• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

My adopted babies




Looks like this year may be a great year after all. Next year I have almost 100 pepper plants in the plans. :)
I am a Skywarn Certified storm spotter/chaser and I officially hate storms now...We had some STRONG windy storms roll through yesterday and this is what happened. Not even kidding I actually got a little light headed but that may have been my stomach talking....lol

It might be a little hard to tell but there is one area that the wind nailed so bad that it looks like a deer mad a bed in my peppers.

Here is one casualty. Thankfully it was only one. Well for now anyway. We will have to see how some of the others recoup.

This is the kind of damage that Im thinking could make me loose the whole plant eventually.

This is an up close shot of that spot that the wind really trampled.

Stupid storms...I hate 'em. :(
It just seems like the hydro system I did last year, everything took off so fast. Maybe its me. Well I haven't been spraying the hydro plant with the fish fert so maybe I will start doing that too. This is my second year doing hydro so Im still a little new at all of this.

Sorry Im doing a catch up in reading in this post. I do have a question.

You can spray fish fert directly on dwc hydr plants? How did you mixed ur spray? My hydro plant is around 1 foot tall.

Well my hydro this year didn't go so well. I put a fogger into the coffee container that I made my hydro setup out of and it killed the plant. But hey it looked cool dying....lol I think the fogger may have done something to it only because the roots were to close or even on it. Im not sure but that is my guess. However once it was pretty wilted, I was unable to get it back so I tossed it. Maybe next year I will give it another shot but without the fogger. I want to do just one plant though because its easier to maintain one plus it allows me to focus on the success when I have just one and if ti fails I don't need to worry about failing miserably...lol

If you do or don't have a post already about your hydro, I would be very interested in seeing it and how things have been going. To answer your question, yes you can spray fish fert right onto the leaves. I did that with all my plants and they loved it. Just dont do it to much. I would say once a week to even once every two weeks would be plenty. The mixing of the spray is on the bottle. It will tell you how much to put into the water. I mixed it in a 32oz spray bottle and then shook it all up until it was mixed up well. Be careful not to get any of it on you. IT STANKS.
Well I haven't posted up pics for a while but I can tell you all this. The pepper garden has been filling out quite nicely. The plants have once again bounced back from their wind damage and they are also getting quite big. I have been noticing a lot of peppers and still some coming. I have noticed a few smaller ones that have dropped off the plants but not enough to stir up any concerns. I will be sure to take some pepper porn pics for you all over the weekend and post them when I have a sec. So in a round about way, everything is going well and I am looking forward to a great harvest this year.

Cant believe its week 23 already. Well there is all sorts of magical things happening in the Crazy Pepper Garden. So I will not hold you back any longer. Here are the pictures.

Not sure what this is yet. Might be one of the Bhuts I think?

And a distant shot. If you look close, can you see all the pods hanging from this one? There must be between 20-30 pods on this plant.

Here is that same one a few days later. Looks HOTT!!!

This I think is one of the 7 Pot Pods
Here is a shot of the garden. Also hard to tell but most of these plants are waist high on me (I'm 6').

another shot.

This is one of the real magical parts. Two weeks ago I had shown a pic of one of the lost plants in the storm. Well this is the one I lost. LOOK AT ALL THE GROWTH already in 2 weeks. Ill be blown away if this fruits still.

Hope you all enjoyed.
Well here is a small update even though its so soon. I thought this was to cool to not share. So in the span of only 1-2 days I go from one ripening pepper on one plant, to this...

You can see it but there is a 4th that is starting to ripen on the back side of the plant.

Then that yellow one I showed a picture of just above wet from being half green to half yellow to this....

These pictures are not doing any justice. The colors are BRIGHT and very vibrant. I will have to take out my Canon XSi and take some good pepper porn when more of them ripen.

Here is some beautiful pepper porn for you all. Its amazing what can happen when your not paying attention. Im thinking I will be pulling out the Excalibur here pretty soon to get started on my pepper powders. Well here they are....

Not recalling what these are, 7 pot pods maybe?

I think these are Bhut Jolokias but again Im not 100% sure.

Might be one of the scorps.

Orange habs I believe or maybe these are the 7 Pot Pods?

This is interesting. I have NEVER seen this before but look at all those pods starting to grow in such a small area. Im sure they wont all develop correctly but it will be interesting to see what happens.

That plant that I "lost" In that storm about 4 weeks ago or so....well look at her recover. I have been so shocked by this plant and it may even fruit.
Thats a huge bunch of buds ! I wonder if that sort of thing is caused by some chemcal level in the plant, or maybe genetics. What are you feeding the plants? You should save some seed from that one and see if it does it again in the next generation.
Orange habs I believe or maybe these are the 7 Pot Pods?


7/Pots....... crack one open you'll get hit with a "tangerine" scent, quite unique, your growing some nice looking plants , sorry to read about the wind damage but the rebound shows your in for super harvests.....good luck
Thats a huge bunch of buds ! I wonder if that sort of thing is caused by some chemcal level in the plant, or maybe genetics. What are you feeding the plants? You should save some seed from that one and see if it does it again in the next generation.

I thought about doing that. It would be interesting to see if the gene could be carried over. Maybe ill have to make a smaller garden for "experiments"..lol oh man another garden. :) I did feed them quite a bit of MG in the beginni9ng of their life when I planted them all out, but I have not given them MG or even watered them myself for a looooong time. The only water they have gotten has been from the rain so that the soil can stay nice and dry otherwise, just how they like it. But yeah I think I am going to wait until I get one mature pepper from that clump and once I do Ill save seeds and try them next year.
PIC 1 yeah I was leaning towards it being the 7 pot also. That plant is the only kind of disappointment this year as far as what the plants have been doing. For some reason that one just stayed small like it is now but it was great to see it still produce some pods. Ill always take some over none any day. :)
That one is a "Yellow 7 Pod Large." It was the only one that was said to be a huge plant and needed lots of room. They are my smallest plants :lol: , and one turned out red. The regular yellow 7's are much more wrinkly.

I'll try to post some pics tonight to help you identify some of yours.
Well as I was walking through my gardens with my gardening BFF (my wifes brother in-law) I have seen about 22 ripe peppers and about an additional 20+ Habenero White Bullets that are also ripe. I noticed that there seemed to be 100's of others waiting to ripen. I got to thinking though since I have ripe ones and I want to wait as long as possible to pick them so that I can have a worthy enough crop to pull out the Excalibur and get dehydrating. So my question is, what is the longest I should leave a ripe hanging on the plant before picking?
what is the longest I should leave a ripe hanging on the plant before picking?

I've also been wanting to know this. I'm sure that experienced growers have figured out a rule-of-thumb.
I know that once the ripe pod starts to wrinkle and rot it sends a signal to the plant to shut down production. So if you want to keep making new pods then keep picking. I guess the way to find out is trial and error. Time how long it takes a ripe pod to start going bad and then remember to pick them before then.
Yeah I was kind thinking of something like that. But I also wonder if that time, though not exact, applies to all peppers plants or if it varies based on certain characteristics?
Well Saturday I picked what I had for ripe peppers and here is what I got.

Here is what I think they are. If anyone can correct me it would be much appreciated.
Top Left - Bih Jolokia
Top Right - T. Scorpion?
Center Left - 7 Pot Pod?
Center Right - Choc. Bhut Jolokia
Bottom Left - 7 Pot Pod Large?
Bottom Right - White Bullet Habanero

Then I got out the Excalibur and got her ready for her maiden voyage. I got the peppers all washed up...

Some nice closeups...

Bih Jolokia?

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia