• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!


With that being said,
to my grow log.

As a disclaimer, if you came here to learn how to grow peppers the right way, you might as well leave. Also, if you get easily offended, send all hatemail to Romy6. Thx. If you are looking for a pro log …… click http://www.thehotpep...al-discussion/. If you want meticulous notes, and updates like clockwork, click http://www.thehotpep...hot-grow-2012/.

For those of you who are still here, I’m Matt, and you can call me that. That or homie, bro, chief, man, buddy, or Javier. This is season number 2 and last year was a disaster. Somewhere between scouring the web to find out why all my plants couldn’t break the 2 foot mark I ran across this forum, and bam, hooked. I started gathering seeds in June and got them in dirt (or coffee filters) today.

Here is my list:

ButchT- Pepper lover/Chad S 3
Red TScorp-AJ 3
Yellow TScorp-Brian 3
TScorp Marouga-Pepper Lover 3

Red Bhut-Pepper Lover 3
Assam Bhut Indian Carbon- Pepper Lover 3
Giant Red Bhut-PGM 3
Choc Bhut-PGM 3
Peach Bhut-Aji Joe 3
Naga Morich- Brian 3

Yellow 7: THSC 3
White 7: Pepper Lover 3
Jonah: Pepper Lover 3
Primo: Pepper Lover 3
Barrakpore: Pepper Lover 3
Douglah: THSC 3
Brain Strain: CMPMAN 3
Yellow Brain Strain: Pepper Lover 3
Infinity: Wouter 3

Red Savina-Pepper Lover 3
Red Hab- Pepper Lover 3
Orange Hab- Pepper Lover 3

Naga x 7 Pot-Chad 3
Peach Habalokia-Aji Joe 3
Red Scorpanero #2-Aji Joe 3
Yellow Habalokia-Aji Joe 3

Fatalii-Pepper Lover 3
Trinidad Perfume-Pepper Lover 3
Tabago Seasoning-Pepper Lover 3
Aji Yellow-Aji Joe 3
Inca Red Drop-Kevin 3
Maui Purple- Kevin 3


Biker Billy Jal- Burpee 0
Cayenne- Burpee 0


Joe E. Parker- HM 0
Red Bell Orion F1- HM 0
Yellow Bell Catriona- HM 0

For background on my set up with plenty of pics and commentary click http://www.thehotpep...-now-with-pics/ basically, I have a 5x5x7 growtent with a 600w MH.

I am planting via 2 methods, coffee filter and direct sow. I want to eventually plant out 1 of each variety so I sowed 3 seeds. I soaked my seeds last night in water and planted 1 in a tray of Hoffman’s Seed Starter (thanks Ronnie),

and the other two I stuck in coffee filters and plastic bags. So EVERYONE is aware, this method is not a quick one. Consider yourself warned.

When I finished planting/bagging everything, I stuck it in my tent which maintains about 81-84 and we shall keep our fingers crossed.


parting shot

Now it is time to PWN some 12 year olds in MW3. Peace!
Grasshoppers are pests. Good to see plants rebounding for you. Everyone seems to worry about temps for plant out, but rain will set you way back. I learned this last year, thankfully it was at the end of the seaSon here in PA. when we get a lot of rain. I gave some guys at work plants this year, and one guy was "toughening" the plants by leaving them outside with temps in high 30s. I don't know how having plants out early in cold weather gets them toughened up for the 80s and 90s that they will be seeing? CCN plants take ages to harden off. I had similar issues with the plants I ordered from them last year. It took mine a good while to rebound but they eventually did. I asked them by email what you mentioned earlier, why can't I just keep them inside under lights for alittle bit? They basically covered their asses by giving me the same rundown about what to do when plants arrive.. I would use them again if I was in a bind. Good luck man. Nothing we read on here compares to experience.
I second (or is it third at this point?) those that say to squish the grass hopper... he's likely the cause of the holes.

We here in Sunny Fl, get a lot of Eastern Lubbers... no predators, 150 babies a season, and our moderate winters don't kill the eggs.

fortunately individually they are light eaters... But as a group they can swallow a garden.

I squish with impunity.

Nice looking grow! I'm moving to NC in either the spring or fall (grad school), and so its good to know these can be grown this well up there :)
+ 1 on the grasshopper. They don't just eat grass! I could show you pictures of the damage they can do, but I'll spare you the carnage. Squish him and his buddies!!!
Grasshoppers are pests. Good to see plants rebounding for you. Everyone seems to worry about temps for plant out, but rain will set you way back. I learned this last year, thankfully it was at the end of the seaSon here in PA. when we get a lot of rain. I gave some guys at work plants this year, and one guy was "toughening" the plants by leaving them outside with temps in high 30s. I don't know how having plants out early in cold weather gets them toughened up for the 80s and 90s that they will be seeing? CCN plants take ages to harden off. I had similar issues with the plants I ordered from them last year. It took mine a good while to rebound but they eventually did. I asked them by email what you mentioned earlier, why can't I just keep them inside under lights for alittle bit? They basically covered their asses by giving me the same rundown about what to do when plants arrive.. I would use them again if I was in a bind. Good luck man. Nothing we read on here compares to experience.

Thanks for the info. I had no idea that they were that bad! I was definitely disappointed about the CCN plants. They came in great shape, and I followed their instructions, however, I think they just needed more time hardening off. I even asked about putting them in my grow tent to wait till plantout and the lady didn't really have an answer, just that they have been hardened to 50 degrees. I was like that doesn't help much, but no worries...

I second (or is it third at this point?) those that say to squish the grass hopper... he's likely the cause of the holes.

We here in Sunny Fl, get a lot of Eastern Lubbers... no predators, 150 babies a season, and our moderate winters don't kill the eggs.

fortunately individually they are light eaters... But as a group they can swallow a garden.

I squish with impunity.

Nice looking grow! I'm moving to NC in either the spring or fall (grad school), and so its good to know these can be grown this well up there :)

Congrats on the grad school! I am looking into goin after this next deployment. The downside is it is in DC :( crappy on more than one front!

+ 1 on the grasshopper. They don't just eat grass! I could show you pictures of the damage they can do, but I'll spare you the carnage. Squish him and his buddies!!!

I am on a mission. SQUISH. GRASSHOPPERS. NOW!

Man. I am completely jealous. I am embarrassed by my plants right now. They look a lot like Big Cedar's. Had to take off most of the leaves from all the rain leading to leafspot and spray them with an oily mix. I hope mine look like yours again soon!

That totally sucks man! The good thing is that I can tell from personal experience that these things really bounce back. All they need is a little time and they will be off to the races. I am sure you will be posting great pics before you know it!
Dude, I just read through your entire Glog and if you ever get to Orlando we need to grab a beer. Your mind seem to work along the same routes mine does. FYI retired Army, started life as a Cav Scout (19D) and wound up a Redleg (15D & 13M). That is a great grow tent setup you have and the grow list is perfect. This is actually my first year growing and I too am learning alot just reading erveyones glogs. So I guess it a Search and Destroy on the Grasshoppers, anh better therm than our peppers. :cool:

Nice to meet ya,
Thanks! It is definitely a search and destroy mission on those bitches, I had no idea. I am about 8 years in and plan to make it the full 20, unless a sweet GS position opens up. I am trying to end up down in Tampa (from Lake County), so I can be back on familiar ground, and not to mention the AMAZING FACT that you can grow year round!

I love that grow tent and it will get plenty of use in the future. I am heading back to Afcrapistan (as Chad S says), and will miss the next season. But you better believe that it will get run ragged the next year. I am definitely going to start everything a month or two earlier next time and that tent is gonna get me there.

Thanks for stoppin in and I will let you know if I am down in Orlando at some point!

It took me a while, but here is the final plant out list.


