• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mildfruit 2022. Greenhouse edition.

Oh boy, here we go again.
I joined this lovely forum back in 2018, been a lurker much longer though. At that time I was a student living in a small apartment, trying to learn all I could about indoor growing. Mostly because I didn't have outdoor space, and when I had a hobby that demanded I grew something, I had to get creative.
I loved the control of growing indoor, and trying to create optimal growing conditions for the plants.

However, late last year I bought my first house with a garden, and fortunately I got a greenhouse as a birthday present from my girlfriend and friends.
So my dream of growing plants in a greenhouse is finally coming true!

The gear:


Unfortunately this isn't from my garden, this is the picture from the website :lol:

This is my process so far :D A picture from late January, without snow! I still need lots of work before the greenhouse is ready. I need to dig out the dirt and replace it with gravel before I lay some flagstones. This part of the garden is faced in the north/south direction so I think it will be perfect.

Luckily I have lots of people to help me, so I have no doubt that the greenhouse will be ready before mid May, which is the usual time to transplant plants into the greenhouse in my country.

In my last glog I experimented with autopots, and I liked them so much that I have bought additional autopots for the greenhouse, and a big 225L (59.5gallons) water reservoir.

I also experimented with diffrent kinds of fertilizer over the years, mostly kinds that where designed for hydroponics or coco choir. This year I will try soil so I had to find a new source for fertilizers. I went with a danish product called 'Hornum Gødning koncentrat'. Its a fertilizer made in the national research station for professional use, and as a total newbie in a greenhouse environment its a match made in heaven :halo:


Jalapeno Lemon SpicePlantekasse.dk
Jalapeno Craigs grandePlantekasse.dk
Murupi AmarelaPlantekasse.dk
F2 Dutch chili x Ancho poblanoOwn cross
Cayenne OrangePlantekasse.dk
White bhut (White W strain)Whitehotpeppers.com
T-Rex YellowWhitehotpeppers.com
De ArbolPlantekasse.dk
Ancho PoblanoFataliiseeds.net
Golden MarconiSemillas.de
Grenada SeasoningWhitehotpeppers.com

I am growing some of the same plants as last year, but with a change in vendor. Also some new varieties.

Besides peppers I am also growing some cucumbers, tomatoes and a single Pineapple cherry plant.
Its been really hard to settle on the growlist above, I know you all know the struggle. So there might be a slight last minute change :P

The seeds will properly hit the dirt in the next few days.

Hope you will enjoy this journey with me 🤞

And a big surprise this morning! I previously wrote that I couldn't get my White ghost to germinate, probably because the seeds where from 17'-18'. But this morning this almost black-looking seed somehow germinated. Have in mind I planted these around 7feb.
Hope I can get fruit from these ancient seeds :)
Great news about the White Jolokia sprout. Pam-
per that little guy!

It looks to me like that species is just real sen-
sitive to spotting. It doesn't look exactly like
bacterial spot I have seen on my peppers, since
those lesions appeared following a sunken, dark,
wet-looking spot on the leaf. Now whenever I see
a leaf develop one of those sunken, wet-looking
spots, I just cut it off right away.

Looking at google images now to see what it
looks most like. This site is pretty straight forward.
Last edited:
To me it looks like a fungal leaf spot, probably cercospora or something like that. Most of the time that sort of blemishes start in the end of the season, when nutrients are worn out and plants are putting out their last efforts for the season. Like Paul said, that variety is probably very susceptible for these kind of infections.
Great news about the White Jolokia sprout. Pam-
per that little guy!

It looks to me like that species is just real sen-
sitive to spotting. It doesn't look exactly like
bacterial spot I have seen on my peppers, since
those lesions appeared following a sunken, dark,
wet-looking spot on the leaf. Now whenever I see
a leaf develop one of those sunken, wet-looking
spots, I just cut it off right away.

Looking at google I'm,ages now to see what it
looks most like. This site is pretty straight forward.
Its crazy, I had given up on those seeds a long time ago, but keeps watering them just in case.
I think both you and Sulsa are right that this variety is rather sensitive.

To me it looks like a fungal leaf spot, probably cercospora or something like that. Most of the time that sort of blemishes start in the end of the season, when nutrients are worn out and plants are putting out their last efforts for the season. Like Paul said, that variety is probably very susceptible for these kind of infections.
Oh how interesting. It took me down a rabbit hole on different sites, it certainly could be the case! If the problem persist would you recommend a fungicide?
That depends on how the plants reacts to the infection. Sometimes the plants don't suffer much and continue to grow normaly. In that case you could try some prevention by dusting lavameal or spraying composttea made from Equisetum arvense. Both contain a lot of silicium and will harden the plant cells, this will prevent the fungi to enter the leaf. Pick off affected leaves before the spots turn grey on the inside, this is when it start releasing it's spores. If the plant suffers much and loses a lot of leaves and start to develop a lot of compact new leaves on the growtip often referred to as pineapple growth (causethe growtips will start to look like pineapples with all the compacted newgrowth) then you should probably give up. Fungicides are an option, but you probably will have to repeat that every 4 weeks troughout the season.
I agree with Paul, great info! I guess time will tell how it goes.

