harvesting My 1st real harvest 2008

Hiya hixs wonderful set of pictures and thx for the update the scorps are looking great and the Datil hybrid red has me sending you Christmas cards as love Datils to bits and a hybrid well..:rolleyes: :cheers::party:
Thanxs Talas the datil came from cliliwoman.com and really not sure yet what to expect.If it turns out i`ll have seeds for whoever wants,
Thxs Talas,prarie and 915.These are all this yrs plants.The habs I grew from seeds and the rest I got as brats.My wife has raised hell that they are the most spoiled things shes ever seen.Besides me,,lol they`ve been babied I will say that for sure.I`ve got a total of 38 plants.

thanks for the comments!
Well keep your eyes posted Rowbear as lots of people are growing scorpions this year so someone will help you out..But a request in the marketplace seeds section ;)
Thanks row and talas was right their are alot of people here growing them this year so seeds should be easy to get. Talas -- will be glad to send some seeds your way when they come about.