• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mezo`s "super hots" Glog including the 'big' solar dehydrator.

The is thread with the humungous solar dehydrator. :D


G-Day, im Mez or Mezo & im new to this part of Australia having come from Perth (Western Australia) where growing chili peppers is so easy (except the heat).

I live in the border ranges in northern New South Wales (bordering Queensland) and its a mixed bag of temperate & tropical conditions, the summers are very hot, wet & humid, the winters are dry & sunny.

Average daily temps.


And average monthly rainfall.


Aussies reading this will already know this, but people in other country's probably paint a picture of Australia as a hot dry/dusty land but this is far from the truth, up north its full blown tropics with a wet season & 100% humidity (yuck). Down south its freezing cold & snow during winter, out west its a dry heat like in the Mediterranean & in the middle of Australia is desert country.

So im now growing for the first time "Super hots" and for a very important reason, whilst working away in Perth i had a double heart attack wich has left me permanently disabled, sadly they are unable to operate on me (bypass/stent) as its to far gone, so having worked all my life (Electrician) im now at the age of 45 claiming a disability pension & i hate not being able to work.

Now i take shovel fulls of dam tablets to keep my heart pumping & id rather not be taking any but right now there no option i have to take them or ill drop dead on the spot. After much reading i found out that cayenne powder has all sort of benefits to your health & well being, especially to your cardio vascular system. I had read that cayenne powder can stop a heart attack in its track & i put this to the test (twice) and yes it does work where the medication (Nitrolingual) had no effect.

So anyone reading this who spots a friend having a heart attack just flick some chili powder in a glass of water as fast as you can & get them to drink in right down, fast. It works within 30 seconds of drinking it & it saved me from two more attacks already.

So there's my life story in a nutshell & some sound advice on how to save a heart attack victims life.
And this ladies & gentlymen is why im growing "Super Hots" to make high heat cayenne powder for cooking to improve my circulation/remove fats & as a "just in case of emergency"

OK on with the first of my "Hots" the Bhut Jolokia, the reason i chose this was simple i just Googled "whats the hottest chili" and up popped the result, however further reading on the interweb i found threads from this forum & names like the Butch T, the Douglah & Brain Strain.

So ive ordered them from pepperlover.com after so many people gave such great reviews, Bhut in the meantime lets look at my Jolokia`s.



Must admit i just love the shape & color of these babies.

More soon,

Stick with it Mez. I look at it this way, after all the recent trevails you've had, things can only get better statistically speaking. Reminds me of that song by the British singer Howard Jones back in the mid-eighties :lol:

The peppers you did post here look like they were State Fair quality in size & color anyway so the area you live in does have pepper possibilities :beer:

Glad to see your sorted. Keep up the good grow brother!

Cheers Conor, heres a couple of pics of your St Helena Yellow`s, do they look OK or a bit leggy?


Well happy i got three plants out of five seeds, and a top shot.


And can anyone tell me if this looks right? it should be a 7 Pod Brown (got it from Judy) but odd leaves.


Below is my biggest of Kings "Super Scorp" seeds he sent earlier in the year.


And just some random in the tent pictures.






Yep ive got whey to many plants, having said that im glad i have as ive lost so many & if at least i can get one healthy plant from each varetity to taste test & save the seeds ill be happy.

For intance that 7P Brown, its the only one that has sprouted & is my most precious plant to date, not sure what i did wrong but out of all the seeds Judy sent me only one has grown? doesnt matter though thats now my most cherished plant simply becuase ive only got the one & thats what i enjoy about growing.

Its like Conors St Helena Yellow (all the way from St Helena) i got five seeds & managed to get three healthy plants, well happy. Then Conor sent me some Florida Wild, im stoked ive got three healthy seedlings, three more over the weekend & two more today.

I guess its like fishing for Marlin on a 1lb line (not that im a fisherman) but its the same thing.

I had real issues getting a douglah seed to sprout from 11 seeds I got a grand total of 1 plant and I know it wasn't my germination technique as I had no real issues with any of the other varieties. So that one runty overwintered neglected douglah is now one of my most precious plants. So I hear you mezo
It will be my first year growing from seed. The plants I grew this year were from a local nursery here in Jersey, Cross Country Nursery. So I pray that I also can get at least one healthy plant out of each variety. So far your grow has really taken off fantastic. I cant wait to follow your progress.
I had real issues getting a douglah seed to sprout from 11 seeds I got a grand total of 1 plant and I know it wasn't my germination technique as I had no real issues with any of the other varieties. So that one runty overwintered neglected douglah is now one of my most precious plants. So I hear you mezo

I've not had luck yet w/ them either. Had one sprout last season right before Fall ended and it was the picture of health and vigor. It later wilted and died because I did not have a grow-light to shepherd it through the off-season. I just recently got some more seeds and got two sprouts. ALSO have a grow-light in the post on the way to my house as we speak :party:

Mez- just a word of caution if you haven't eaten a 7-Pot Choc yet, they are hot as all get out!!! :fireball:
I had real issues getting a douglah seed to sprout from 11 seeds I got a grand total of 1 plant and I know it wasn't my germination technique as I had no real issues with any of the other varieties. So that one runty overwintered neglected douglah is now one of my most precious plants. So I hear you mezo

I had only half my Douglah`s sprout & lost most of the rest to aphid or the stuff i was using to kill the aphid Trip`s,
Ive got one good one & possibly two others left (hard to tell actually what i have?) i should go round & do a count up.

It will be my first year growing from seed. The plants I grew this year were from a local nursery here in Jersey, Cross Country Nursery. So I pray that I also can get at least one healthy plant out of each variety. So far your grow has really taken off fantastic. I cant wait to follow your progress.

Ah OK Pia i didnt know you started them from nuresry, well its a whole new learning curve for you next year then.
Personally its the bit i enjoy the most (the sprouting) id imagine something like giving birth? you care for each & every one.

So knows the time you should be sourcing heat mats & lights, getting them started early in the season ready for plant out.
I will send you some seeds Pia as will most of the guys on this forum.

I've not had luck yet w/ them either. Had one sprout last season right before Fall ended and it was the picture of health and vigor. It later wilted and died because I did not have a grow-light to shepherd it through the off-season. I just recently got some more seeds and got two sprouts. ALSO have a grow-light in the post on the way to my house as we speak :party:

Mez- just a word of caution if you haven't eaten a 7-Pot Choc yet, they are hot as all get out!!! :fireball:

Ah thats good to know, couldnt figure why i had such a crap result with them? i think theres a stragler just sprouting in the tent now so that possibly makes two 7P Choc`s & know ive not tasted one but yes im aware they are mega mega hot.

No just grass Sy, i just pulled it all out this morning along with all them pots you see there (all Habenero`s) and ive taken them ou to the veggie patch, im putting all my super hots in there place next to the window.

Sometimes you just get a bum lot of seeds. If its something like a cayenne or jalapeno that is everywhere and has been around for ever you expect to get a good germination because people have been saving the best seeds etc for a while and improving the strain. But for a relatively new strain like a Douglah not the same. This season I got 1 sprout from the last 2 seeds of my old stock, and from a different source I got 3 sprouts from 8 seeds. Never been a high rate on them but at least I got something.

I'm more pissed off when you get nothing. From 10 seeds I'm still at 0 sprouts for Pimenta di Bico :( All I wanted was the opportunity to tell someone "this one's name means `little rubber nipple` " :P
"Pimenta di Bico :( All I wanted was the opportunity to tell someone "this one's name means `little rubber nipple` " :P"

That funny!!!
now, I want to grow that too. just for the giggles!!! :lol:
Sometimes you just get a bum lot of seeds. If its something like a cayenne or jalapeno that is everywhere and has been around for ever you expect to get a good germination because people have been saving the best seeds etc for a while and improving the strain. But for a relatively new strain like a Douglah not the same. This season I got 1 sprout from the last 2 seeds of my old stock, and from a different source I got 3 sprouts from 8 seeds. Never been a high rate on them but at least I got something.

