• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!


With that being said,
to my grow log.

As a disclaimer, if you came here to learn how to grow peppers the right way, you might as well leave. Also, if you get easily offended, send all hatemail to Romy6. Thx. If you are looking for a pro log …… click http://www.thehotpep...al-discussion/. If you want meticulous notes, and updates like clockwork, click http://www.thehotpep...hot-grow-2012/.

For those of you who are still here, I’m Matt, and you can call me that. That or homie, bro, chief, man, buddy, or Javier. This is season number 2 and last year was a disaster. Somewhere between scouring the web to find out why all my plants couldn’t break the 2 foot mark I ran across this forum, and bam, hooked. I started gathering seeds in June and got them in dirt (or coffee filters) today.

Here is my list:

ButchT- Pepper lover/Chad S 3
Red TScorp-AJ 3
Yellow TScorp-Brian 3
TScorp Marouga-Pepper Lover 3

Red Bhut-Pepper Lover 3
Assam Bhut Indian Carbon- Pepper Lover 3
Giant Red Bhut-PGM 3
Choc Bhut-PGM 3
Peach Bhut-Aji Joe 3
Naga Morich- Brian 3

Yellow 7: THSC 3
White 7: Pepper Lover 3
Jonah: Pepper Lover 3
Primo: Pepper Lover 3
Barrakpore: Pepper Lover 3
Douglah: THSC 3
Brain Strain: CMPMAN 3
Yellow Brain Strain: Pepper Lover 3
Infinity: Wouter 3

Red Savina-Pepper Lover 3
Red Hab- Pepper Lover 3
Orange Hab- Pepper Lover 3

Naga x 7 Pot-Chad 3
Peach Habalokia-Aji Joe 3
Red Scorpanero #2-Aji Joe 3
Yellow Habalokia-Aji Joe 3

Fatalii-Pepper Lover 3
Trinidad Perfume-Pepper Lover 3
Tabago Seasoning-Pepper Lover 3
Aji Yellow-Aji Joe 3
Inca Red Drop-Kevin 3
Maui Purple- Kevin 3


Biker Billy Jal- Burpee 0
Cayenne- Burpee 0


Joe E. Parker- HM 0
Red Bell Orion F1- HM 0
Yellow Bell Catriona- HM 0

For background on my set up with plenty of pics and commentary click http://www.thehotpep...-now-with-pics/ basically, I have a 5x5x7 growtent with a 600w MH.

I am planting via 2 methods, coffee filter and direct sow. I want to eventually plant out 1 of each variety so I sowed 3 seeds. I soaked my seeds last night in water and planted 1 in a tray of Hoffman’s Seed Starter (thanks Ronnie),

and the other two I stuck in coffee filters and plastic bags. So EVERYONE is aware, this method is not a quick one. Consider yourself warned.

When I finished planting/bagging everything, I stuck it in my tent which maintains about 81-84 and we shall keep our fingers crossed.


parting shot

Now it is time to PWN some 12 year olds in MW3. Peace!
Great review Matt I didn't think the Cheiro would be that hot I really underestimated that pepper, but with great flavor sound like a possible addition next year. Great job on the reviews as usual. That Primo looks amazing, but all your pods look great awesome job.
Your plants are producing like crazy, man!..............I can't wait to see some of those crosses ripen up!

I am headin out in another hour or so for DC, so I will get to all the comments later on tonight. I just wanted to post a vid on the Red Cheiro. Bottom line...Was NOT expecting that....

Great review - hooray! I loved how you attempted to push forward, but that cheiro kept smacking you in the mouth so you couldn't ignore the heat and finally had to address it. You've almost sold me on that pepper and I had no intention of wanting it. Also, when I wear salmon I call it pink and try to wear it ironically - which I'm sure people pick up on, right?
Shane, that does look Pink to me, but I will let it pass...You are in California after all... :)

Great review - hooray! I loved how you attempted to push forward, but that cheiro kept smacking you in the mouth so you couldn't ignore the heat and finally had to address it. You've almost sold me on that pepper and I had no intention of wanting it. Also, when I wear salmon I call it pink and try to wear it ironically - which I'm sure people pick up on, right?

Yea, it wouldn't stop messing with me. I thought it was over and it just hit me again. It may have skewed my review of the cayenne, but let's be honest, nobody really cares about a cayenne review :lol:

Well I am back in town for a few weeks and aside from the torrential downpour we have received, it looks like most everything is still alive. I know that there will be a few casualties in the war against weather, but from the looks of it, it may be manageable. In addition, I came home to a nice care pkg from Todd (TMUDDER on YouTube). He sent over 2 sauces (The Blaze and Scorch), of which I am really excited about the Scorch which is a 7 Pot Brown steak sauce. Also, got some bhut jerky, and bhut caramels. To round it out he sent over the monsters that are in the Scorch sauce. So here is the next saga Matt's Pepper Adventures!


(Watch in HD, for a better picture)

Watch in HD!

First off, WOW! This thing is a beast. I am really happy that the pain is over...

First on taste. It took me a minute to collect my thoughts. I wanted to immediately say, "It tastes Great! Wow, it has a nice and subdued earthy flavor, with very little "Chinense Sharpness". But the heat really took my breath away. It took me a few minutes to collect my thoughts, but eventually I got the flavor pinned down.

On Shape: It is amazingly Douglah-Ish. I know the debate is out there on whether or not they are the same, and the shape places a point in the "same pepper" column. There were about 15 or so seeds. Dark brown and another interesting note is the fact that they seem to get very ripe, very quick. It is likely tied the fact that they are thin skinned.

