my cheap diy led light box

just so you can see how compact they are growing

Aribibi Gusano
thats a great shot Dave...I am seriously considering trying to find some christmas LEDs today...I really like the stockiness of the plants.
Davetaylor said:
just so you can see how compact they are growing

Aribibi Gusano

Very nice growth you got there Dave! I'm very excited to see if I get the same results from my LED in the fatalii competition.
I just thought this was a funny email:

謝謝您購買「10M 100 BULBS RICE LIGHTS CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 110V-RED」。請為我留信用評價,我也會留下您的。要維護
eBay 社群這個安全可靠的交易環境,將有賴於我們共同的努力。


物品編號: 150319169102
賣家會員帳號: qulitybuy99
總金額: US $5.91
附註:根據其他 eBay 會員的交易經驗,每位 eBay 會員都有信用指數。

They aren't leds, but they should give me the red I want to add.
I think he wants me to give a feedback, but I don't know chinese. Oh well I'll try anyway.
I bought some blue and white leds too from another guy and they should be here by now.
Thanks to

Thank you for your purchase of "10M 100 BULBS RICE LIGHTS CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 110V-RED". Please leave me feedback, I will leave you. To maintain
eBay Community this safe and reliable trading environment, will depend on our common efforts.

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My wife is chinese but she can't read it. I've tried to learn, but I only know about 2 dozen characters. Japanese is way easier.

However, google's translator is amazing :)
I received the white and blue ones today and they don't seem that bright. At least not as bright as my 13 watt panels.
Like another brand I bought at the store, they aren't always on. If you move the lights quickly, you'll notice that they are actually flashing very quickly. They are only lit half of the time. This saves energy, but it also would expose the plants to less photons than lights that are designed as plant lights. Nevertheless, I will rig up an array to see if a plant can live happily under their illumination.
They are the same kind as the ones shown in the beginning of this thread with the clear wires and the multi-pattern controller. They would be great hypnotic party lights. ;^)
GrumpyBear said:
i still have to get around to putting it all together. i didn't have the right size drill bit so i had to go by one, then i was just a weeee bit off in my measuring so the darn things don't stay in their holes so i have to go buy a slightly samller bit and hope they'll then be able to fit in their holes. this is the kind of thing i used to be able to bat my eyelashes and then a burly man would do it for me. *sigh*
mine pop out, in some places and i plan to glue the colored piece in place. this pieces slides in and out, seperate of led, if replacement is "ever" required. i busted up some plexi glass having too tight of fit...not worth it for what we're trying to do here. (in my opinion)
I'm creating a seperate thread, as to keep from hi-jacking davetaylors...this will lean more to the construction/cost. Thank you davetaylor for the neat idea!
Week 10

week 11

So here's week 11 the younger ones seem to be growing but it's harder to tell with the older one, still looking healthy.
But my 2 congo trinidad (2 at the bottom in 4 inch pots) have a weird wart like growth on the underside of the younger leaves never seen this before, none of the other plants have this (see pic below)


Anyone know what this is? I'll prob just let them get on with it, as it's not affecting any of the other plants in the box.
no they ain't, it's only the veins of the leaves, it's like they forgetting to stop growing it, showing on the top of one leaf as well as the underside.
I know aphids, you can get them off the leaves this you can't move.
I've been told edema (sp) due to lack of air flow
week 14 & conclusion

week 14

They have now been moved out of the box (to make way for some new babies!)
And i'd say that a fan added to the box would help as i had 3 suffer from edema, also the lower leaves on some seem a bit worse for wear, but thats on great worry.
A few thing to iron out but all in all the crimbo lights were a success (in my book) nothing died!
So yes it'll get used again but with a few alterations,
I'm a little late to this thread but here goes:
I saw these on sale at WalMart after Christmas and I wondered if I could use them. Decided against trying them because they looked like they were rigged for 110v AC use, and I would prefer 12v.

ABurningMouth said:
Like another brand I bought at the store, they aren't always on. If you move the lights quickly, you'll notice that they are actually flashing very quickly. They are only lit half of the time.

...but this looks like they are DC bulbs (like I think all LEDs are natively) and running them on AC gives them the flickering. So, now I'm curious how hard it would be to rewire them for 12v?? Anyone know how many of these are wired in series and/or parallel? Do they use any type of transformer?
Txclosetgrower said:
those look healthy as all hell, just small for 3.5 months

nicely done sir

They ain't tall but most have about 6-8 sets of true leaves, a nice little head start.
A few favs will be in there later this year (prob 6 devils tongues)