• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mildfruit 2022. Greenhouse edition.

Oh boy, here we go again.
I joined this lovely forum back in 2018, been a lurker much longer though. At that time I was a student living in a small apartment, trying to learn all I could about indoor growing. Mostly because I didn't have outdoor space, and when I had a hobby that demanded I grew something, I had to get creative.
I loved the control of growing indoor, and trying to create optimal growing conditions for the plants.

However, late last year I bought my first house with a garden, and fortunately I got a greenhouse as a birthday present from my girlfriend and friends.
So my dream of growing plants in a greenhouse is finally coming true!

The gear:


Unfortunately this isn't from my garden, this is the picture from the website :lol:

This is my process so far :D A picture from late January, without snow! I still need lots of work before the greenhouse is ready. I need to dig out the dirt and replace it with gravel before I lay some flagstones. This part of the garden is faced in the north/south direction so I think it will be perfect.

Luckily I have lots of people to help me, so I have no doubt that the greenhouse will be ready before mid May, which is the usual time to transplant plants into the greenhouse in my country.

In my last glog I experimented with autopots, and I liked them so much that I have bought additional autopots for the greenhouse, and a big 225L (59.5gallons) water reservoir.

I also experimented with diffrent kinds of fertilizer over the years, mostly kinds that where designed for hydroponics or coco choir. This year I will try soil so I had to find a new source for fertilizers. I went with a danish product called 'Hornum Gødning koncentrat'. Its a fertilizer made in the national research station for professional use, and as a total newbie in a greenhouse environment its a match made in heaven :halo:


Jalapeno Lemon SpicePlantekasse.dk
Jalapeno Craigs grandePlantekasse.dk
Murupi AmarelaPlantekasse.dk
F2 Dutch chili x Ancho poblanoOwn cross
Cayenne OrangePlantekasse.dk
White bhut (White W strain)Whitehotpeppers.com
T-Rex YellowWhitehotpeppers.com
De ArbolPlantekasse.dk
Ancho PoblanoFataliiseeds.net
Golden MarconiSemillas.de
Grenada SeasoningWhitehotpeppers.com

I am growing some of the same plants as last year, but with a change in vendor. Also some new varieties.

Besides peppers I am also growing some cucumbers, tomatoes and a single Pineapple cherry plant.
Its been really hard to settle on the growlist above, I know you all know the struggle. So there might be a slight last minute change :P

The seeds will properly hit the dirt in the next few days.

Hope you will enjoy this journey with me 🤞

Currently working very remote, in a different country, so work have slowed down a bit in the garden. Still fully expect to have everything ready before last night of frost :).


So far 10 plants have been transplanted.

Jalapeno Lemon spice Transplanted
Jalapeno Craigs Grande Transplanted
Murupi amarela Transplanted
Dutch chile x Poblano F2Transplanted
Cayenne OrangeTransplanted
T-rex YellowTransplanted
De ArbolTransplanted
Golden Marconi Transplanted
Grenada seasoningTransplanted
White BhutNot Germinated
Nagabrain Yellow Not Germinated
Blue YakiAbandoned
So far 10 out of 13 plants have made it. I've planted some back-up plants as mentioned in earlier posts, but no sign of these yet.
Being out of the country makes things a bit difficult, as all plant management have to be done by my GF, she is however doing a fantastic job.

Hope everyones growth are doing great :party:
Good start on the garden space, @Mildfruit!

The sod should make some great turf loam.
Start with a layer of sod roots up, and then a
layer of sod with roots down, and continue
the roots up /roots down layers. After a couple
of years you will have some great crumbly soil,
full of organic material.

Hope you are back home soon, Rasmus.
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Its funny, only seeing the plants in the weekends. The grow rate surprises me.

However this small fellow grows rather slow, the T-rex yellow.


The plants on the left are in serious need of repotting, so I get the joy of doing just that this weekend.


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Perhaps you guys can help me out.
Ive been looking again today at the yellow t-rex, but I've noticed some discoloration, perhaps its anthocyanin?

I hope this picture is showing what im talking about. They do stay in direct sunlight most of the day, and only a few hours in the tent at night.
Its the only plant showing this, and I didn't expect this plant to show it.


Also managed to repot some plants today :).


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That does look like anthocyanin to me. The discovery of Pimenta de Neyde, with its expression of anthocyanin in all of stem, foliage, and fruit, made it very easy to create new, gorgeous hybrids with this feature. They’re hard to resist, so they’re really making the rounds… and since that genetic feature is hard to miss in progeny, it’s an especially easy to spot cross.
Definitely looks like a little anthocyanin response
to the sun on the T-Rex Yellow, @Mildfruit.
Oh thank goodness! I was worried it was perhaps something bad, as I didn't expect it in this plant.

That does look like anthocyanin to me. The discovery of Pimenta de Neyde, with its expression of anthocyanin in all of stem, foliage, and fruit, made it very easy to create new, gorgeous hybrids with this feature. They’re hard to resist, so they’re really making the rounds… and since that genetic feature is hard to miss in progeny, it’s an especially easy to spot cross.

It is indeed a special plant, and it seems like every cross I see with it results in something uniquely looking. Especially with white varieties.
I once had seeds from Enrico for one of his crosses with a almost black plant and peach peppers, unfortunately I don't have them any more. It probably also had pigmenta de neyde in them.
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Some more T-rex spam, the coloration is certainly more pronounced today, can't wait to come back home next week to see how much it will develop.

Finally! I know this do not look like a greenhouse, but digging all that dirt was seriously hard labor :D
I remain optimistic about having the greenhouse done before the last frost :).