Here is my Bhut it is about 5 weeks old not counting the germination which took about 7 days. Only 2 of my 6 seeds I planted germinated.
I got the seeds from the NMSU Chile Pepper Institute
3-9-2008 (Organic Soil I used for germination)
4-15-2008 (ProMix Soil)

Here is my growlight setup, I keep them under light 14 hours per day, few more weeks I will move them to my porch outside.
I got the seeds from the NMSU Chile Pepper Institute
3-9-2008 (Organic Soil I used for germination)

4-15-2008 (ProMix Soil)

Here is my growlight setup, I keep them under light 14 hours per day, few more weeks I will move them to my porch outside.