• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

mmcdermott1 Grow List Log 2011

Well here is my grow list and status. I had a smaller home built greenhouse but I am quickly running out of room so I built a 8' long x 2' deep x 4' high one last night. Used reflective 4x8 sheet in back and bottom/sides/top are some r13 insulation that is suppose to have 98% reflectivity. We shall see. As of now, I have 445 seeds planted and/or purchased and 147 germinated seeds. Other than the 2010 Jalapeno, all seeds with a "0" germination have not been planted yet and/or were just planted in the past few day. My favorite new supplier is Trade Winds Fruit. Their seeds are germinating at an unbelievable rate. My current list is....

Thanks Pepper Joe. Been a lot of work but a lot of fun. If only this darn weather would cooperate. Hopefully your crop is safe. Sounds like you had some nasty weather down that way.
We did have nasty weather with Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.
I didn't lose one pepper, tomato or any type of plant.
I have a heavy layer of Straw Mulch with Newspaper under it to keep the weeds down and make the garden maintenance free in the summer. This year I made Paper "Collars" out of Newspaper. They are about 12" in diameter and 4" high and each transplant were surrounded by these collars. Our peppers were snug as a bug in the rug when the Bad weather hit.
I like them because they keep the fertilizers in the root zone, prevent cutworms, discourage slugs and funnel the rainwater and waterings where it counts.
My 15 bales of hay disappeared for this mulch approach.
Lotta work at the front end...but I'll be on the beach this summer.

Take care Bud,
p.s. The Bamboo stakes are for the pepper plants later...got them for free by running an ad on Craigs list that I needed Bamboo. I just had to cut it down.
Well a few weeks ago while pinching off buds, we noticed a hot apple that we somehow had missed. We saw this so we just let it go. Today I decided to get a picture and then cut it off. The plant is REALLY way to small for this to grow anyway. We had a little snack first thing this morning although it was very "green" tasting.


We also have a lot of Long Red Slim plants so we let two of them go because they are plenty big to produce.


We did have nasty weather with Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.
I didn't lose one pepper, tomato or any type of plant.
I have a heavy layer of Straw Mulch with Newspaper under it to keep the weeds down and make the garden maintenance free in the summer. This year I made Paper "Collars" out of Newspaper. They are about 12" in diameter and 4" high and each transplant were surrounded by these collars. Our peppers were snug as a bug in the rug when the Bad weather hit.
I like them because they keep the fertilizers in the root zone, prevent cutworms, discourage slugs and funnel the rainwater and waterings where it counts.
My 15 bales of hay disappeared for this mulch approach.
Lotta work at the front end...but I'll be on the beach this summer.

Take care Bud,
p.s. The Bamboo stakes are for the pepper plants later...got them for free by running an ad on Craigs list that I needed Bamboo. I just had to cut it down.

Hey pepper joe. My wife and i have been doing the newsprint/straw method for about 5 years now... it's unreal.. loved your comment about being on the beach, after the first year working the /news/starw method, we enjoyed a lot more time watching them all grow instead of pulling weeds. By beginning of the next season .. you have no straw left it's all dirt/compost. I swear by it.. my wife swears by it. Happy growing!

Glad the storms past u by.
got 23 pots this weekend for $4 at a few garage sales. Repotted a Spicy Mustard Habanero today. Was a bit big for it's shoes so got a bigger pair.


Well I know everyone is just dying to know my status since I never post in this log ;) lol
Anyway, man i SERIOUSLY need out of this greenhouse. This weather is seriously starting to become a problem. Plants are out growing pots and im pinching blooms by the hour so I don't get crossed plants. If this weather doesnt clear up in the next few weeks, not sure what the hell im gonna do.

Blurry pics but it is dark outside....






Hope there is light at the end of this dismal dark tunnel they called Spring. Very tough growing conditions for many parts of the country this year for various reasons. Your plants look so healthy, I bet they get through to planting with flying colors.

Some members here posted that peppers can take being root bound no problemo. Heck, that's usually how they come from the nurseries. You might be able to test that theory with some of your plants.... :cool: