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My adopted babies

Damage continued...

A couple others that got it too.
That looks a lot like hail or a hard rain hit them. Bugs don't usually tear the leaves up like that. You guys have any kind of storm pass through?
Hello everyone. I'm a newbie on here and in growing chillies too. From Malaysia. Managed to get hold of some Naga Morich from The pepper company, germinated in January and as at last week the plants are about 3 feet tall and flowering. I plant them in 100% perlite in pots without holes and give them store bought nutrients. One plant (the largets of them)suddently wilted, flowers and all. Aphids situation is under good control, everything else is constant, just cant figure out what went wrong with that one plant. It was the healthiest of the whole bunch. Any advise is much much appreciated.
Pot size???? 3 foot tall plants would need some room. If the pot isn't at least 3 gallon, I would say that could be the problem. Oh, and I see that you mention you have them in 100% perlite which I have never heard of. Plus you said the pot has no holes. I would be concerned that roots are not able to dry out with no holes in the pot and there is probably always a quantity of water at the bottom. Peppers don't like that. They need to be able to nearly completely dry out between waterings. So, I would consider the pot with no holes and also the use of straight Perlite.
That looks a lot like hail or a hard rain hit them. Bugs don't usually tear the leaves up like that. You guys have any kind of storm pass through?
Well thats probably what it was then. Yes I had them outside and a storm did pass through. Some of the plants as I mentioned earlier were actually getting the bigger drops coming off the roof and bent over from it. So I guess the good news is its not bugs and that the plants should recover fine then. :D

Well im up a little late so I am getting to this a little early. I took lots of pics but I will choose the best ones to show you all. The plants are getting HUGE. I cant wait to plant them next weekend if all goes well. So I wont keep you all waiting any longer. Here they are...

Here is an above shot.

Maybe a better idea of size.

Strait on.

Little bit wider.
Still some minor damage.

And a little guy yet.

The blushing beauties potted up in strait compost (trying a little experiment) and the hydro plant.
All tucked in and ready for a new day after their watering. You may have also notices some of them seem to be leaning a bit. It was a very windy day so they got their work out with that.
Thank you very much. i plan on updating it week by week until the end of the season. It may also include pics of me using my new 9 tray Excalibur dehydrator to make powders and jerky along with some hot sauces perhaps. So keep checking back. :)
Well I know its only been one day for my test of putting the Blushing Beauties into strait compost, but I don't see any bad signs yet. Even wilting is something that can happen in a 24 hour period and so far the plants still look happy. I'm going to water all the peppers today after I put the seeds in the vegetable garden and am watering those. So as for the "planting into strait compost" test goes, everything is looking good so far. :)
Well even though my plants have been grown this year with real sun light it seems they still have developed some sun burn on them. I did not take any pictures since Im sure the evidence will be obvious when I take them to post up on Monday. I have made a batch of fish emulsion aka "poopy water" (as my wife and I call it) and have been spraying the leaves with it to see if that will help them recover. I cant wait to get these beasts into the garden. My little experiment with the blushing beauties being potted up in strait compost seems to be going great. No wilting, no signs of stress, and the seem to be doing quite fine in their new pot so I think I will be planting them into the garden as soon as a nice dry day is upon us. I will post up new pics on Monday but we will have to see if the pics show them in the Garden or not. :D
Well I have no pics yet since it was raining ALL weekend. Even had a couple tornado hits. Some of the leaves on a couple plants look awful. But I hope to get these things in the ground in the next couple days. Stay tuned. :)
Well some bad news on the pepper plants. They are all in the garden and have been for a week or so and they are not looking good. leaves are damaged and if they dont have holes in them they are also kind of that semi-transparent tanish color. I will get some pics up as this might help diagnose the issue. I did my test of the blushing beauties in just compost and they did great but even those are looking just as sad now that I got them in the garden. I dont know if its been to wet or what the deal is so any help would be great. BTW I did end up planting the vegetable seeds into the other garden which is mostly compost and 3/4 bag of potting mix and the seedlings took off and look AMAZING.
Well maybe but it should be healed by now I would think. I mean they have been growing in the window since I got them and have at the very least been in an are that is partially shaded a lot of the time but does get full sun. Ill try to take some pics and get them up here as soon as I can. I dont want to lose them all to something like that.
Well I did do the fish emulsion maybe once a week and I just did an epsom treatment once last week. Still no changes. The plants looked amazing before I got them outside and after the emulsion treatments. Could I have over done it?