Thank God that he decided to clear the skies today, I really needed the time to clean up the garden. I weeded everything and decided to lay landscape fabric down to keep the weeds down and kill the grass that is left between the rows. I would like to go and get mulch to throw on top of the landscape cloth, but when I was weeding today it was really nice to not have my knees all up on the wood chips. I am still gonna mulch the rows, but I think I need another few weeks of growth before I can get enough ground clearance between the plants and dirt.



This Maui Purple has been shootin out a ton of flowers, I expect to have a ton of these little guys in the next month or so. Honestly, I don't even know what to do with them. More of an ornamental...
Congrats on the purple! Fun to look at...but I would also try them out in some flake. My ornamentals are actually pretty good! Would make a cool purple powder. Add some other flavors if they're bland onion/garlic...Hey, you could also make some funky purple pepper mayo! Or just look at them...

By the way...your organizational skills are making me nauseous. :shocked:
Looks good man!

Thanks! We got hit pretty hard today with some TStorms....doesn't look as good as the photos, but everything is still living (even if a few are taking a nap...) :)

Congrats on the purple! Fun to look at...but I would also try them out in some flake. My ornamentals are actually pretty good! Would make a cool purple powder. Add some other flavors if they're bland onion/garlic...Hey, you could also make some funky purple pepper mayo! Or just look at them...

By the way...your organizational skills are making me nauseous. :shocked:

The flakes sound like a great idea. They definitely look pretty cool and I can't wait to give em a try! Thanks again for the powder, I can't wait to give it a shot!

Well we got hit pretty hard with a TStorm today, and although everything looks like they are still living, the wind tore a few of em up. Hopefully tomorrow's sun will straighten em up and breathe warm life into them again! BUT it isn't all bad today...I got some great care pkgs AND won a contest with SUPREMEGROWERS!

Chris at AlphaHydro was kind enough to send me some SUPREMEGROWERS Myco, Kelp Blast, and Soil Blast. I am really excited to give em a try and I plan on brewin some tea and building the soil ecosystem up. I entered a contest on SG's website and ended up winning 8 pkgs of Myco and 8 of soil blast. I plan on sendin some friends a few of them and also adding it to my tea mix to really get it goin! Lastly, I ordered 2 keep it simple compost tea kits from compostjunkie.com. They are about 10 bucks and brew a 5 gallon container of tea. It is pre-mixed with fresh ingredients and is made to order. I wanna do some side-by-side comparisons on premixed tea and home made teas.

Oh yea, I emailed XTREME GARDENING about their Xtreme care package and they should be sendin me out one pretty soon! It is like friggen Christmas in the MG house!
Great stuff! You already did an awesome job of prepping that bed, so the addition of the beneficials should really make them explode! Sorry to hear about the storm, but anything short of ripping them up or setting them on fire isn't gonna phase them. Youre going to have trouble walking between your rows before too long. Good things happen to good people my friend...and sometimes I get lucky! Well deserved on you mid year Christmas!
Hey, Matt, your grow is looking really good. The beds look awesome
and should be little lush jungles in short order. When I first saw the
Maui Purple I thought it was an Explosive Ember or Bolivian Rainbow - similar pods.
Guess they probably all come from the same ancestor somewhere.

Enjoy your Christmas in May, my friend!
Great stuff! You already did an awesome job of prepping that bed, so the addition of the beneficials should really make them explode! Sorry to hear about the storm, but anything short of ripping them up or setting them on fire isn't gonna phase them. Youre going to have trouble walking between your rows before too long. Good things happen to good people my friend...and sometimes I get lucky! Well deserved on you mid year Christmas!

Thanks, I am sure if you ask my Marines if I am a good person you may get a different response....We are in workups and the word "liberty" doesn't get thrown around all that often for them. Me on the other hand, I got a new baby and 85 green babies, I get all the liberty I need... :) I'm just joshin...

Looking uber clean MGOLD! Thats whats up!

