• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mill's 2012 glog

Going to cut back this year. Only 17 varieties started today, about 150 actual seeds. Probably only 5 more after this. Had a lot going on at the end of last season and did not pull any plant to overwinter, which means I lost my 3rd year Tree hab... O well. Time to start over.

The list:

Chocolate Bhut
Giant Bhut
C. Galapagoense
C. Annuum var. Glabriusculum
Black Congo
Goats Weed
Birgit Locoto
Chocolate Hab large long
Tree Hab mother
Tree Hab 1st gen
Tree hab 2nd gen
Tree hab 3rd gen
PI 159236
PI 653675
C. Rhomboideum
Hot Thai ornamental

Everything is being germinated in cups in my little cabinet then moved up to the big one when they put on a good set of true leaves. Pictures to come when they start a-sprouting.
Sorry to hear about the fungus gnats, but I know you are
just the guy to handle the situation! Your plants look great,
so it looks like you'll get the jump on 'em! Good luck, man!
I was ready with the dunks so I hit them hard and early and aside from the stray one fly every few days it seems they are gone. Wahooooo.
First plants out enjoying partial sun


Thats a site for sore eyes man!! Give em a suntan!! Just a tiny one! :)

Now get outside and stick them babies in tha dirt man!! Hurry!!! :cool:

No dirt yet. Last year I had them out by now and the early storms killed me. Going to wait for the first weekend in may to get the babies in the ground. I know its late but I dont trust mother nature.
So, I couldn't find and Black Hen local for some reason this year so I skipped it. Granted I didn't try real hard to find it, just 3 places... Here is my soil mix;

One bale peat moss, I think it worked out to 85 liters once loosened up, at least that's what the bag says. Since I didnt have the chicken poo I used an extra bag of cow poo, not quite the fertilization power of the chicken stuff but it will work for the most part. I might have to top dress with some later in the season. So with that said I used 3 bags of Black Kow composted cow manure. Its a mix of manure and sand so it helps extra with drainage and aeration. No sticks or bark or anything else in the stuff, nice and fine and very uniform. 3 bags perlite(8.8 quarts each). Normally I use the Miracle Gro brand and it has added ferts in it but apparently it went up in price this year because this stuff was a whole 1.50 per bag cheaper. Only paid 2.50 a piece on those 3.

So a recap for those too lazy to read up there

1 bale peat moss
3 bags composted cow manure(Black Kow brand for me because it is nice and uniform)
3 8.8 quart bags perlite


Dump out half the peat and break up any chunks.


Add one bag perlite and one bag manure.


Mix well.


Add another bag perlite and another bag poo, then do it all over again.


Mix well.


Final product.

Plants are looking great Noah :dance:Love the mix too !
And they say you can't grow in peat.

Who are they and what do they know!

peat poo and pearlite. Will have to try this next season. Bet is is fun to work in with your hands. I love my wet leaf compost.

Looking good Noah.
Working wet leaf compost is pretty awesome. This stuff is so fine and uniform it is fun to play with. Updates coming soon.
Hey Noah, how many pots does that fill for ya? I am considering my options for the last 20 plants or so, and I just wanted to see what kinda fill you got from it. Thanks.
I really have no idea because I only have at most 3 pots of the exact same size. So lets see...


So about 50 gallons total, obviously not filled up to the tops. I will see tomorrow, its pot up day!!!!
Damn that shadow was lookin like a giant eyeball, till I SAW IT WAS YOU TAKING A PIC!
Waiting so long to plant out would kill me, but it would be worse to get em out and lose em.
Be waiting to see how the hairy ones turn out....
good luck with the weather and the plant out.
Your a pretty good estimator Millman.

Good to see you're getting things ready to go outside. I've got a third of mine out, a third hardened off that I need to get outside permanently and a third scattered all over the house ready to harden off. No rhythm at all yet.
Ha ha Patrick, I am about the same. About 1/4th is already out, planted. A little less than 1/4th is hardened and ready to pot/plant. Another 1/4th is still hardening and the last has yet to start hardening. Hopefully I will get it all done by next weekend.
Little update today. Have a bunch planted but still a bunch to go.

I am trying something new this year with different beds setup on my property to see how the microclimate changes. And I decided to try some raised rows, we will see how it works.

Birgit Locoto and Anaheims


Some wild Texas Tepins and Ugandans


The main bed. This year it is mostly tomatoes, bell peppers and Jalapenos with cucumbers, zuchinni and squash. Only have 3 "hots" besides jals.


Baccatum var. Praetermissum swaying in the wind.


Tree hab in the huge pot




Chacoense up front with a Bhut back right and Fatalii back left.


Overhead shot of the Fatalii with another B.v.P. on the left.


Hydro Fatalii that I am going to attempt to transplant to soil and outside.


Caramel Bhut hydro, two plants that are going crazy with growth and my Pubescens still under the lights on the left.
