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Mido's peppers

Those vegies seem to be really loving it in the greenhouse. Soon they will take over :cool:
Me wanna visit too, truly amazing work!
Those vegies seem to be really loving it in the greenhouse. Soon they will take over :cool:
Me wanna visit too, truly amazing work!

I already have to top of some of the cucumbers and tomatoes and prune (how do you call that) the tomatoes to stop them from becoming bushy.

Well i think then we have to do some kind of visitation schedule, ahm prefeably about harvesting time hehe :welcome:
Harvest time would be perfect :)

I would imagine there will be lots of pruning to be done soon they way those Cucumbers and Tomatoes are growing

Pruning is not the work.

The watering is, I already knew that ahead but to invest into a watering system was to much for this year so we water ourselfs.

Next year I need to have someting like A.J. has and I will look into it after harvet time so I can put it before next season.

I'm not yet sure what to use and how to combine watering and feeding the plants.
How long is your grow season over there? I wonder what kind of temps you could maintain in there during winter, would be interesting to see. How does the Purple Jolokia taste? Heat range? I am still waiting on mine to produce pods, have tons of flowers and they are amazing in color. I am glad to see by your pictures that my Purples arent leggy, they look normal, slender and tall.
Usualy as of may the 15th we have no more frosts, depending on the weather it is possible to carefully put the pepers in a greenhouse say from half april/end of april. Outside normaly not sooner than half may.

This yeas was exceptionally hot in march and april and we have reached the 25 degrees Celcius in april, but then I went down again but happely no frosts but the plant growth realy slowed down and came to a stop.

Now we are have 20/25 degrees celcius again.

The season will go on to september-october and after november the plants will start dieing of.

So all in all we have a good 7 to 8 months, the last months is just for the late pods to ripen.

And then in jan-february I start sowing indoors again and it all starts over again.

I never ever eat fresh pods, I just make Sambal and sauzes from it and I grow the Purple Bhut for the first time I can't tell you but as soon as I have enough ripe ones someone is gonna do a tastetesting for me and he will make a video to put on youtube so I'll let you know as soon as it has been tasted.
WOW. So nice. I'm in awe of that greenhouse Mido. You did that first class for sure.


Thanks Chris, some of your seeds have found a great new home, they love it :onfire:

Did you get the infinities to germinate, if not let me know I have some more in a few months. I just succeeded after the thirt attempt
Great-looking structure there. Mido! :cool:

Air circulation is no problem, both ends have a sliding door so air circulates, I have used wat is called aphid netting wich has a Mesh size: ca. 0,39x0,77 mm. Air flows true it no problem.
That "aphid netting" sounds pretty neat - have not heard of that before! :cool:

Wondering if it could be useful indoors - to actually protect against aphids? ;)

I have been looking into building some kind of micro greenhouse, to keep the bad guys away from my new seedlings (been keeping them in another room and draped under Saran wrap right now for that very reason).

Was previously thinking about using plastic covering over a small frame, but this stuff would be perfect!

Did a little searching for this, but the commercial sites that came up all seemed to be either in the UK (Suffolk Herbs, Kings Seeds) or Australia (Redpath).

Does anyone know if/who sells "aphid netting" here in the U.S.A.?
A picture of a unripe Bhut Jolokia Choco, this is one of my biggest Bhut Jolokia's so far. The plants have been overwintered and it seems to give more flowers and pods as other plants do.
