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My Best Friend Roscoe

Wow AJ... I am almost speechless. but not quite. There are no words that can fill the hole in your world, your life, and your heart.
All I can say is time does heal, but for now you must feel. it sucks , I know but like Seth, My wife and I got a cat together before we were married.
We got her when she was a couple months old and she was the runt. Our little Tibet was with us for 19 years! Had to put her down 3 years ago. We never had children so she was IT.
Thank you for sharing, because you have reminded me of her. You will feel the same way, someday in the future when you hear your own story from someone else.
But you will remember the joy and the love he brought you.
It looks like you have given the same gift to a lot of others here...

Hang in there AJ, it gets better.
Ronnie, I was really sorry about Roscoe. I have lost many dogs in my life as well, so I know your pain. Try to think of all the good times you had, and know that he will always be there walking with you in the garden if only in spirit. Good luck with the puppy as well.
Sorry to hear this AJ.

One of our Rotts we bred and raised died a few years back. We had him cremated and kept the ashes.

Our 9 yo who was 3-4 back then asked what happened to Ruger. We told her he was in the box on the shelf.

About 3 weeks later, on a Saturday, she wakes up the wife and me and asks where is Rugers eyes and nose?!?

It was then I noticed she had the box and had emptied the ashes on the floor :lol:
Wow Ronnie so sorry to hear this - albeit late and opening old wound I'd like to offer my best wishes for you and your wife. We lost one of our dogs and like yours she was "the one" that all dogs are compared to. The fact that you folks are looking into a rescue is very admirable. We rescued a Pink Nosed Pit almost a year ago and knowing the abuse she had takin and the love she pours out makes us all hug her everyday and this heals us all.

Best wishes my friend

I had the saddest task of my life this past Tuesday (4 October 2011)...I had to have my best friend in the world, Roscoe, put to sleep...

He was the light in my life, the sugar in my coffee, my shadow when there was no sun, and the most loving and loyal companion I have ever had...

I raised him from a puppy of 10 weeks old to the ripe old age of 12 years and 4 days. He has now crossed Rainbow Bridge and is waiting for me to join him.

I have had many pets in my lifetime but never has one touched my heart like he did.

I am heart sick and can't stop the tears from rolling down my face. I loved that dog more than I loved my own life.

Not looking for condolences, rather just wanting my good friends here at THP to know that I have been sidetracked with my business because of this...please bear with me while I adjust.

The wife and I contacted the North Texas Weimaraner rescue group today. We can not live in this empty house.

Puppies heal all wounds...
Oh man, I'm sitting on the stoop with my 15 year old dog Shakespeare. He is not feeling well lately. I cried as i read your post. Im putting myself in your shoes and its killing me. From the bottom of my heart i pray you get through this most difficult time. :cry:
Be happy for the blessed time you shared.....and the long, loved, pampered life he had!

Sounds like you both were greater than the sum of the parts.

Rest well, faithful friend!!
Ronnie, I know what a loss Roscoe is and I hope each day will get a little easier for you and Linda. Build new memories with a new pup but Roscoe will always be a part of your family, he lives in your heart.
so many good replies to you in this thread.

all of us that have had beloved pets have endured what you are dealing with and it sucks to say the least. time does help but until you get past that it is hard. we did not know your dog but we hurt with you.
agree tig...wonderful replies...

my heart hurts no less but the tears have somewhat subsided....

I meet a 3 year old Rescue Weimaraner tomorrow evening...he was found in Houston with a broken leg and way underweight...he is tall and lanky...if he takes a liking to Linda and I, he will have a new home...

I think Roscoe is guiding us in our decision for a new companion...we were going to get a male puppy (rescue) but the last one was claimed two days ago...

here is a picture of the Weim we are meeting tomorrow...if he likes us and the feeling is mutual, he will stay and his name will be "Stonewall Jackson Walley"...he will be called Jackson...

he's a fine looking dog aj. he looks a bit thin or is it the picture that makes it appear that way? he'll be a lucky dog to have a good home that you and your wife will provide.

everyone is different and deals with this in their own way. i have a old dog and i know the day is coming but not when. i have struggled as to what to do when jasmine dies. i live along and without her here it is going to be very lonely. we've lived here for 12+ years and i've had her for over 17 years. i can't bring myself to go out and get another dog as i feel that would be disrespectful to just replace her like she was an old pair of jeans. on the other hand, i think i will be extremely lonely and can't imagine being here alone so for me maybe i need to get another dog right away. i don't know and i'm quite conflicted about this.

i lost my other dog in 2004 just 1 week past his 5th birthday. i cried for weeks and 6 months later i was still mourning him. it took me a full year to begin to recover from that, it was dreadful. people that don't have deep attachments to a pet wouldn't understand but it is quite difficult to get thru it.
Tom...you will never forget the love that your buddy gave you...but like I said, I don't think Roscoe would want me to be lonely and there has to be some reason I am drawn to this dog...

yes, he is probably 10 lbs undereweight but I will remedy that pretty quickly...he is about 27" at the shoulders so I am guessing his filled out weight will be ~90 lbs...
Lovin it AJ! You named him... he's all yours..... I hope!

Jackson's a great name bye the way!

Jim Jackson
