food Mmmmmm...poppers!

but of course i do have to say the bacon ones are the best. cant wait for next year when the super hots are grown.! :mouthonfire: (that thing reminds me of my childhood and watching DBZ lol)
JayT said:
Nice! As TB's fellow Overlord, I will use his rating and anoint them Hot, Blue, and Righteous!

Just be warned, next time I expect more bacon!

I second that emotion and the anointing JayT. Well done N FF! Soon enough your heat addictions will expand and take control of you. Friday and saturday nights will be spent consuming much alcohol and plotting screech and poppers with much lust!:mouthonfire:

Salute', TB.
not to keen on the "much alcohol consumption" part screech and poppers dose sound good. i like to be able to think strait while weilding sharp pointy objects.
N_FF said:
not to keen on the "much alcohol consumption" part screech and poppers dose sound good. i like to be able to think strait while weilding sharp pointy objects.

Nah, sobriety in cooking is overrated....

Ever see Julia Child NOT have a glass of wine (or three) while cooking? ;)
WHAT? Never seen Julia Childs? WHAAAT? OK, get on Youtube right now, and don't come back till you're pounding liquor while you cook. Check out Justin Wilson while you're at it. He'll make you want a glass of hooch Fo Sho!
i usused to love watching thirsty traveler. but i have seen like clips of julia but never seen the show.
Nice BK LOTR mug N FF. Your batteries run out or something? Why isn't in on?

On second look, you don't even have the bottom on it anymore! I mean, sure you could live without the 3 red LED's... IF you could call that living.

Nice job on the poppers BTW
Eh... Sliders pretty much refer to the "Gut Grenade" sized mini burgers. One or two bites at the most. Nothin like a pan of sliders and cold beer! (or vodka...)
chilehunter said:
like AJ posted, sliders are white castle burgers, & they taste good (only every once in awhile)

Ahh, OK. I've had White Castle burgers before, just never heard that term. I just asked burgers ordering them.
Back to poppers! I cooked my first Bama-Poppers a few days ago. Now the pictures are online so I can show them.

Here's the ingredients:

I used Jalapenos, Anaheims and mild banana peppers. For the stuffing I used ground beef, various cheeses, garlic, onions, chipotle-powder, black pepper and salt.


after come back to this thread, i can't believe my eyes had to read the words not to keen on the "much alcohol consumption" i was in that much shock i now have the task of removing beer from my moniter
'Dillo, I like my bacon a bit more crisped up than that but I will say....I wouldn't kick those poppers out of bed! You sir, qualify for the WIN!

Salute', TB.
Yep a once around the broiler would have done them good. But hey, if he likes his bacon chewy, who am I to argue? Nice job Dillo!