OK but nothing on par with the genuine ones.

Didnt get round to re-roofing the tent yesterday, it was to hot to be honest & i said lets do it in the morning when its cooler.This billboard material is real thick & very heavy it saps your strength hauling over structures but it last for years & its cheap.

We got the biggest reject they sell 12m x 3m for $40 (and its brand new) and has an advert on one side which we put on the inside & the white (or the back) faces the sun, this sign was an advert for the new Volvo XC90.

Pics to follow later.

Sounds like you have your hands full with the tent and re roofing Mez!!

Old Rechargeables were rubbish. However the better newer ones don't have that Memory effect of getting worse and worse over recharge cycles.
Yes busy with the tent, the chilli`s (thats one hobby) im also restoring a motorbike & running a forum (another hobby) and ive yet to embark on ripping an old caravan to bits & restoring that.

Good to know the info on batteries Trip, i must admit i was totally put off by the recharge thing, i wasted a lot of money on them early rechargable batteries.

Do you think this will help sell the "New" XC90? me laying on the bonnet (hood to your blokes in the US) :party:


Mezo (back to work)
Meez, you are too funny, my friend. Where do you find all the
crazy photos? The pic of you on the volvo is wild!

Good luck getting that beast up over your marquee frame!
OK, roof on & watertight (phew) !!


And a nice XC90 Frescoe.


And i used the offcut to completly block up on end of the tent (it was ripped to shreds anyhow) still got to repair the sunny side wall which is totally rooted as well, im going to buy some shade cloth & cable tie that in place next week.

But at least if theres a huge downpour my plants wont be drowned.

Wow...what a turnaround! Looking goog Mez. Well done!

Still lots of work (and cable ties) to get it ready for the summer Nee, with the wet season knocking on the door getting it watertight was essential, when it rains in the summer here its torrents down (sub tropical climate) and chilli`s as you know Nee dont like to be overwatered.

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Or even better Borat style "Mankini" :shocked:


"Very Nice"

Ya gotta keep the boots on though!

If your ants are anything like ours -the rain brings em up to the surface.Little bastidges think raised rows with nice porous soil are ideal "antdominiums", and they ranch twice as frigging much. I resorted to pulling about a 1/3 of the plants, and stripping all the leaves below 18"(when they get loaded with the yellow vermin)on the rest, hit it with neem all over, then hit the lower halves with Bug be Gone before Ieave everytime...and it just keeps em in check. Using stronger or more poison
seems pointless (not to mention IT IS POISON) as the rain will just wash it off.Diatomaceous earth isn't effective during the rains-its too humid to do any real damage.I have shiteloads of assassin bugs....but only the nymphs go for the aphids , the big ones will nail some ants though.Next year I'll be trying some of the fungus that targets insects.Can't curse the ants enough....and they do kill any hornworms when they show up.Damned if you do ,damned if ya don't.LOL

Good luck on getting that loaner tractor-
Dave if i had a Mankini i would have posed with my boots on you know that. ;)

Have you ever done a Google image search on Mankini`s? click here (if you dare).

"Marathon Mankini" is the one i love, you need a big set of balls to run a marathon wearing that.

