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MikeyV's - grow season 2010

Well my first season from seed has begun. I planted 9 varieties of seed in jiffy pellets. The tray is sitting on a heat mat with the soil temperature in the low 80's. I don't have a thermostat hooked up but the room was a little on the cool side to begin with so I dont think over heating will be a problem.

Here is my set up. I picked the rack up at Lowe's. Shelve's are adjustable plus I like how easy it is to hang lights or attach what ever else. I have two 48" shop lights hanging and mylar covered cardboard for reflection on the side walls. I also have a sheet of mylar attached to the top of the unit which will drape over the front of the grow area. Its thrown over the top of the shelving unit in the photo.

Next step is to get the lights on a timer and find a small fan to be put on a timer for air circulation and to help plant rigidity.

I plan on moving the seedlings up under the lights as they sprout and under watering as needed. They will be transplanted to 3 1/2" cups after the second set of leaves have developed.

Thanks to all who have answered my questions so far and for all the posts/photos that I have gotten info from. Lets see how this goes!:cool:
That works, you will have plenty of room for the plants to grow. I actually assembled a shelf like that about a month ago, pinched myself a couple times with those damn clams used to locate the shelves. LOL Hope you didnt press the shelves down too hard, they can be kinda hard to get unstuck to move, i had to use a hammer from the underside of the edge to get it done.
We have the same taste in seed starting shelving. I have the same set up, only using 2 Ecoplus 105w 6500 deg. grow lamps in the Sunsystem fixtures. i'm just waiting untill the weather starts to show signs of warming before I start my seeds.I'll post mygrow list when I finalize it.Good luck.
hey i didnt think about using the shelving for plants! those are the same shelves i use for my tarantulas. looks good. and may i ask what the cost of the mylar was?
Nice looking setup, it is a lot like mine. Your temps should be fine for you, low 80's isn't too cool. You Maylar looks like the survival blankets I found at Walmart in the camping section, judging by the folds.
Thanks guys! Ya. The mylar is cut from survival blankets I found at Canadian Tire. But as Pepperfreak stated they can be found at Walmart aswell for under $3.
Those shelves do look like a viable solution. I think I will do that next year. How much are those 48 inch shop lights costing you?
Mjdtexan said:
Those shelves do look like a viable solution. I think I will do that next year. How much are those 48 inch shop lights costing you?

Thanks Mjdtexan. They were on sale at Home Depot for $17 each.

Had my first sprout come up this morning. Its a Bhut Jolokia about 5 days in! Stoked!


Sorry about the crappy picture but I think you can see it there. :)
Yep, I can see it. Awesome. Question, do you wait to move it until it is finished standing up or do you move it as soon as you see it? See how its bent over in your picture? I am a bit confused as to when to move them.
Well, being my first seedling to come up ever this is all pretty new to me. But I'm going to put it under light right away. I imagine it will be standing up shortly so I want to prevent the seedling from stretching out to light and getting leggy as soon as I can. Some one else may be able to give you a more knowledgable answer though. Cheers!
MikeyV said:
Well, being my first seedling to come up ever this is all pretty new to me. But I'm going to put it under light right away. I imagine it will be standing up shortly so I want to prevent the seedling from stretching out to light and getting leggy as soon as I can. Some one else may be able to give you a more knowledgable answer though. Cheers!

Oh, your in the same boat as I. Ok. Well, awesome so far, ¿Que no? I hope you are having as good a time as me.
Ahh, the madness begins! :onfire:

Did 'ya get your fan(s) hooked up yet?
DownRiver said:
Did 'ya get your fan(s) hooked up yet?

No sir. Not yet. I want to find a timer that will allow me to have a fan come on for 10 min every hour or so. Any timer that I have ever used only lets me make a "switch" once a day. I'll have to go see what the local stores have.
MikeyV said:
No sir. Not yet. I want to find a timer that will allow me to have a fan come on for 10 min every hour or so. Any timer that I have ever used only lets me make a "switch" once a day. I'll have to go see what the local stores have.

Is there any reason other than saving electricity for only running it 10 minutes for every hour as apposed to just leaving the fan on ?