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favorite My favorite scotch bonnet

My favorite scotch bonnet. These showed up last year form red MOA seeds. Planted 3 plants of Red MOA, one had red mushroom shaped pods, another had very large more ideal shaped red pods, then the last plant had these. This years grow is coming out just as good as last. I love the shape, very bonnet like, sometimes 3 lobed, sometimes with 4. That is the main variation, otherwise the entire plant is full of perfect looking pods like these. Very thick walled, very solid pods, with all the heat and taste you would expect from a great scotch bonnet. Not sure if this is what a true MOA should look like, maybe the red reverted back. All I know is the MOA I have now grown for 2 years from 2 different seed sources produces all sorts of shapes on the same plant, some with lobes, some with points, some short, some long some with stingers. That doesn't seem to happen with this strain, hopefully it will continue to produce like this in the future.
2016 pods




2015 Pods

Just had to revisit this thread because these pods really are phenomenal benchmark pods as John ( Trident ) said & just beautiful.
All the things you said Justin about them I've been looking for in bonnets exspecially in the Moa Bonnet .