Mido's peppers


I found a good friend om my aphid invested Butch T's today, I already noticed a decline in aphids on these plants and now I know why.

I was still squezing all aphids I did find on these plants because all other solutions seemed to fail on these particular plants but I think I can stop that now.
Great looking harvest Wouter, that peach habalokia is a cool addition. How is the heat on that thing?

Now I have never tasted a habanero or a bhut jolokia and maybe I never will. So it is hard to compare. I did taste a little piece and it had immidiate heat, no slow build up. The heat doesn't stay very long and I must say it is nice. It is a nice tasting pepper, fruity a bit melon like but not very sweet. It only burns in the front of the mouth not in the back or in the throat.

My wife also tasted it and she told me I should make a nice sambal (malasian pepperpaste)out of it.
Looking great Mido.

Congrats on hiring the right bug for the job of getting rid of your aphids. They don't stand a chance with this guy around.

Top row from left to right: 7 Pod SR Strain - Habanero Tasmanian - Dorset Naga
Second row from the top from left to right: Bhut Jolokia Choco - Inca Red Drop - Infinity
Third row from the top from left to right: 7 pod Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion Morouga - 7 Pod White (Pale yellow variety) - Criolla Sella
Bottom row from left to right: Jumbo Jalapeno - Aji Omnicolor - Naga Jolokia (PC-1)Purple
Seventh?! Holy smokes man! Love the looks of those Infinity pods. Can't wait for next year.

In Infinities alone I will have harvested about 150 pods when I'm done, enough to make loads of killer sauce. A buddy of the Dutch pepper forum did a taste video off one of the infinities I have grown but sadly it is in Dutch otherwise I would have uploaded it here.
Hmm now how do I upload a youtube vid?

First off, Great harvest Wouter! To upload a video, the last icon on the format line in the post reply is a button that looks like 3 pics. If you hover over it, it says insert media. Click that and add the link. or use the code: [ media] http://[ /media] and delete the spaces before media and /media.