I've been busy with the greenhouse and with the plants.
IMG_0807 2.jpeg

It took forever (2days) to fill the pit with gravel.
IMG_0808 2.jpeg


The picture above is from yesterday, its finally starting to take shape. This might I add, also takes forever to do.

Heres the family, enjoying some real sun. They are beyond ready to get into the greenhouse, and in just a few weeks, the last frost will have passed hopefully.


This is my Lemon spice, already setting flowers quicker than I can remove them.


Grenada Seasoning, great big plant.

T-rex yellow. Also starting to grow big in size.

However, not everthing is sweet and great, my White ghost as I previously celebrated had germinated, didn't make it unfortunately.
Nevertheless, my plan is to begin assembling of the greenhouse this week, so the plants will soon get a well deserved pot upgrade!
Wow, that is going to be so nice, Rasmus! I love the
nice apron surround, will be a great place to set your
plant containers. You are doing a really professional
job of putting that together.
Thank you Paul! Im by no means a professional and its properly taken a lot more time than it needed. Today we're picking up some bricks witch are going to be the floor.

This picture is from the website where we bought them, hopefully it will look just as good inside the greenhouse :)

Now to the importen part of a grow log.

T-rex yellow.
I've had some trouble with my new fertilizer, which can be seen here. The problem was I had to dissolve all of the fertilizer before using it, and I've been dissolving just the amount I needed for a small batch of fertilizer. This properly messed up the concentration of different parts of the fertilizer. But after doing it correctly im seeing the plants improve :).

Poblano. Just screaming for a report into the greenhouse.

Golden Marconi

The plant in the center is De Arbor, which have already started to produce a pepper!


Yea, its not a pretty sight. This is my murupi amerela. I think im going to keep it isolated and just let it evolve, im curious to see if its just a difficult plant, or a sick one.

Stripey. Hopefully I'll get a correct pheno this year, last time I grew it they all turned all red.

Pimenta de neyde

Quick (pod) update:

Lemon spice

Golden Marconi

And De Arbol, which seems to potentially be a great producer.


Lastly, we have a pear tree just outside the greenhouse and I was lucky enough to get a photo of this bee. I guess I have to be carefull to isolate my plants this year with all these pollinators :).
Short update:
So I finally got around to do some work this weekend, I managed to lay most of the tilling of the floor. I still need to cut and fit a lot of tiles to finish, but im pretty happy the way it have turned out. I hope to finish and put glass on next weekend 🤞

My first chinense pod have emerged! Its from Grenada Seasoning, which is also my biggest and fastest growing chinense plant :)

Lastly I managed to get a picture of my biggest pod from Golden Marconi, right before I broke off the branch holding it. I guess that's the risk of moving all the peppers inside and out each day 😅
Hey, MF, that greenhouse is going to be so nice
you could rent it out on 'air bnb'. I'd sign up for
a couple of nights :hi:

Great to see your peppers beginning to pod up.
+1. The greenhouse project in coming together to look amazing. You'll have a lot of planting opportunities ahead - if you can prevent PaulG from vacationing in your grow space, that is ;)

Really great work you've done. Can't wait to see it finished and populated.
+1. The greenhouse project in coming together to look amazing. You'll have a lot of planting opportunities ahead - if you can prevent PaulG from vacationing in your grow space, that is ;)

Really great work you've done. Can't wait to see it finished and populated.
Haha idk, if he could tend the plants while living there I might consider ;)

Okay finally! This weekend I ended the greenhouse building project :party:

From this:


To this!

So now this can finally go from a building log, to a grow log haha.


Murupi Amarela, lots of new leaf grow, without those spots so far. It won't go into the autopot watering system, but I'll keep it and see if it will grow some peppers 🤞

Grenada Seasoning.

T-rex yellow, had some issues with the white leafs, but new grow seems healthy and green so we're properly good.

Lemon Spice putting out lots of pods :).

Khangstarr lemonstarburst

This is a great example of what happens when you top the plant before the Y split. Not a pretty sight, but hopefully it will recover.
Its an orange cayenne btw.

Lastly is De Arbol.

Some of my baccatums are starting to set out pods as well, can't wait to see the greenhouse filling up with plants!