Thanks PG! I was wondering (since I am gonna be brewin some tea), do you dilute it, or just go full strength? I am waiting to here back from the keep it simple people, but you grow SHU rated trees.....

Looking great Matt! And nice score on the Supreme grower package. I entered that contest awhile back too - great package, nice score!

Thanks Andy! Did you win? I think it is a marketing ploy (one that is cool and we can take advantage of!), but I entered, went to their FB page, made some comment like "I have a feeling that I am gonna win this thing! I cant wait for my veggie garden to explode!" and then they commented back asking what I was growing, I responded, and 2 days later, "OMG, I can't believe it, but YOU WON! You will get.....send me your addy and I will ship it to you!" So, I was wondering if you "won" as well. I haven't checked your GLog this morning, but if I head over there after I get done typing this and there are no pictures, we are gonna have fighting words....

Hey, Matt, your grow is looking really good. The beds look awesome
and should be little lush jungles in short order. When I first saw the
Maui Purple I thought it was an Explosive Ember or Bolivian Rainbow - similar pods.
Guess they probably all come from the same ancestor somewhere.

Enjoy your Christmas in May, my friend!

Thanks Paul! I really can't wait to do the whole commando crawl through the beds for my harvests. I am leaving in mid-Sept/October, so I am really pulling for a nice harvest in July and then kinda "maintaining" through August/Sept. I am looking at dehydrators right now, and I am excited to send fresh p3 (pods, powders, and flakes, I just made that up:)) around to all the great people here. I really haven't nailed down what I am gonna do when I leave, but right now I am thinking about just leaving the plants be and who knows, when I get back in June maybe a few will survive....
Thanks Andy! Did you win? I think it is a marketing ploy (one that is cool and we can take advantage of!), but I entered, went to their FB page, made some comment like "I have a feeling that I am gonna win this thing! I cant wait for my veggie garden to explode!" and then they commented back asking what I was growing, I responded, and 2 days later, "OMG, I can't believe it, but YOU WON! You will get.....send me your addy and I will ship it to you!" So, I was wondering if you "won" as well. I haven't checked your GLog this morning, but if I head over there after I get done typing this and there are no pictures, we are gonna have fighting words....

:rofl: I do have pics up, I hope they didn't disappoint. No, I didn't win, so I'm a bit jealous. You may be right about the marketing ploy though. I don't remember if I wrote much of anything, they may have seen your comment about your garden exploding and thought you'd be a good person to publicize their stuff. Who knows. I did order one single pack of each, but I'm still not sure how I'm going to use it and when. The stuff sounds cool though, so I'm curious if it works.
yeah I'm definitely curious about the myco...

Will be watching to see how your stuff does.

Its not really practical for me to dose ~300+ plants with myco. if the stuff multiplies, I might broadcast it... I dunno. I'll watch your grows and use them to help make up my mind haha.
yeah I'm definitely curious about the myco...

Will be watching to see how your stuff does.

Its not really practical for me to dose ~300+ plants with myco. if the stuff multiplies, I might broadcast it... I dunno. I'll watch your grows and use them to help make up my mind haha.

You know I've wondered about that - the multiplying thing. Could it be cultivated somehow? If so you could use that to help your own soil mixes and amendments.
I potted up some tomatoes a while back that I had transplanted into
pint containers with mycorrhizae and dry molasses. The root balls
were the best I have seen on my maters. I think they do make a difference.
As for finding the right variety, that seems problematic. The Earth Juice
Rainbow Grow Mix w/ Mycorrhizae and humic acid contains a gob of
different strains of mycos. So I guess the hope is that some of the strains
will benefit different plants. I know that fungii and trees, esp conifers, have
species specific partnerships.
Awesome video Matt or should I say professor great information I switched this week from botanicare to worm casting tea for the same reason you stated and of course Guru 12 day results . I was wondering since I use city water (I do let it sit for two days) the ph is higher than 8 and was wondering if it would be alright to use ph down by GH without negatively impacting the bacteria?