I'm more pissed off when you get nothing. From 10 seeds I'm still at 0 sprouts for Pimenta di Bico :( All I wanted was the opportunity to tell someone "this one's name means `little rubber nipple` " :P
yes. I've heard of Douglah's described as rare peppers somewhere. Could be its like you said, or its difficulty to grow under controlled conditions or some other reason. I will say that we have some people here who have all the equipment like heat mats, lights, irrigation that prolly give them a better germination/survival rate. I just joined that club because I have a light in the post. :)
Well ive had a bit of a result the last day or so, when the roof lifted off the tent i put all the non sprouted seeds in to seed raising mix & hoped for the best, i never give up with seeds (leart my lesson last year) even when theres so sign of life with the paper towel method i never throw the seeds away.

Well i had managed to germinate six Florida Wild`s to date & now i have eight more popped up in the last two days.


And no sigh of life on the other seeds Conor sent me until i planted them.

A single Peach Bhut.


Three Indian Carbon`s


One (possibly two) Primo`s.


And i can see another 7P Brown emerging also, so fingers croos ill have two in total.

And,,,,a new dog & this time it really is mine, Tess was kidnapped by Trish even though Tess was supposed to be the "Farm Dog" Ive not named him yet (suggestions?) but its a purebred Kelpie cattle dog (tess was Kelpie x Collie).



This is my first ever dog, ive always been reluctant to have a dog for the simple reason i hate commitment (that`s why im single with no kids) now ive got responsibilities for the first time in my life.

So he needs a name, single syllable (or at least his nickname should be) for when im yelling a command at him from miles away. I named Tess for that reason, when she takes off full flight after the cows i can shout loudly "TESS" and it works.

Right now he`s called dog, prehaps name him after a Chilli? "BUTCH" LoL

Super Scorps!!!!! You fight to the finish Mezo. I am very impressed with your grow buddy. You're a crazy SOB, I love it. If I ever get some money, I'm coming down under. That dog is awesome, way to man up. Every man needs a best friend. I'm going to name you "Chili Whisperer" as for your pup.....you should name him "Balls", that way if you ever lose him, you can ask people "Have you seen my balls?" Or "can you help me? I've lost my Balls"
Looks like he'll be quite a rascal , so hell, Rascal! Watch out they're soul stealers LOL
As to the Brown, hard to say at that stage I got 2 Browns, 2 choc 7's(some say different,some say no, others say Douglahs-but I have 2 pods types between them)
and I would have to look to be sure, I have had a few plants that had rounder leaves but eventually went pointed as they grew out.Slow to pod up for sure-but once they started, there was no way I'd keep up with eating those mad hornets of a pod!Great for powder though.I just checked my phone porn and all the Brown pics have pointed leaves...but as much variation as everything has , you'll only know when the pods turn brown.Lotta fookin help I am right? :rofl:
Super Scorps!!!!! You fight to the finish Mezo. I am very impressed with your grow buddy. You're a crazy SOB, I love it. If I ever get some money, I'm coming down under. That dog is awesome, way to man up. Every man needs a best friend. I'm going to name you "Chili Whisperer" as for your pup.....you should name him "Balls", that way if you ever lose him, you can ask people "Have you seen my balls?" Or "can you help me? I've lost my Balls"

LoL, im quite liking Buddy as a name, "BUD" for short & when im yelling at him from a distance.

Had to soap spray the young plants this morning (return of the aphids) but it seems to work pretty well without to much damage.

Looks like he'll be quite a rascal , so hell, Rascal! Watch out they're soul stealers LOL
As to the Brown, hard to say at that stage I got 2 Browns, 2 choc 7's(some say different,some say no, others say Douglahs-but I have 2 pods types between them)
and I would have to look to be sure, I have had a few plants that had rounder leaves but eventually went pointed as they grew out.Slow to pod up for sure-but once they started, there was no way I'd keep up with eating those mad hornets of a pod!Great for powder though.I just checked my phone porn and all the Brown pics have pointed leaves...but as much variation as everything has , you'll only know when the pods turn brown.Lotta fookin help I am right? :rofl:

That 7P Brown has totally diffrent shape leaves to anything im growing, i was suprised to be honest.

It will be nice to have some color varietys this year for powders, plenty of reds, yellows & browns plus some odd ones like the Peach Bhut.
Nice pup, Meez!

Ha! I like "Dog". Like "Dog" from Footrot Flats. Or just "Boy" or something?

I dunno.... for some reason, Raphael was the other name to come to mind... or Raph for short.