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My first everythings :)

I can officially call the 2009 harvesting season on!

Picked my first Ring of Fire (just wanted to call them Reign of Fire for some strange reason...), which were swiftly turned into a Mango, Chilli and Lime salad and given to work colleagues (just so they know the good things being grown in the office!. I had a small 'accident' scratching my eye after chopping the little darlings...) as well as some Chocolate Sweet Peppers, but I'm most proud of growing Nagas for the first time. Those babies will take a few more weeks, but it's starting.

Thank goodness for a heatwave in Northern England!


Chocolate Sweet Pepper

Cayenne Ring of Fire

'Orange Habanero-ling'
Are Nagas supposed to grow errect like that? I hope your seeds wernt mislabeled, or wrong seeds were given to you.

Other than that, lookin GOOD!
I've never grown Nagas, so if anyone else knows the answer to that, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've got three pods growing so far, and all are erect. There could have been some cross pollination with the piri-piri which is next to it (about two feet down, though) on one of the pods (I accidentally used the same brush), but not on the rest. But if anything, I guess I'll be growing 'Naga Piris' :shocked:
Aji Chombo said:
I've never grown Nagas, so if anyone else knows the answer to that, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've got three pods growing so far, and all are erect. There could have been some cross pollination with the piri-piri which is next to it (about two feet down, though) on one of the pods (I accidentally used the same brush), but not on the rest. But if anything, I guess I'll be growing 'Naga Piris' :shocked:

If thats the case, I have a feeling your Piris are going to be much hotter than normal :hell:

By the way, heres what a Naga Jolokia, Bih Jolokia and Naga Morich look like on the plant.

Good looking peppers
Looks like you may have the dissapointing naga jolokia(or pc-1)annuum or frutescens:(
Seeing that photo makes me wonder what it is I'm growing now...

Some of the leaves on my Naga are reaching over a foot in size easily:

Which doesn't seem to be the case with any of the three in that photo. I have the feeling had I planted this one on the ground I'd be looking at a rubber tree instead! :)

Was I given some odd mutant seed by the vendor?! (hopefully mutant in a good way). I had read in an article that Nagas were the result of crossing between some unknown chinense and frutescens, which is why I originally didn't give the upright pods much though.
Nice window grow AC.
Those large leaves are the plant telling you it wants more light.

RichardK said:
If thats the case, I have a feeling your Piris are going to be much hotter than normal :hell:

The traits of the parent plants in a cross won't become evident until the next generation is grown from the cross pollinated seed.
It must be really happy now, SS. It's had nearly a week of over 12hrs of daily sunshine and high temperatures.:)

Couple more pics

Stromboli Chilli (or Etna. I'll find out when the pods change colour)

Aji Chombo said:
It must be really happy now, SS. It's had nearly a week of over 12hrs of daily sunshine and high temperatures.:)

Nice pics. :)

If they're getting 12 hours of full direct sunlight now they'll soon be trading those larger solar collectors in for more numerous smaller ones. :D
Silver_Surfer said:
Nice window grow AC.
Those large leaves are the plant telling you it wants more light.

The traits of the parent plants in a cross won't become evident until the next generation is grown from the cross pollinated seed.

Uhh, I didnt say it would... He is simply calling it a 'Naga Piris' cross and I was referring to it as that.
This is my Orange Hab (well, the big one). It's close to three feet tall. The one to its right is a Caribbean Red Habanero, and the one on the far left is a Rocoto Rojo.


The windows all the plants are in at work are south facing and pretty much floor to ceiling glass. The white grates next to them are the radiators from the office. During the winter months they were great! Helped the plants stay warm throughout.

Libraries are great places to grow plants :D
RichardK said:
Uhh, I didnt say it would... He is simply calling it a 'Naga Piris' cross and I was referring to it as that.

I guess you interpreted his post a little differently than I and I also was aware you already knew what I stated about crosses. My post was made for AC's benefit. :)
Silver_Surfer said:
I guess you interpreted his post a little differently than I and I also was aware you already knew what I stated about crosses. My post was made for AC's benefit. :)

Just wanted to say thanks to the two of you for the information. I've got a lot to look for now with this new and strange pod. Could it be an 'accidental' F1 from the company that sold the seeds to me?

I looked at the pods again this morning, and that 'mystery naga' seems to be on course to grow to about the same size as a regular naga (It's about 1 1/2 inches in length now, and about 3/4 of an inch in width), with the distinctive 'Edward James Olmos' wrinkly look (it's got even more of the EJO this morning).

The main differene at the moment is that it's an erect pod rather than a pendant one! :eek:
Lovely baby'lings :P Its very nice to see good growing in windowsills. I gave my father some chili plants that had one foot in the grave. He made them up and running under one 11W lamp during the whole winter. Some cutbacks and now theyre flowering and fruiting perfectly in windowsills only getting direct-sun half the day. All of them long season chinenses. Here in Sweden, the people working at plant stores wouldnt even say a annum will surrender in a windowsill. On the jalapeno seed package i bought last summer it said "for greenhouses" (Swedish climate) ,,well.. even though we have a short summer I believe theyre overly sceptic :)
The Two ripe Ring of Fire Cayennes at the top I've put into the mango salad. I gave another one to a friend who'll be using it this weekend (most likely in a chile con carne), and my other peppery half ate her chocolate sweet pepper...oh, and laughed when I got a bit of ring of fire juice in my eye...:(

The rest of the pods are quite green at the moment (or purple in the Esplendor's case). But I am looking forward to that 'Naga Mutant' (hmmm, should I just call it 'Naga X'???).
I gave my other peppery half's parents (let's call her almapaprika.) two plants, a Chocolate Sweet Pepper and a Hot Cherry. They sent me a photo last week of how they are doing:

Sweet Chocolate

Hot Cherry

Not bad considering they survived a 3 hour train ride in winter to get to their new home...:)