ahayastani said:
I'm glad you understood
It was not my intention to advocate or frame certain political ideologies, but rather to show that intelligent people are not a solution, possibly just a different problem. We need politicians that want to do their work because it's what they like to do, and not power-hungry egoists and narcissists, whatever their political denomination may be.
Conversely, I'm glad that you understood.
It was the subtle introduction of "Democrazy" that led me to believe you were headed in a direction.
One might argue that politicians are absolutely not what we need at all. One could argue that egoists and narcissists - where they don't immediately present as such - start off as people who love their work, but lay claim to totalitarian tendencies, when they realize the inherent problems that arise from the clash of the intellectual elite, and the mediocracy. I might just be honest, and say that at some point, we all revert to "might makes right", and we impose our own ideological basis. Pretty sure there's a science term for this (division/collapse of functional societies due to glaring disparities) in the animal kingdom, but it eludes me now.