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My First Mole Hawt Sauce

Got a kit for Christmas w/Mad Dog 357 pastes. Habanero, C. Reaper and Naga Morich.
This will be my first attempt. Please peruse my 'gredients, make suggestions....
Typically traditional Mole is made with dried peppers, seeds, nuts, fruit and chocolate. Most of the "easy" moles use pumkin seeds and peanut butter but always chocolate. Technically, by definition, Mole means sauce which nowadays can be anything. In my experience, it has become like Chile or hamburgers... different everywhere you go, some are awesome, some are not. lol

I'm looking forward to seeing yours!
This little Swiss hand pull processor really works! It does NOT, however, provide an airtight seal.
After the overflow was cleaned up;


This is before adding scorpion paste, and I gotta admit, it has a nice flavor! I was a bit skeptical that cocoa, garlic and tomato/tomatillo would blend so nice.
Here's what I threw in: (basically identical to the kit's book)
1/2 tomato
1/2 poblano (I used the whole thing
1 TB brown sugar
1 tomatillo
1 TB peanut butter
1 TB coacoa (mine was pretty heaping)
3 garlic cloves
1-5 tsp naga morich (moruga scorpion) paste--I haven't added this yet. They have Carolina Reaper paste in the destructions, I'm going to use the naga instead, just because.
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp comino
1 tsp molasses (oops, I accidentally used a TB instead)
1 tsp salt (again heaping, and used Lawry's Roasted Garlic Salt)
2 TB white vinegar (oops again, used 3)
So I'm already off the "map", but it tastes good. Now the heat, followed by a day of rest for the ingredients to marry...
Scoville DeVille said:
That is quite a line up of ingredients and definitely a Mole. You've got your peanut butter for the nuts and chocolate. The vinegar sounds interestin, but what kinda true blue person that eats food calls for a HALF of a poblano? LOL
You got me thinking on future endeavors. I have all manner of nice oily nuts, from 'stacios to brazils, sunflower to punkin...This stuff came out alright, though I only put one (heaping, again with the heaping) teaspoon of the puree in it. There are others in the family to consider, though their palates are slowly adapting. My argument that capsaicin is a cancer cure/preventative has the Mama sold...

I'm ready to make some hot sauce now. I picked up some fresh-but-store-cut pineapple, I was thinking of a mango-based HAWT chutney....Got pineapple because passionfruit is like platinum expensive up here...
My wife LOVES chutney....
Here's what Ah done....
A chicken. A bowl of Spanish-ish rice (white rice, chorizo, grilled corn, red and green bell, onion, ench sauce). Deidre's red chili (obviously from Deidre's last visit, ya ask a silly question...). The mole.

BACON grease. iron skillet. Hot.

Cut dat damm chickin UP, y'all!

Box wine in a fine, fine drinkin' glass. This'll be sophisticated cookin' now....

Brownin' boss, we be brownin'!!

Laid out real nice on that rice...

The mole Hawt applied, in the oven you GO!

Out that oven you COME!

And then we eated it...

I'm kind of glad I didn't enter this. It was "ok", but I'll never cook it like this again. The wife loved it, 16 year old girl seemed to choke it down, her visiting friend begged for "MORE MILK!!" and my 18 year old boy got about halfway through before he tossed it. Kids don't really appreciate their old man's palate, I guess.
But it was spicy. Real good, complimentary bite to it. The rice was too wet, turned out mushy, the chicken...meh. I've done better.
I said I'd share, and so I have...Thank you for your continued tolerance..... :whistle: 
I've got a historic problem with moisture and baking/roasting with rice, and vice versa. Also, I should have brined the bird. I always brine the bird, but not this time, dunno why...not.
This will be good as a leftover. No kids telling me how spicy it is. I already know.....heh heh heh heh......
It's kind of strange to me that you made a Hot Sauce, but then tried to use it as a traditional Mole dish. I bet it was tasty as hell but it was kind of like a marinade/finishing sauce? I thought you were going to use it as a "topping sauce" for tacos or eggs etc, much like LDHS or Tabasco.

Maybe you could add a cup of Chicken broth per 2-3 TBS Hawt Sauce and simmer the chicken in it, and serve with rice and beans? And Tortillas!!!

I do like the recipe tho, a couple little tweeks, and that is a keeper!
Oooooh, that chicken broth idea sounds nummy! I just bought a half dozen free range birds from the local tribe for broth and various pulled pollo experiments. 
Scovie, I got no idea what my original intent was for the Hawt sauce, I simply made it and it tastes good. Next time it will get more naga puree.