food Mmmmmm...poppers!

texas blues said:
'Dillo, I like my bacon a bit more crisped up than that but I will say....I wouldn't kick those poppers out of bed! You sir, qualify for the WIN!

Salute', TB.

JayT said:
Yep a once around the broiler would have done them good. But hey, if he likes his bacon chewy, who am I to argue? Nice job Dillo!

I like the bacon both ways. Crispy and chewy. In this very case I wasn't used to the thick slices. I had to cook the poppers in the oven. That bacon would have been better in the skillet.
Armadillo said:
I like the bacon both ways. Crispy and chewy.

Yea same here.

When making poppers I usually cook the bacon in a pan by itself just to the point before it begins to crisp up. That way it is still pliable.
I don't like the brittle diner style crispy bacon, but I don't like the soggy bacon either. I like thick cut bacon somewhere in between. Cheers.
Crispy here for sure..if I bite into some nasty rubbery, slimey fat I'll about hurl. On any kind of meats.

IMO, fat is to be used for flavoring, not actual eating.
moyboy said:
I'm most certainly an in between guy....

So you swing both ways huh Moy?

Like this guy???


There's a word for that.....
You guys stop picking on Moyboy. As General in his army I am calling for a truce before this gets ugly. He has suffered enough.
What? How did this thread get corrupted? Get out all of ya'll unless you're posting about poppers or you will be 86'd! I mean it! Put the beer down and beat it!

Salute', TB.
See, I told you it would get ugly. The Ultimate Popper Overlord has spoken and ye better listen unless you want to become a Tale of the Loo!!! Go on with yo' bad self TB - Keeper of the Popper Thread! :lol:
JayT said:
See, I told you it would get ugly. The Ultimate Popper Overlord has spoken and ye better listen unless you want to become a Tale of the Loo!!! Go on with yo' bad self TB - Keeper of the Popper Thread! :lol:

Much obliged fellow Overlord!

: whisper's to JayT :

do you think they bought the whole "I'll 86 you and go Jihad on ya'll" ruse? I could threaten to "report" them in the grand PMD traditon but that would only cause them to howl like banshee's and encourage them to yuk it up further. No wait...I'll do the "southern baptist snake handlin' preacher" 'thang on 'em...

Repent ya'll and be warned! For he that doeth not shall fall victim to the venomous snakes I hold power over! For lo I say in that day, there shall be much sack clothe and ashes and wailing and woe and gnashing of teeth! For in that day I shall crush mine enemies, seeing them flee before me and listen to the lamentations of the women.

: whisper's again to jayT:

the conan 'thang was a nice touch eh?

Salute', TB.
QuadShotz said:
Aye...fat is good for keeping meats moist too, but IMO, it shouldn't be around when ya actually eat it. :)

I love the taste of slightly burnt, crispy fat on the side of a rib eye or T-bone. That is perfection garçon! Perfection!