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MikeyV's - grow season 2010

Here's an update on how my plants are going. We just moved into a new home across town so I've been pretty busy with that lately.

Group shot:

They all seem to be growing pretty good for the most part. I had some lower leaves yellowing and some dropping aswell. I figured it may have been due to shock from the car ride to the new house or just in need of some nutes. I fed them a weak fertalizer solution and gave them an epsom salt spray a few days ago. Leaves have been greening up since then. Here's an example:

Thanks guys.

I still have a good 10 weeks or so until plant out. I might have to add another level of light to my grow rack so I can have more room for another pot up. Hope I haven't gotten over my head with 60 plants! I dont think Mrs. V really knows what the backyard is gonna look like this year! Ha ha
Those plants are looking sweet Mike.
Are you planning on potting up? They are getting pretty big in those cups and you dont want them to get to rootbound.
Ya I think Im gonna have to pot up fairly soon. I dont really want to cull any so another grow shelf might be the only option.
I took some photos of a few plants today. They went through a good growth spurt since I potted up a few weeks ago. I am having to pinch off a few buds from a lot of them every other day or so. I think I might pot some of them up to more permanent containers and make use of our sunniest window.

Group shot:

Chocolate Habanero:

7 pot/pod:

Chocolate 7 pot/pod: