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My First Mole Hawt Sauce

Got a kit for Christmas w/Mad Dog 357 pastes. Habanero, C. Reaper and Naga Morich.
This will be my first attempt. Please peruse my 'gredients, make suggestions....
Sorrry mang, the best of worlds would NOT meld. I got...
I kept adding broth and let it cook down. Over and over again. About a half hour at a time. Till it got...

And the rice & beans I found in the freezer...

Man. we ate like pigs at a trough. I couldn't possibly get a pic of that away to you, much less a "presentation". I t happened that fast.
You bastard. You brought this "mole" goodness among us, didn't you. (How's my passive aggressive working out?) This shit is nothin' but the shit. Now my wife want mole this and mole that.
I tell you what, Scovie. This chicken mole is now the stuff to beat at my house. Ya better give me a recipe or I'm comin' out there....
Recipe is on it's way. I'm glad you dig it. Your first batch was waaaaay dry. No matter. It was more a riff off of coverting hawt sauce into a dish. The flavor was all there tho it sounds like.

This is what mine is like, just before adding the shredded chicken:


You're gonna need to get your hands on one of these. Pronto!