On Heat: This one is a beast. I really wasn't "surprised", per se, however, it really hit me hard. I haven't had a super in a bit, and this one was maybe a tough decision to jump back into the game with. It had the traditional 7 Pot "Hot Coal Burn", and it worked it's way up my mouth and around my tongue. I am having difficulty drawing a clear parallel with some of the other's I have had, but I can say that this one definitely ranks among the top. I use the physical paralysis as a huge indicator of heat level, as well as the heat to my mouth. This one was right up there and I think that I would have to (after re-watching some of my other videos) rank this one #2/3 based on those factors. There are a few things that can affect the overall heat level, and even though it was ridiculously hot, I think fresh from the plant would have bumped it up a bit. Like I mentioned above, this pepper was very thin-walled, and because of that they can get very ripe, very quick. The more ripe a pepper is, sometimes the heat can diminish. And if this thing lost ANY heat, it is a monster.

Lastly, the after effects. You know, I have said it many times before but, I really HATE stomach pain. I made the dumb choice of eating this thing after I spent the day in pain from the night before's antics....Gotta love Irish Pubs in Old Town, Va....Anyways, my stomach was already hurting and I didn't want the pepper to go bad. So add to that the amazing amount of Capsacin in the pepper, about 10 minutes after everything relaxed and the heat went away, the stomach pain started. I tried to combat it with a Sonic Blast, but it didn't seem to work. I think that the ice cream actually made it worse. I am going to have to get this thing under control if I expect to keep eating them raw.

Now what to do with it. So if you grow this pepper, it would make a great sauce. Its flavor is subtle and nice, and the heat is off the chart. A powder would work, but sauce would probably preferable. I am going to review some sauce a bit later, and I think that the 7 Pot Brown's heat would be perfect in that application.

Thanks for watchin!

I am hoping to get in the garden today or tomorrow and clean everything up, as well as do a bunch of yard work. I will post an update in the next day or two!
Awesome review Matt jumping into the killer pods head first I also enjoyed that pepper it doesn't have the acidy flavor that tends to ruin the taste of the pepper. I have two plants I think I know one for sure, but just waiting to see another starts to pop it pods. Can not wait to see your post on the plants and poddage you got going on over there.
Awesome review Matt jumping into the killer pods head first I also enjoyed that pepper it doesn't have the acidy flavor that tends to ruin the taste of the pepper. I have two plants I think I know one for sure, but just waiting to see another starts to pop it pods. Can not wait to see your post on the plants and poddage you got going on over there.

Thanks! I agree, it is definitely a great tasting pepper. I am hoping the weather holds up and I have a bit more color on the plants. We shall see....
Hahahahaha.....that looked HORRIBLE! At least the taste was good. I hear you on the stomach pain...I ate a pod off my "Yellow 7" that actually ripened Chocolate Brown last night. Nothing like yours, but I had some stomach problems too. Hope you figure it out, because I really enjoy your reviews!
"But I wanted to pose some questions, and have some open dialogue..." :rofl: followed by "I was hoping to maybe get lucky later, but if I have my stomach pain all night it's not going to happen at all..."

Oh I love it. I am honestly so impressed that you could even talk. I was feeling it with you and I can't talk when I'm hurting that bad.

That was awesome. I love your reviews because I never know where the ride is going to take me :lol:
First off,great video!
I've seen,and read others eating peanut butter.Have you tried that for the stomach pain?
I think some use it, in hopes of it helping with the hiccups? Not to sure,but I would think it would help soften the blow to the stomach?
Hahahahaha.....that looked HORRIBLE! At least the taste was good. I hear you on the stomach pain...I ate a pod off my "Yellow 7" that actually ripened Chocolate Brown last night. Nothing like yours, but I had some stomach problems too. Hope you figure it out, because I really enjoy your reviews!

LOL. Glad it made ya chuckle a bit....it was misery.... The bright side was it went away after about 30 minutes. I actually went to the bathroom and thought I was gonna puke. Was able to keep it down like a champ, but even today I feel like ass.

"But I wanted to pose some questions, and have some open dialogue..." :rofl: followed by "I was hoping to maybe get lucky later, but if I have my stomach pain all night it's not going to happen at all..."

Oh I love it. I am honestly so impressed that you could even talk. I was feeling it with you and I can't talk when I'm hurting that bad.

That was awesome. I love your reviews because I never know where the ride is going to take me :lol:

Thanks! I am always about the ride. I always go into these things with an agenda, but after you eat a pod that can melt metal, that kinda goes out the window....

Holy smokes, you can really compose yourself even through the pain. Great job on the review.

I may have looked decent on the outside, but on the inside I was dieing! This one was rough, especially with a killer hangover. Nothing says "I hate you stomach!" like a dozen beers, a 5 hour drive, and then a stupidly hot pepper. At least I am alive!

First off,great video!
I've seen,and read others eating peanut butter.Have you tried that for the stomach pain?
I think some use it, in hopes of it helping with the hiccups? Not to sure,but I would think it would help soften the blow to the stomach?

Thanks for the tip! I think that I will give it a try next time. Maybe a few spoonfulls of peanut butter before the next one! I am down for anything.

Its Salmon!!! Lol...think you may have added one to my list with that Cheiro review!



You know, I didn't even notice the backpack until now....where is that from??? Baby Gap?
"Holy Shit Balls!" haha love the 7PB video!
And Shane "real men wear pink right?" lol

But that back pack is just wow :rofl: My 3 year old daughter calls that "pocka ots"