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My adopted babies

Sunburnt leaves do not heal. Plants can recover, but the damaged leaves will remain damaged. It's also possible that the ferts were too much. Once a week seems reasonable, but the ferts can build up in the soil, especially in small cups if you don't also flush some out with plain water.
Good luck!

I have a few more smaller plants if you want also. Let me know.
Sunburnt leaves do not heal. Plants can recover, but the damaged leaves will remain damaged. It's also possible that the ferts were too much. Once a week seems reasonable, but the ferts can build up in the soil, especially in small cups if you don't also flush some out with plain water.
Good luck!

I have a few more smaller plants if you want also. Let me know.
I sunburnt a perfectly good Rocoto last week even though I even made a point of watering it before placing it in the full- sun. The few sunburnt leaves never did recover. Guess its vascular(?) damage? Learned my lesson :oops:
I was gifted a sunburnt jalapeno plant from a friend about a month ago. At least half of the leaves were pale grey and thin. The few remaining burnt leaves are still discolored, but the plant has bounced back with plenty of new ones and is growing very nicely.
Well I will try to get pics up tonight. Been kind of busy with building the worm farm ;) and raising a troubled teenager...lol
WEEK 13???

Well.....You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of my garden.

I have noticed the many new leaves are developing and I am hoping the this is a sign of the plants bouncing back and recovering. I really hope this delay does not keep me from getting peppers this year. :( I have a few ideas for next year on what I will do differently though knowing what I do now. So here are some pics...not the greatest though.

Here you might see some new leaves.

Here is a poor distant shot. Kind of in a hurry this morning when I took these.

While I was looking for good plants to show you I found this big fell just chillaxin.

Just as a side note and a little off subject, here is the seeds I planted in strait compost and only a single 3/4 full bag of MG potting soil. Looks pretty darn good to me and I think they are only 3 weeks old.
Sorry about the delay folks. I feel like I have been neglecting you all and denying you from the pepper pr0n which you all so deserve. To be honest I have been busy and the peppers have not been doing good or making much progress. How ever they are recovering and there is some new growth and I have been seeing some flowers on a few plants. The plants are still small so I don't know if they will fruit quite yet or not but only time will tell. Also off the subject my vegetable garden is taking off awesomely so that's nice also. But this year could be another painful year for me but we will see and as soon as soon as its not raining all the time and I see something picture worthy I will be sure to entertain you all with some photos. :D
Well Im hoping to have some photos for you all come next Monday. Why next Monday? Well I want to wait for the new growth to mature a little bit more and I am also using some MG spray on stuff to see if that will help the plants along. I am starting to see a pretty good amount of flowering but I don't think any fruiting yet. I will say this though, the vegetable garden looks AMAZING compared to the above picture. In that I have only used 80%-85% decomposed compost and 3/4 bag of MG potting soil. I also am hoping to buy my material I need to build my trellis for the Cucumbers. If all goes well I will also have the trellis to show in the photos too ;)
Well, my peppers haven't changed much. Still doing some flowering but the plants are small and not very good looking. As for my one side project that went quite well. Here are the pics.



I made this for the cucumbers to climb up. Its a little hard to tell but the taller stuff in the metal cage are peas and they are growing in such a way (I assume from the sun) that they need to be roped back to the cage and don't grow on the trellis. I will try to get some pepper plant pics for you all though tonight.
Well here is one pic. I just didnt see any reason to take more than one. But this is one pic of the peppers. Last night I gave them a very nice dose of MG from the hose so they should now be well fertilized and watered. The next couple days it looks like it going to be hot. there is 107 degree heat index being predicted for today. So since we are on a watering ban Im thinking I will run the sprinkler system tomorrow to water the lawn and gardens. Well here they are and taking the above pics into account, they do look better and are doing better but still not at the point I would like them to be now.

Well the peppers are starting to recover nicely. I was looking them over on the weekend and I found a nice little pepper hanging from one of them. Perhaps I may get lucky after all. It sure would be nice considering the bad luck I had last season and the rough patch I hit this season.
Well I was out in the garden and have been noticing some "fruits of my labor". I have been waiting to post any more pictures until I felt I had something worthy. Well I still don't think my plants are at where they should be but based on the pictures above, they have made HUGE progress so here are the pics I took yesterday. Hope you all enjoy.

Here is the whole pepper garden.

After some weekly spraying of MG for maybe 4-6 weeks this is what I got now. I am using water now and probably will continue to do so for another few weeks and then try to go back to MG for just a few weeks.



A lot of these went unnoticed for some time so when I did find out that my plants were fruiting and the size of some of the fruits, I was quite excited. I probably have until mid or late September for the end of my season if all goes well so there may be hope yet to bring in a decent crop...I hope.

Hope you all enjoy. :)
Well if I get REAL lucky the plants will reach their full size and full fruit producing potential. But getting any peppers will be better than I though I was going to get and would be far better than last year...lol So I'm happy with whatever I get.
They are looking much happier now. Nice work! Last year I was picking pods well into October (covering plants on cold nights), so you should get plenty of :mouthonfire: .

Well I will keep that in mind. Man if I was picking pods well into Oct. that would be awesome. I cant wait to put my Excalibur to work. I have not used it yet and man am I looking to do a lot with it this year. Assuming I get A LOT of pods I want to make pepper powders with them, along with jerky and stuff. :) I will be sure to keep this up to date as I see more developing.

BTW musky. I lost my sheet as of now and I have NO CLUE what is what any more. I don't expect you to know what all of these are but do you know what the birds eye looking pepper is? Is that what it is? I don't recall getting a bird type pepper from you though. Any thoughts? :)

After looking at my grow list I wonder if its the Bhut Indian Cabones?
WEEK 21? Sure sounds good. We will call it "week 21".

There has been some amazing stuff happening in the pepper garden. The plants have bounced back HUGELY. I have laid off the MG and even watering to try to keep the plants dry (how they like it) other than the rain showers we have gotten. Well I hope you all enjoy the Pepper Pr0n. On a side note I think the wife (or I) have misplaced my "map" that I drew up last year so I knew what peppers where what in the garden. I may just have to wait for them to ripen to tell what they are but if any of you are feeling like you want to test your know how, see if you can let me know which of these pictures matches to what I am growing. Here is the list of "unsolved" ones...

7 Pot Barrack Pore
7 Pot Large Yellow
7 Pot Red
7 Pot Yellow
Bhut Indian Cabone
Bih Jolokia
Bombay Morich
Chocolate Bhut (X3)
Dorset Naga
Red Bhut (X2)
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow
Yellow Bhut

The distant shot. Check out the comparison from the ones above. :)


