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My best sauce yet...

Made a new batch last night with all ingredients fresh picked from my garden.  The addition this time was roasting the Hatch Chiles prior and the addition of my hybrids which vastly improved on an already good recipe.  I always use whole peppers.
What do you guys think of the recipe and what would you add?
Cooked in apple cider vinegar with some sour mash as it was finishing.  Final PH is 3.5.

I would add nothing if you're satisfied. Why screw with it? Having said that, next time you could experiment with roasted tomatillos, and Mexican oregano. Maybe some roasted tomato?
cooked in vinegar/!?!

I did the same - cooked my mash with garlic, jalapenos, roasted bell peppers, salt
it turned it absolutely ghastly though, i don't know what happened!

it was super vinegary and disgusting :l

What did i do wrong  :tear:
Rymerpt said:

Lime juice gives the peppers more of a stage to perform. Vinegar masks.
Lime is cool but totally different, and vinegar does not mask! Vinegar gets a bad rap, not sure why. There's a reason most use it and it's probably in your favorite hot sauce. It could also be in your least favorite, but that doesn't mean vinegar is bad! If something is oversalted it doesn't make salt bad for sauce.
Lime can provide a sour element and a fresh kick, and vinegar provides a sharp tang. I like a lot of sauces tangy... think wing sauce... yeah... like that, and lime will never do that. Vinegar does not mask and it is not bad.
BOTH have their place. ;)
And yes, you can use both.
Roguejim said:
I would add nothing if you're satisfied. Why screw with it? Having said that, next time you could experiment with roasted tomatillos, and Mexican oregano. Maybe some roasted tomato?
+1 roasted/smoked tomatoes (with generous amounts of olive oil)
try roasting the garlic and onions too
I think I'll experiment with lime juice on the next cook, it does sound better the vinegar.  I've liked the apple cider vinegar, and the sour mash when just cooling down really does give it a flavor boost.  It only made a few 8 oz bottles but they are also all in buddies hands already so I'm doing something right I guess.