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Morouga Red: No flowers, no blossoms, no pods, nothing

OK, so I bought a pack of seeds for the interesting-sounding Morouga Red, kind of an extra-hot habanero type from Hippie Seed Company. I only put one plant in the ground. It grew up to be an amazingly robust plant, with big, fat leaves, good forking, 2 1/2 feet high, nice thick stem, and resiliant and stong in the wind. It went into a container of promix and got some Tomato Tone. In every way, this has been a perfect plant. Except...

This plant has NEVER produced a single flower. Not one. No flowers, no buds, no pods, nothing. I am not talking about blossom dop. There has never been a blossom to drop.

Now, obviously, if HSC is selling it, it must be good seeds. So I am not questioning the seed quality.

But I have never ever had a pepper plant that simply did nothing - no flowers or blossoms at all, nothing.

Has anyone else experienced this, or have a theory as to what might have happened with this plant?

(I could post pictues, but it'd be rather pointless - you'd see a nicely-structured, well forked, strong habanero type with not a single thing coming out from any fork.)
Do you have other chinenses growing normally?
Unlike Hippy, I never found the Mouraga red(or yellow) to be crazy hot, but a really great fruity flavor
Sounds like you might be giving too much love. I think it is too much Nitrogen as well. I had a choco bhut that I used as a guinea pig for my DWC. Well, I used the grow formula for too long and now I have a huge plant with no flowers. It has taken 3 rez changes so far with the high P bloom formula, and I am starting to finally see little buds forming. Try hitting it with a high Phosphorus fert. Might take some time to get it to flower though.

Give it time! Superhot peppers tend to have their own timetable so they are kind of slow to get the idea. I know it's hard to wait but patience is good when you are growing peppers.
Hmm...I do have other chinenses growing (around 20) and all but one other are flowering. (There is one fatalii that has, like the morouga, done nothing.0

I doubt it is the traditional too-much-N problem. This plant is in a container, with pro-mix and some compost. The only fert it's ever seen is some TomatoTone and some 3-4-2 Fish&Seaweed.

I do have a lot of plants this year that have very low flower/blossom/pod counts, owing to the impossibly hot weather of June, but they all have at LEAST one flower! I can't get my head around why a plant would have zero flowers. It seems to have no interest in reproduction. Maybe it was on prozac or something ;)
I have a tepin that is 2 years old and has gone on strike, last year it delivered a lot of little berries but not until almost the end of November.

This years serano and bishop's crown seem to be supporting the tepin in his strike effort and are just goofing off. The serano is from seeds that were at least several years old and of the 6 I planted only 1 sprouted and it is really thin and about 8 inches tall. I am expecting the bishop crown to produce though as it looks like there may be some further top growth.

My goats weed flowered really fast, one day nothing, next day small buds, day after flowers, now small, really small pods (1/2 inch in size but a lot of them). Suryanki cluster is doing the same (small pods) but forgot to put on its hot suit because this year(the plants are 2 years old) they have zero heat, where last year it was equal to a ceyenne.

All others are doing their jobs and either have pods or in flower mode.